Now that the dust has settled, what do you guys think about Dracthyr being allowed to fight in visage form?

Insecure people, who just want to play their perfect self in a video game. It always boils down to this.

If they’re not evokers, yes.


Their visage form is just human with extra bits. Same animations, even the same dances. Who cares? Biggest letdown of a race, I have zero interest in them. And zero interest in stone Ben Stein dwarves either.

If I knew being in my visage during combat bothered random people who have nothing to do with it… I would have enjoyed it even more!

I am glad I read this thread. It gives me another reason to enjoy my visage form.

Watch me glide without wings… and rage!


This doesn’t mean anything LOL, they don’t.

They literally have, unless you also don’t think that Maghar, Dark Iron are “new”. They have a massive amount of customization options and share no faces with the preexisting human females and belf males.

Wow you’re wildly wrong, number one and most importantly, as of the live game, they literally do not LOL. Go and make a dracthyr warrior, go into visage, attack a rat in the major city. You will not be kicked out of your visage. If you refuse to acknowledge what is in the literal game I’m just going to assume you’re trolling.

Number two and as for the lore, the visage and worgen turning back into humans shares zero commonality at all. Regular dragons, which Dracthyr are derived from, are capable of fighting in visage form, so thus that’s why Dracthyr in the game, can fight in visage form.

I don’t need a quote from a Dracthyr character stating “Hey we’re able to fight in our visages” when I can see with my eyes that I’m able to fight in my visage.

Likewise! Also, evidently it doesn’t just make bother them, it puts them into a state of denying reality itself.

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All this means is that you have horrible taste, be proud of that I guess for some reason.

All of the dracthyr non-evoker classes are already available to humans and belfs/velfs already. Have you considered that there are things that are unique to the Dracthyr visage that people enjoy?

I can ascertain if my tastes are good by whether or not the worst people hate them. If they do, then I know it’s good.

Clearly, what we need is less blood elf / Night Elf / Human customization and yet another offshoot.


This is a public forum, you know?

I generally prefer to run around in visage, but do switch forms from time to time. It is one of my favourite races. There are differences from humans/elves while in visage.

I paricularly like to leave visage if desperate in a fight.

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I mean, if it is a matter of taste, that definitely varies from person to person.

I can weigh your petty insult against the compliments I get on my transmog while I am in my visage.

The people on the ground fighting alongside me often compliment my outfit, and they couldn’t see it in lizard form. I do it for the people.

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And your outfit is so dependent on dracthyr visage, and wouldn’t work at all if it was on a human or elf?

I am of the opinion that glide should force you to leave visage.

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I’d like their dragon form way more if they were actually allowed to see half the stuff they have equipped.

There is absolutely no way they designed a set that looks as good as this tier’s and then made it so you can barely see any of it because Dracthyr can’t use half those appearances.

You can’t see it in Lizard form, only in Visage form.

One big reason I went to Dracthyr is that their visage has a Mustache that is not tied to chin hair- just a mustache.

Blood Elves do not have that option. All their mustaches are tied to chin hair.

IRL I might rock a mustache, but I am not a fan of the chin hair look.


Which echoes this perfectly.

If you mean it shows how wrong you are, then sure, it certainly does.

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You said the only reason you cared is the mustache.

Did I? Maybe your eyes are damaged, which explains how wrong you are :

Some how “one big reason” turned into “the only reason” in that excuse for a brain of yours.

Reading is fundamental.


It’s close enough to not be worthy of a mention.

If your reason can be solved with additional customization of existing races, it’s a bad one.

Have you considered Blood Elves do not have an additional lizard form? And they can’t float around?

I like to turn into my lizard form when I use that one Warlock cool down that turns you purple for 20 or so seconds - it looks like a shadow dragon, shooting shadow spells.

I enjoy having the Lizard form there when I choose - which Blood Elves do not have.

I also enjoy my visage, and people often compliment me on it.

And they have better facial hair options.