Oh well. Like I said, there’s plenty of other casters to play as. There’s also plenty of other races to play as well. If you roll a dracthyr you need to suck it up and deal with everything that comes with it. Part of that is looking like an 8ft lizard with wings.
I agree actually. Not going to cry any tears if visage combat evokers get released but if it was up to me you’d be stuck in dragon form for evokers.
Kitsune already turn into humans in Japanese mythology. Wouldn’t be hard to conjure up lore.
Give them multiple tails too, for the Sonic fandom.
And if you somehow make it nine, then you can attract the Naruto fandom.
Alright, well, we’ll have to agree to disagree, I think something totally original with no prior lore connections is lame and people probably wouldn’t like it.
I think that, given the pre-established lore that already exists regarding dragons and their visages. Dracthyr visages randomly functioning identically to worgen with their human form rather than being closer to dragon visages would be the far greater lore contrivance.
You just described the dracthyr race.
They’re tied to Neltharion lorewise.
In a wider scope, they’re tied to the legacy of black dragons.
There were no inklings about their existence until their reveal.
And considering Neltharion’s experiments, they might as well be a retcon.
Sort of, I’ve said if it was up to me they wouldn’t exist at all. But there is still a tenous connection to lore as they’re relatives to and connected to other dragonkin, sharing a lot more in common with regular dragons than other dragonkin like dragonspawn or drakonids.
The difference is a tenous connection vs no connection, Taunka and Yaungol were all new lore, but they were also variants/relatives of pre-existing races. This elf but sometimes fox Kitsune wouldn’t be connected to preexisting races or lore.
could toss in that Vulpera had that ability all along. Add some elves that were secretly vulpera.
Well yeah, WoW’s classes are all about retcons. The Demon Hunters were eradicated in TBC, but in Legion they were just captured. In MoP Chen came from the Wandering Isle instead of Pandaria. Oh look, Neltharion actually created the chromatic dragons his son attempted to create eons ago. It’s typical stuff from Blizzard, but not even close to their worse arsepulls. In fact, it’s one of their better ones.
Didn’t vulpera themselves essentially come out of nowhere?
You’ve said it pretty well. I think this hypothetical elf vulpera “kitsune” would be, by a gigantic margin a bigger worse arsepull.
You chose your class, you knew the perks and downsides, now live with your decision & own up to your choice.
If you don’t understand the concept, then yes, it doesn’t mean anything to you. It is like telling someone who never understood math that 2+2=4. “That doesn’t mean anything, LOL”.
The concept is the same, it is not my fault that you’re unable to grasp it.
So… it is all coming out of your head. Absolutely zero source. All made up by you.
You’re doubling down on this dumb argument you’re making.
I didn’t say lore.
I said the concept is the same.
Worgens have a human form, which is customizable just like the the Dracthyr has their dragonkin and then their visage. Once out of combat, they revert to that “out of combat” form.
If you use Dark flight (worgen racial) while in human form, they instantly go into Worgen.
Try the same with your Dracthyr. Go into your visage and then use Hover. Then come back and have a conversation like an adult if you can.
If it’s something as fundamental as combat and in the game, you need a quote to contradict it being canon.
Hover, you mean the double jump thing, that you can also use in visage? Same as wing buffet? Do you currently have the game installed on your computer? You can check this very easily.
“it is better to leave stupidity unansweared”
_ Henceforth, 2025.
/cast Hover
You don’t even have the class apparently. You don’t know what skills your character has.
Hover is a evoker class ability not a racial dude lmao. Loud and wrong.
I get disoriented seeing so many more male blood elf silhouettes but it’s whatever.
What bothers me is I know fighting in visage form is allowed because they have no intention of letting the dragon form use full transmog.
None of my Dracthyr Priest’s abilities force Dracthyr form.