I mean, I’m glad people have the option to choose whatever aesthetic they prefer.
I guess the only thing that’s disappointing is Dracthyr are the most unique race added to the game, but everyone kind of hates them and would rather just play in a form that looks like the most popular race in the game already.
How come? I don’t see what the issue is since Blizzard already took the time to make the visage forms. I could see this being the case if visage forms never existed and you were stuck in Drac form 24/7 and people were begging Blizzard to expend resources to make them, but now that they do, what’s the issue with using them?
If they could transmog I feel like this would be massively mitigated.
They are. Basically I think the way it is now works because… they are Drackthyr, not human, but options are a thing to players and we should have them.
I love the drac human look even if they do have the creepy odd look a bit of the avatars on Star Trek Online
Good news then. I’m like 99% sure Evokers can’t fight in visage form. Only non-evoker (Warrior, Mage, Priest, Warlock, Hunter, Rogue) Dracs can fight in their visage forms.
Speaking only for myself, I don’t care for the visage forms and find them both ugly, so I never switch out of the regular form in both of my evokers and my mage. Maybe someday we’ll get more options and I’ll revisit them, but for now, I never see my visage forms.
They have a ton of different hairs and customization options, different voice lines, no glowing eyes, horns and scales, I’d say they’re a pretty radical departure from belf males and human females.
I don’t think we’ll ever get transmogs for dragon form dracthyr, because I think Blizz is just done with making races that don’t share a skeletal model with a preexisting race, and if we do get another it’s going to function in the same way as drac in not being able to transmog.
This doesn’t make them less to a Human/Thalassian Elf-ersatz, which is the problem. What’s the point of playing this race then? Go and play a human or elf.
This. For example let’s say I wanted the goblin racial but I don’t like their look, so I ask blizzard to let me play an undercover goblin. You see I’m a goblin but I always look like an orc.
That’s what it is, people want glide, hover, tail sweep whatever but don’t actually want to be a dragon.
Nobody asked for that. They only asked Blizzard to allow them to use the extensively detailed model with a ton of hair and customization options that they already put hours into, that for some reason, that would be incredibly cheap to allow to swing their sword or cast a spell instead of having them turn into a dragon.
See, if hypothetically Dracs didn’t ship with their visages from the get go, and people were begging blizzard to put a ton of time effort and man power into making visage form, especially in the extensively detailed version it exists in the current game, I’d tell people to kick rocks, and I’m still not really in favour of visage combat evokers, (I just wouldn’t care if they added them).
All Blizz did was let people use the thing that they were already created and had fully functional.
I’m not asking for them to put any more time in, they already have the orc model. I want to see my transmogs on an orc not weirdly clipping on a goblin.
You shouldn’t be allowed to have a visage outside the battle to begin with. Worgen face the same issue, where people prefer to play a human. This not only goes against the whole fantasy but also hammers down that racial fantasy diversity is not appreciated and it wasted a lot of developing time.
As someone who almost always plays in Dracthyr form, even on my non-evoker Dracthyr…
I don’t care. I can see the mechanical benefit of swapping to visage while out of combat for the health regen boost and since fighting has no benefit one way or the other and it’s merely a choice in aesthetics, doesn’t matter if someone prefers one way or the other even if I prefer to be in Dracthyr form. It’s like having a taste in transmog, dracthyr mog or visage mog, some people might like full sets some people might like mix-and-match and other people might just not care and go with the clown suit.
I think this is all I see when a Dracthyr appears (here or in game) and they need to stop whining about everything. They’ve been here 3 whole years and CHOSE to play that race. Some of us races have been around a lot longer and would love some attention.