I have it set to keep me in visage out of combat and switch me to my real form as soon as i start firing off chaos bolts, just like my evoker.
I’ll forgive your ignorance because you probably skipped over the ending quests of Dragonflight where the Dracthyr were choosing their Visage and Emberthal chose no visage.
The Drathyr is the dragonkin form. You’re a dragonkin. Grow up and accept it. Or continue this childish discussion with very poor grammar that makes my eyes bleed out of this amount of stupidity.
The thread can be found here.
Repulsed is a strange summary of the responses - the first four on the thread were also positive. I skimmed it, and I don’t even think most responses were negative.
Giving players more choice is seldom a bad thing.
good for you criticizing things nobody cares about since you obviously dont have a argument
there not dragons stop trying to make something that isnt part of them. dragons are however the closest thing for them to connect to with is why dragons help them with and explain the visage. emberthal choosing no visage is just how there going to try and justify this stupid decision. im glad the grammar problems make your eyes bleed cause reading your garbage argument hurts due to the amount of stupidity and ignorance. like i said earlier go in the corner because your not adding to this discussion your just wasting peoples time
kinda like when i suggested something similar to calm the wolf when worgens first came out and the forums trashed me but hey years down the road people finally realized aesthetic options doesn’t break the game,
Gonna need some citations for all of this, chief.
my brewmaster elves/humans can breathe fire just fine.
The Worgen’s human form is identical to the regular human appearance.
The visage is shared with no other race, looks more different from elves and humans than Maghar or Dark Iron’s do from their original races, and the Dracthyr launched with the visage, it’s as much a part of Dracthyr as the yoke is part of an egg. The fact that they can fight in visage is canon, and as a result Blizzard has implemented it.
Why on earth would I do that when combat in visages is allowed already? Hell I don’t even have to reenable it when I log on and off the character.
And, as you say.
Before they could use them in the same way that you could “use” a cup that you’re not allowed to drink out of and put liquids into.
Fortunately Blizzard amended this when they released non-evoker dracs.
No, worgens should play worgen in combat. That is it. Adrenaline is why they change in combat. No such thing for the lizard abominations.
That isn’t magic, that is alcohol fire breathing.
literally just wanted sometthing to automatically switch forms back to human after combat
Yeah, because your adrenaline recedes and you literally calm the wolf inside of you.
But yes, calm the wolf is cool
Oh yeah, this is absolutely fair.
Still…think that if you want to be a human or elf just play a human or elf…we finally get a dragon race and people don’t wanna play them as dragons. I for one haven’t touched my dracthyr in months as I don’t care for the visage forms so why would I make more? They need to let armor besides just belt and shoulders be seen on the dragon form already. I mean I show up as a dracthyr and people complain at me that I look ugly and need to use my visage so… yeah fun of a dragon race is ruined for me right there. I’ve been kicked from a group as a dracthyr for not being in the visage 90% of the time, people can call me a liar if they want but it still happened and it disgusts me how people can be some days so why would I make more Dracthyr to get that again?
Good, nobody wants to see that ugly looking thing.
I don’t think they were ever going to do this. KT was the last race to have a original skeleton rig and that was in 2018. Dracthyr were a compromise on their de-facto “no new skeletons” policy. I think if Blizzard had a hardline policy of never releasing a race that couldn’t wear transmog, and were given a “Don’t make Dracthyr or spend the time and money to make Dracthyr and let them wear transmog” they’d pick the former option.
They look different from a human or elf, if they somehow rolled ALL of the visage customization options (Including the face scales and horns) into human females and belf males, then I’d maybe consider this argument. But as it stands they’re sufficiently different, radically different I’d say.
That sucks, sorry that happened.
I do not in any way disagree with this sentiment. I still believe what I wrote was correct, but I am willing to admit that you also might be correct. It might be that both of us are correct and that’s part of the question they really have to ponder. Do I want to appear a beast to them, or civilized? Why not both? Why not neither?
they did. it was the main argument against naga and any race like that. the amount of work would be immense or there would be limited transmog
So? Just saying it’s already totally possible for non dragon characters to breathe fire on classes. They also could have done the first new caster class they’ve added in such a way that every race could use it in the first place, instead of making it require a dragon form.
but visage is what makes wow dragons wow dragons