Now that the dust has settled, what do you guys think about Dracthyr being allowed to fight in visage form?

Visage doesn’t need to exist if you care about the true form.

A race (any race) should attract more players if they could transform into another race, compared to if they can’t. (Because it’s an additional cosmetic option for the player.)

The real concern is game design and lore which people don’t seem to care about at all.

I enjoy both forms, and I enjoy being in combat in either form, as I choose. The Dracthyr have that.

It isn’t an either / or situation- like some people think it should be.

I can have both and enjoy both as I choose. And I do.

(I think you meant shouldn’t?…)

I mean, that is your opinion. You didn’t design the class or the race.

Nonsense. There is no issue here, other than as you mentioned earlier - simply a matter of taste.

As far as Game Design, it gives people who want them more cosmetic options that have proven popular among the Playerbase - Elves and Humans.

As far as lore, the lore is there if you care to understand it. Wrathion and Ebonhorn help the Dracthyr learn about Visages in the first place.

As far as Game Design and Lore, Dracthyr remaining in visage during combat fits, and serves the player base well.

/glides around looking like a Blood Elf with a mustache and no chin hair


If you granted an additional race option, like say Vulpera can turn into elves for some reason, do you think less people will play them or more?

They can conjure up any lore for it to fit.

It’s for the best. In fact I hope they remove the requirement to turn into a dragon-thing to use your flying racial. It’s clear that the dragon-thing form is not very popular.

And you should not be playing dracthyr.

You gonna stop me? Just admit it. The dragon-thing model failed. It’s not good and it’s lazy. No proper mogging, no difference between genders. It’s crap. No surprise people elect to play in the humanoid form exclusively.


I see when reality has proven you wrong, you have to shift to baseless hypotheticals.

Since the facts and reality I laid out have proven you wrong, you came up with that?

You talk about the lore being your concern - I am talking about the current lore.

There has never been lore about Vulpera having visages of elves - if they had that when they were introduced, it wouldn’t be an issue.

However, there has been lore about dragons having visages since before World of Warcraft. Dracthyr have had them since they were introduced, and there is a lore reason behind it, as described by Wrathion and Ebonhorn.


Blizzard caves, ez money. Just like the brutosaur.

Oh, I’m saying that any race able to transform to another will be more popular compared to one that can’t.

Dracthyr are also not the dragons players are looking for.

I understand the OP posed the question - so it’s not like you made this thread to hate on visages in combat. You likely saw a thread and are just posting your opinion.

However… what of it?

Your hypotheticals and “What If?” scenarios aside… we are where we are. I am not sure what sort of change people would want going forward.

Do they want Blizzard to just erase Dracthyr? Some folks enjoy them enough.

Do they want Dracthyr to have ALL races as an option? I would be fine with that.

Do they want Dracthyr to turn into Lizards in combat as a punishment or something, because Dracthyr are ugly and we must “suffer our shame” or something?

It really comes off as spite or some other pettiness, once you figure out that the Lore and Game Design arguments against Dracthyr visages are empty.


By lore, Dracthyr should be able to choose any visage, but no, it’s a marketing gimmick.

I find it problematic that people play dracthyr, just to avoid being dracthyr. So the other classes shouldn’t have had special treatment.

Blizz caves, and here we are.

Makes more sense for Worgen because their story was about mastering their worgen side.

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I would call it a business decision.

I am sure it would have taken more work to create a more typical looking dragon that people probably wanted. And to give them other racial visages. So they used a rig that was easier to work with, picked among the most popular races to be visages - blood elf and human.

As the song goes : If you can’t be with the one you love, love the one you’re with. We don’t have the dragon with Vulpera form to love, but we can love the lizard with blood elf form we do have.

They play a Dracthyr to enjoy the race, which comes with a highly customizable visage. Along with a lizard form.

Finding Racial Customizations that are entirely lore accurate problematic seems purely a matter of taste… like if you found anyone who doesn’t use Night Elf Face #6 problematic, purely because you feel it is the true Night Elf face.

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I wager a fraction do that. Many wouldn’t care at all if dracthyr was simply retconned to another type of elf/human.

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Except thats false equivalence as one has established lore with regular dragon visages and one is totally random and has no established lore.

Do you sincerely think that a vulpera who could randomly turn into a elf with no lore justification would be seen as totally fine and not stupid by the general playerbase compared to Dracthyr which do have a strong lore justification?

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I’m sure most everyone would think vulpera suddenly gaining a playable elf visage option would be seen as totally stupid, but I also don’t think that would stop people from swapping to the race anyway because you’ll have just opened up the first avenue for elf shamans and that’s all they’d care about, lore be damned. It’s one of the reasons why the blood elf population on the horde is so high to begin with, and some argue even that was bad lore at the time since Blizzard openly stated that it was just to get more people playing the faction.

I think the popularity of void elves prove this too. While I know some genuinely enjoy the concept for what it is, the overwhelming opinion I’ve seen about them is that the race is just a stepping stone option to play as high elves instead.

I have seen 1 single dracthyr of the non evoker classes using their lizard form since they added them
That says it all i think

Not saying to be a smart Alec or to troll but I don’t pay much attention to dracthry. Did I even spell that right? So you see my forum character . Literally the only dracthry on my account if I remember. She’s been lvl 60 for nearing two years now. I do nothing with her she’s just a forum account.

I know to some appearances don’t matter as long as they like the character but I need to like the character for its class abilities and how it looks.

Whatever arguments have been made or excuses given on the matter it’s beyond ridiculous that the dracthry were approved for release. They look ridiculous utterly ridiculous. Then mogs don’t work on them and blizzard said “ok release it”?!

How do people that make such decisions get to call themselves designers or developers?

If you’re a baker but your cakes taste terrible would you still feel pride that you are a “professional baker”?!

Keep things the way they are please. Evoker is the dragon class, so we should look like dragons in combat.


You can have that and have people can stay visage form, more choice is good.
Adding the option does not take it away from you.

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It takes away the flavor, lore, and purpose of the class. Being forced to be a dragon in combat should be a requirement as an Evoker.

There’s plenty of other spellcasters to choose from.

Sounds like you’re just petty and want everyone else to suffer i guess
the numbers don’t lie, least played class atm because of its horrible transmog/appearance options