did you just lose your argument because your Dracthyr exit his visage form?
did you just lose your argument because your Dracthyr exit his visage form?
Okay you’re trolling LOL.
I’ll concede I should have picked up on this sooner.
fine then i want 100% transmog on the dracthyr form as thats the only possible compromise when it comes to the mcdonalds at home dragon. there a failed dragon race. calling them a dragon is like calling a roc or a snake a dragon
I find the Visage customisation options extremely fun, I’ve made a few dracthyr and they are all very different. If the Visage form wasn’t an option, I wouldn’t play dracthyr I think altho the race has grown on me while playing my characters I must admit.
Blizzard has slept on actual class fantasy for all but a single expansion since old world. Why should ANYONE be forced to adhere to Blizz’s goofy random rules on the matter now? Let players look however they want. And break down all transmog walls too. If warriors want to run around in cloth, go for it. RPG…
If this were the case then they’d let evokers fight in visage as well, which they can’t. While I’m pretty unhappy that Dracthyr can’t transmog I don’t think they ever intended to allow them to honestly. You have to remember we haven’t got a race with a new skeleton/rig since 2018 with the KTs, and people (stupidly) defend this generally stating its too big a task for Blizz. So I feel like if it came between making drac and expending the money to make them be able to transmog, or just scrapping the race altogether, they’d have scrapped the race.
It’s the right choice to do.
If you don’t want to play a dragon, just wait until the Evoker-class will be released on a regular elf-race, if this is the only reason for you to play them.
Evokers can’t fight in visage form because they are constantly flapping their wings, breathing fire, swiping their tails, etc. They would need different animations for visage attacks.
I remember reading that the reason Dracthyr can’t transmog was an artistic decision, not a technical one. Blizz wanted to show off all the dragon scales/body patterns/colors and gave them armor as a customization that wouldn’t clip into their wings. If you look at winged NPCs in Shadowlands they have similar armor setups.
Could be they felt Dracthyr would look goofy in full transmog. IDK. Maybe between allowing it and fielding constant complaints from players about clipping they went with not allowing it. We do complain a lot. But we’ve also had manes/tusks/horns/hooves/paws clipping through things. Female pandaren heels clip through their robes and always have. Worgen, tauren, and vulpera have weird looking boots from being digitigrade… I think we could have lived with it.
As for the skeleton and rig, it’s female worgen. Or the Havoc metamorphosis (which may also be fem worgen). Both?
If warriors want to run around in cloth, go for it.
i miss doing this in vanilla. i had a full set of str cloth and a str staff and i would run around in bgs trolling so hard.
I remember reading that the reason Dracthyr can’t transmog was an artistic decision, not a technical one.
Well, I mean I think they’re lying lol.
it’s female worgen. Or the Havoc metamorphosis (which may also be fem worgen). Both?
Incubus as well.
Dracthyr shouldn’t fight in visage, for the same reason soldiers don’t fight in burqas.
Bro what
I did this too, except I wasn’t trolling, I just had no idea what I was doing XD
I started early BC and was running around old world content in mixes of cloth and mail armor, had spirit gear and a buckler XD
it started as a joke with my friend at a cyber cafe and it just escalated. the cloth ended up being upgrades to pieces to so it wasnt event like i wore crap gear to do it
Sounds like you’re just petty and want everyone else to suffer i guess
the numbers don’t lie, least played class atm because of its horrible transmog/appearance options
There are reasons not to be in favour of evoker’s being able to fight in visage, aside from the obvious lore reasons of a human/elf breathing fire, they also would need to redo the animations, where as with the visages with other classes all the animations are already done so there’s not much work that needs to be put into it.
That says it all i think
It doesn’t really say a lot, honestly. I play a Dracthyr. I don’t play it on an RP server, because I don’t care about roleplaying a Dracthyr. I do however like to have a theme in mind for my characters - just not some fanatical, die-hard, set in stone theme. What does all that mean?
It means I play a Dracthyr because I like the thought of playing a Dracthyr. I like Visage because I get to actually see my tmogs. I have it set to go Dragonform when in combat, because I like being a dragon in combat. I like my tmog when outside of combat. Now, it might be arrogance, but I’m pretty sure that most people are more like me than not like me when it comes to Dracthyr. The racials are nice. The theme is nice. The visuals are nice. If my tmog showed in Dracthyr form I would probably spend more time in that form. Does it mean I “only want to play an elf”? No. Not at all. Tmogs look great on the human and elf models, which is likely a big part of why people like those models so much. But no, I don’t want to play an elf. I want to play a Dracthyr that socializes in a more humanoid form, and fights like a dragon. With FIRE. Destruction Warlock, Fire Mage, Arms Warrior (because my god does he recover quickly), etc.
You are projecting your disdain onto others blindly. You are seeing what you want to see. If you’re in groups and watching to see if people are turning into dragons or not, you need to either stop, or get booted from the group. There’s bosses to down. Timers to beat. Mechanics to dodge.
I know it’s not the “point” of the dracthyr race, but even if drakonids or bigger body shapes aren’t an option, I wish I could make mine look a bit more… monster-y, I guess? A boxier snout, protruding teeth like most of the other dragonkin get, a less graceful-looking stance. I feel even the tarasek look more interesting.
Oh absolutely. I really would have preferred Drakonids but it’d be nice if Dracthyr were at least kind of scarier, or had the option to be so.
I really would have preferred Drakonids but it’d be nice if Dracthyr were at least kind of scarier
They need an Orc hunch option.