Now that the dust has settled, what do you guys think about Dracthyr being allowed to fight in visage form?

tbh if were gonna go the route of fighting in visage form and not the lizard form imo ide prefer evoker be unlocked from the race so i can play them as a vulpera or a dwarf because im not a fan of the humanoid race but i like it better than the dracthyr form. i only ever played a human for the rep gain racial back in the day. i dont enjoy the human race because it feels lazy playing as a human when there are so many other races so i just play based on what looks best for mogs. i love the evoker class and its probably the only class i enjoy as much as druids which i have been playing for 20 years but i really dont like the dracthyr race as to me it feels like a lazy moneys paw of we want dragons.


Still a horrible idea to fight in visage form.

I have never cared about dracthyr being in visage form, I just think it’s disappointing that blizzard puts in effort making evoker sets every tier that will never get seen in combat.


Hmm, I might make a lizard now. I’ve been out of the loop for a few weeks and will have to check this out.

It matters when I’m picking Power Infusion targets on my Priests.

I don’t trust any knife-ears with it unless they’re Nightborne.

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So you essentially waiting to the end of the 20th event just to make a Neener neener topic?

Since Blizzard seems determined to design Evoker mogs that only look good in Visage form, so I say give them visage form combat.

If the animations don’t work, just temporarily transform them into a dragon for the duration of that animation.


That’s me. I can’t stand the scaley vibe of dracthyr.

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How come? Whats the issue?

I’m specifically talking about non-evoker Dracthyr. While I’m not exactly against evokers being able to fight in visage form, I feel like it’s kind of a tall order.

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Honestly, wonderful and WAY overdue. Half Elves are ~ 1/3 the Stormwind area population in the lore books IIRC?
I know it’s technically Dracthyr, but the fact you can play another Half Elf option on both faction is huge. Even if it’s Draconic and magical, I think it’s really cool and a welcome addition to variety. I personally love the race and slowly intend playing it on more classes. The customization is extremely variable and well done.


Wait they can now?

That’s what I’m wondering, if people don’t want to see a Dracthyr, then why are they rolling Dracthyr? They nerfed the racials so I don’t think it’s that, is it so they can soar?


Visage out of combat
True form when fighting.

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Glide alone is good. You can never really negate the use of being able to instantly recover from any pull or knockback mechanics


I mean I’ve seen these brought up before so…

You could say this about most things on the forums lol

Wait… There are people who don’t like me running around in visage form on my Dracthyr Warrior?

I understand complaints about Evokers… as that’s essentially the same as a Guardian or Feral druid using their bearform/catform skills while not being shapeshifted… but its also not the end of the world to see it either…

Can you elaborate on this?

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I thought OP was asking about people who remain visage in combat. Basically plying as their visage form the entire time

I honestly didn’t even know they could and haven’t even noticed. Can’t say I’ve been paying attention though, I personally think they’re hideous in either form :joy: just my opinion though, I know peeps love em and that’s all that matters :man_shrugging:

I literally just want people to express why it upsets them in a coherent way. Also I wasn’t playing wow when non-evoker dracs were released, and my curiosity was eating me alive.

I thought everyone was going to tell me this was old news when I made this thread lol

You can do the hover in visage form. Also, the reason why people want to play them is they aesthetically like them. I’m on a RP server and they often times get used to RP as half elves.

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