“forever”, but it’s like 10 years. The Dracthyr were a side experiment that did not last a long time before they were abandoned and put in stasis. None of them have ever even had kids.
And they COULD do it, they were just told they couldn’t do they didn’t try.
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But you could use them
Why isn’t the opposite of true?
Making these unique races just for people not to use them
no but your comparing the most popular race in the game to the single least popular one. you people who defend this failed experiment lack critical thinking since everything is black and white to you. it either is 1 thing or the other no in between
I love it. I wish they would do that with the Worgen folk too!
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Some things are less popular, and that is fine. And they can become more popular if they got transmog for example.
Else, why argue against “cosmetic support?”
I like it and I also want this for worgen if they do not already have that BUT the worgen need some way to motivate them to use their worgen form from time to time. Rapid generation and a rapid travel mod to replace the need for a ground mount perhaps?
dracthyr probably would be more popular with the ability to transmog but blizzard seems dead set on not doing that or letting people stay in visage form in combat so with 2/3 of the options being denied because blizzard has to first make a stupid decision and then double down atleast once before admitting they were wrong its easier to just unlock the class for other races. im also not arguing against cosmetic support ive always been arguing for transmog for the dracthyr form or allowing combat in visage so that people can see their transmog and then at the very end is the class opened up to other races. its only ever been about cosmetic support. the limited range for evoker is dumb but ide rather see my transmog than have non melee range
Because visage gave them a reasonable excuse not to.
Visage should not exist.
I only play in visage form and won’t play the Evoker class for that reason alone. I like the visage customization options. 
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there is no reasonable excuse and visage was only a bandaid on a evisceration. not only did it not fix or cover up the problem it created another problem. ide argue that visage wasnt the problem but the entire race should not exist as its not what anyone wanted and deff not what was promised
And yes, we didn’t need dracthyr to exist at all.
In a game with abysmal class balance, clearly we need more classes.
Same will be true for the newest class they create.
Nobody wanted evokers, we all wanted tinkers.
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I do not really mind the draconic traits like hors and a few scales on the visage form but please give them better faces.
i mean ya they suck at class balance so lets keep adding classes to the mess. rather than hope for something they got right once as a fluke lets steer into it but rotate the fotm every season. we didnt need the race but the class is a nice edition even if they made some widely acknowledged dumb decisions with it.
the non lizard visage form arent my favorite but the amount of customizations really does help it alot. i just wish i could xmog my lizard and when i change to a humanoid form pick my race so i could have been a vulpera or a dwarf
The visage forms are unique, as much so as Dark Iron dwarfs or Maghar orcs are. Arguably more so as most of the allied races have almost no customization options.
So it’d be a shame to make them and then not let people use them.
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Thank you. They’re Dracthyr not humans.
Flap your wings

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The Visage is much like the Worgen’s human form.
If you wanna play human, get human.
If you wanna play Blood Elf, pick blood elf.
If you wanna flap your wings, pick dracthyr.
They can use them.
From day 1, t hey could be used.
They do not have to be used in combat in order to be used.
Why would anyone be bothered by this? My word …
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your welcome? there not dragons either though so it doesnt help your argument. if blizzard is going to keep being wrong about it i would rather they delete the race and give evokers to other races than this dumpster fire mess of a race that nobody likes