Now that the dust has settled, what do you guys think about Dracthyr being allowed to fight in visage form?

I agree. I don’t think they look too horrible, but the lack of transmog does make them look horrible and it would be better if they could fully use transmog.


Transmog is a third of the game.


I can’t say as I’ve ever really cared personally, especially since I mostly only ever use the Visage for rp and when riding certain mounts. More power to those who wanted it, I guess.

“Well 5 people said it so that means 90% are okay with it”. Do you have post anything useful?

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What do you think about dracthyr non-evokers being able to be in visage for combat?

Don’t really care but if they do allow this, then there is zero reason to not allow Worgen the ability to choose their form either.


I have no stats about how many people care or dont about visage form, and neither do you we’re all just guessing

It’s stupid and they should change it.

Some of us make informed guesses and then there’s you. :woman_shrugging:

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I’m pretty sure the ven diagram of people who wanted combat in visage form and people who’d be at least be cool with this is like, basically a circle.


Oh my goodness random insults from an anonymous forum poster hiding on a low level alt, I have been corrected.


ide argue its the real end game.

im all for that to. let people have what they want. why are people so against more customizations and letting people play their character how they want

theres plenty of post in the evoker forums since beta about wanting either xmog or being able to fight in humanoid form


I think it’d look like a bunch of humans fighting, and culturally-erase the proud lizard-people’s identity and representation from the the PvE scene.

you want a human to get on his belly and fly across the room while spewing out magic sparkles from his mouth?

I just don’t think that’d look right…

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I’m all for people having as many options as possible too but I still have my question, why would you play Dracthyr or worgen if you wanted to spend all of your time as a human?

Serious question.


Dracthyr should be in dracthyr mode.

If you don’t want to play dracthyr you have several other races to play with.


All my “Draconic” OCs had built-in humanoid forms, so for me it was most welcome.

Like the age old argument with druids, you can’t really do a class, nevermind a race with such limited expression of transmog in modern, collection-focused WoW without shapeshifting options. A fully transmog-expressed “humanoid form” was always a necessity, because we can’t really expect regular expansion of the built-in armor sets of dragon form, but we CAN expect regular transmog expansion.

Team “chosen identity” for life.


should be able to post and show up in the log in screen in their visage form.


Um, loaded questions aside… I like to fight in my visage form.

Every now and then, I get the mood to be some sort of Shadow Dragon, and use my lizard form.

But I mostly fight in my visage form. It’s like being a Blood Elf, with better customizations, and floatyness

If people have a problem with it… I haven’t noticed. In game, People tell me how awesome my transmog is, just like when I was a Blood Elf. So, no change there.


Transmog > everything else. Sorry blame blizz not me. :man_shrugging:


I like it and I do both on my dragon warrior. It’s a nice flavor sort of thing.

But they can’t fight in visage form as an Evoker, right? That’s all I really care about honestly.