Now that the dust has settled, what do you guys think about Dracthyr being allowed to fight in visage form?

But Dracthyr totally aren’t dragons! Ignoring the fact that they have the same powers as them, and were made from their dna.

They’re lizard experiments!

Which all of this is insane to me because what Dracthyr are already something almost nobody asked for, but it at least has some modicum of lore relevance and appeal. However if the “not dragons just lame lizard experiments” crowd got their way, they’d be even less appealing and something definitely nobody asked for.

Dracthyr as bipedal dragons that are narratively supposed to be extremely similar and have massive glaring similarities to dragons, are generally, a not a very good idea, lore wise, writing wise, just a mistake.

But Dracthyr as lizard experiments with basically no connection to dragons, barring being created by one, would be a egregiously AWFUL idea, by a significant margin.

Thankfully we got lucky and Blizzard picked the less bad idea.

They don’t have the exact same powers. And they were not made from their DNA.

What way is that?

The way of making dracthyr

In general, considering WoW is a game and a creative universe with pretty massive extensive lore, and lots of races people have been asking for, making a totally new race with no preestablished lore and borderline no narrative connection to anything else is a really, really bad idea.

Dracthyr aren’t really great or satisfying as bipedial narratively similar dragons but the “lizard experiment” version of Dracthyr makes that version look incredible in comparison.

dracthyr are the monkeys paw we got mcdonalds at home version of a dragon that nobody wanted

I don’t see anyone that has claimed they want this.

You mean like Junker Gnomes, Blood Elves, Kul Tiran, etc?

Junker gnomes are gnomes, gnomes already existed in the lore. Blood elves (which are a cultural distinction of high elves) have been in the lore since wc2, KT aren’t canonically all that big and are also decently supported by the reality that some humans are tall and buff.

So, not like any of those.

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Their lore was not pre-established and there was no narrative connection to anything else until they just made up that island.

Apologies. I meant Void Elves.

KT are not a separate race and had no reason to be.

You got a point there.

They’re gnomes and blood elves, that’s their narrative connection. Dragon Dracthyr are narratively connected as they’re dragons with dragon derived powers.

Lizard experiment not-dragon Dracthyr would have no connection because they’d basically be Neltharions entirely original creation, like if he made Worm people or Kangaroo people.

while nobody likes mechagnomes and everyone makes jokes about them there lore is established and goes way back. kul’tirans go back to wc3 i cant remember if wc2/1 or not since its been a life time since i played them. blood elves also have lore back to wc2 so you dont really have a argument here with these 3 races. dracthyre lore is pretty much they were a neltharion hobby

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That’s not what a narrative connection means.

What you’re talking about is something that popped up out of nowhere for no real reason— which is exactly what Junker Gnomes and Velfs did. Mechagnomes from Mimiron are NOT at all the Mechagnomes we got. They were a made up, tossed in thing that no one asked for and had zero connection to anything. Same with Velfs.

Have never and will never be an argument in any of these threads, so I don’t know why this is even being brought up.

No I’m not, you’re misunderstanding me. Because Dracthyr, the dragon Dracthyr also fit that description, I mean something that’s entirely new completely and isn’t related to anything else in universe, like bipedal worm people or Kangaroo people. Which would be the same thing as winged not-dragon Lizard experiment people.



So you’re misunderstanding what literally everyone is saying.

When we say “lizard experiment,” that was never literal.

We joke about how they look like lizards. That doesn’t mean they are lizards.

Dracthyr are experiments derived from dragonmen and the essence power of the Aspects. They are not dragons.

Functionally speaking this is the same thing as them being not-dragon Lizards. Being dragons in a narrative sense, as in closely sharing narrative elements like having dragon powers, and having a visage (and also being able to fight in said visage like how dragons can) is better than sharing no narrative elements and basically being lizard experiments.

With them sharing some elements, they at least appeal to some players.

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It absolutely is not.

They do share narrative elements. They just aren’t dragons.

I don’t understand why this is so difficult.

Well, to correct myself, it would be if they didn’t have narrative connections, like their visages, and being able to fight in said visages.

Speaking of, one of those narrative elements is being able to fight in their visage form, just like dragons. I think we’re on the same page then?

You mean the gameplay element that was added later on for other classes that shouldn’t exist? Dracthyr visage isn’t dragon visage. Specifically stated in game.

I will always be adamantly against a race looking like a base race all the time. It should have always worked the same as Worgen: you turn when you’re in combat, unless you stay in Worgen form full time.

I’m always happy for options when it comes to how our characters look.
I wish they would let evokers play in visage now, that would be awesome.

It’s not a “gameplay element”, it’s canon, the only reason why evokers can’t stay in visage is because their powers are inherently draconic, where as a Dracthyr mage’s spells, or warrior’s abilities wouldn’t be draconic. It’s a very simple canon answer for why it’s in the game instead of assuming it’s completely non-canon for reasons that are entirely based upon the fact that you don’t like it and don’t want it to be canon.

Dragons, whos DNA Dracthyr share a lot of, can fight in their visage, so whether they’re the exact same or not clearly they share this ability. Is there any line of text that directly implies that Dracthyr cannot maintain their visage in combat other than the fact that evokers can’t? Because Evokers have a very good reason for that.

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Yes. It is. Nowhere is there any lore for “you can stay in visage form.” It was literally a gameplay mechanic added later for other classes not Evoker.

Everything else you said is your headcanon. Including this: