Now that the dust has settled, what do you guys think about Dracthyr being allowed to fight in visage form?

Bro they literally have dragon powers and were created by Neltharion as a experiment.

It’s in the game? Evokers not being able to fight in visage form is in the game. (Something I don’t think Blizz just forgot to add) When its in the game the burden is on you to show lore or text that directly contradicts Dracthyr’s ability to fight in visage form.

The idea that Dracthyr’s visage works the same as worgen being unable to stay in their human form during combat is pure nonsensical headcanon.

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None of that equates to DNA. I specifically told you how they were created.

There is no written lore in game that claims “you can stay in visage form as Dracthyr but only for these classes.”

Other classes were added to Dracthyr much later, without storyline and with a gameplay change to fight in visage.

Good thing I never claimed that it works the same. Because it doesn’t. I said that I believed it should have been that way.

I don’t know what bad argument you’re trying to have here, but everything you’ve said has been incorrect and I have no desire to entertain this further. Have a good night.

Written lore isn’t necessary when it’s directly implicit in the fact that you can do it, and evokers can’t. You don’t need someone to say “You can do this” when you can witness with your own eyes that you’re doing it. I could understand if this was some obscure gameplay element but like… It’s combat. It’s not head canon that they can fight in visage, they’re literally doing it, it’s not head canon that evokers can’t, they literally can’t.


Does the dust ever truly settle?

Yes, but it’s the opposite here. You take away from the Drakthyr. If you don’t realize that playing humans in a high fantasy game is problematic to a degree, where other races should be forced to have the human or blood elf skin for the sake of making it endurable for the player, then clearly something went wrong here.

Ehh specious argument. Worgen would like a word? And dragons all have visage, they didn’t create it to cover up a mistake.

Worgen should be the exception to the rule. With the constant nagging for human and blood elf druids, it clear to me that the players of wow do not want to play a fantasy game but just game of thrones to a certain degree, where their beautiful bodies can do anything everywhere, anytime, anyplace.

I think it’s about time Blizzard pushes the racials of every race but the popular ones to a tipping point, where race changes became a considerable choice.

Wouldn’t have been needed if they just let them transmog. But visages aren’t standing between Blizz and letting drac transmog.

Also I mean, they’re supported by lore, they’re dragons who cast spells from different flights, the regular dragons can use visages, it’s really simple.

I agree with you here, but see it from this pov: They had to make them like this, because they know how insufferable wow players are. They give them fantasy races and they aren’t played or even considered. Everything has to be a Blood Elf (or High Elf for the Alliance) and Human to be actually played.

The problem is caused by actual lack of a) racial theme transmogs, which are FOMO or not even available to the players and b) an overburden of awful racials and bad design choices made by the developer team. Just look at the Mechagnomes. A neat race but poorly designed on several layers, like the Drakthyr.

Given the Drakthyr combat visage forms would be a big failure. The best compromise they could do, is to give them playable visage forms for any races but humans, high/blood elves, nightelves and -bornes. This would open up race diversity at least.

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Well wow is more of a science fantasy. It has science fiction, space and magic stuff. so science fantasy.

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They had to make them like this because Dracthyr are a response to players asking for playable dragons. A huge, HUGE, HUGE part of the fantasy of Dragons within the world of warcraft universe, is that they turn into regular people and live among regular people.

Nobody at all, asked for Dracthyr, nobody asked for lizard experiments, so blizzard decided that they’d at least sort of kind of try to fulfill the fantasy of dragons with Dracthyr. I can get where your coming from with them only being able to be humans/belfs, totally. But there’s kind of a precedent of those being the most common visage forms.

Ideally, they never would have made Dracthyr in the first place, but as I’ve said, the money is spent, the visage forms are very detailed, it fits with the lore, there’s not any good reason not to let people play them.


We get more elf and human characters running around but now with horns. It would have been neat if when they allowed this to happen they had a few more races ready to go for the visage form.

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hmm… YES?
I didn’t say they LOOK the same.
They have the same practicality, but I didn’t think I had to draw it up to you.

Dragonkin races have access to a visage. In Dracthyr’s case, they have a special visage, which you can customize as you can see.

Mag’har Orcs ARE Orcs.
Dark Iron Dwarfs ARE Dwarfs.

They are the same races.

Just like the Worgen launched with human and Worgen forms…

Just like the Human form for worgens.

And both of them have to remain in their race’s appearance in combat.
Wow… Is it Blizzard just being… coherent?

Blizzard has not implemented.
The Visage form for Dracthyr is reusing the same assets from Male Blood Elf and Female Humans. They have not created anything new.

Plus, you don’t have anything to backup your claim, Blizzard has never spoken about it as well, so, all made up from you.

Can you flap your wings in Visage form? Your visage doesn’t have wings.

What a concept.
People want to play a Dragonkin race but never use the dragonkin visual.

Alliance players btw.

…Reading some of this has been one of the worst experiences on this forum for me.

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I make dracthyr to be a lizard (and, occasionally when the mood strikes me, hot elves). I dunno what’s got everyone’s else’s pants in a twist. :dracthyr_shrug:

In addition to my previous remark, I feel like making a playable dragon race at all was a mistake.

The titans created dragons to be an altruistic group to keep an eye on various aspects of Azeroth and only intervene when a threat arose to the level of needing their involvement to defeat it

Wait…Dracthyr can fight in Visage form???

You are making an argument that kinda isn’t even a point because the titans did not create Dracthyr.


Same thing as Worgen, what’s the point of playing a race if you aren’t going to actually BE the race?


Same way Druids complain about being in an Owl form to throw stars at people. What’s the point of even being a Druid over a Mage? They want everything but the shapeshift.

They wanna look like Alexstrasza but don’t wanna be Alexstrasza. or something like that…