Now that elves are resolved, let's talk about the Wildhammer

And you’re proving my point by being unable to tell me where they do go.

Edit: by the way I wrote “reverses” nature when I meant revers.

Yeah, Kul Tirans dont have connections to many known LIVING Wild Gods, but that’s because their connection is established through Ardenweald and the Drust.

You need some sort of link to become a Druid. You can’t just “like nature.” If that were the case, every single race would be Druids by now.

I just did. They commune with the Elemental Planes. Did you read my post?

Where is it on the chart? Point to where the Lore is on the chart, sir!

Fire. Water. Air. Earth. It’s right there.

It’s right there in 4 corners of the chart, one being under the Wild God umbrella.

That’s not how that works. Elemental planes are completely their own thing. There’s no link to Wild Gods.

They just need to be taught…

That’s all.

The night elves didn’t have a connection to nature until cenarius taught them…

Because Cenarius taught them. He gave them the link.

Dwarves have no links. Yet.

“Wildhammer dwarves have close ties to nature. Their society revolves around the respect of nature; many Wildhammer dwarves are shamans, who their society regard as important religious figures. Many Wild dwarves attempt to understand the meaning of the world in the own way whether it be through studying the Elements or going on great adventures. This results in almost all clansmen worshiping or holding nature to a very high regard.”

Cool. Where’s their Wild God to make it happen?

The elf issue is not resolved, but since we are talking about customizations…

I mean, they could make one up the same way they made up a link for Kul Tirans. It’s not that massive of a stretch compared to some other suggested race/class combinations.

It’s not. I’m not saying it wouldn’t make sense. I’m just saying they have yet to have a Wild God that would provide a link, and even then you’d have to have a complete change in the society of the Dwarves. I’m open to the idea, but they can’t just be Druids now. Nor are they in any way related to the Wild Gods at this period in time.

That’s what I’ve been trying to tell OP, but he obviously doesn’t have a clue and thinks Wild Gods are connected to Shamanism for some reason.

Hello. Yes I am a night elf. Hello Wildhammer dwarf. I see you are a group that likes nature and has a super special and spiritual connection to those gryphons over there.

I will teach you.

They have plenty of access and it makes plenty of sense.

Wildhammers are already pretty close to nature. Just create a gryphon-based wild god and call it a day.

Where is the Worgen teacher? I’m not snarking. I don’t know.

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Wildhammer dwarves are straight up my favorite faction in this game, and I’m bummed out that I’ll be mostly playing Horde in SL and thus won’t play a lot of WH dwarves.

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So now we can just snap our fingers and just like that you’re a Druid? That kinda puts down the entire idea of a Druid. It’s meant to be the most exclusive core class for a reason.

What made sense about the Trolls becoming Druids was the fact they literally talk to Wild Gods on a daily basis, and the Zandalari Wild God was willing to extend his reach.

Just saying “I LIKE BUNNIES” and then becoming a Druid doesn’t make sense. I’d be on board, if and only if a Wildhammer Wild God like a giant Gryphon for instance, was introduced as well. It needs to fit their race first, and currently Wildhammer are more Shamans than anything.

Yeah, I agree. But it needs to be properly introduced. Otherwise it’d just look hamfisted. I think an easy solution would to have the Gryphon Wild God be in Ardenweald, but he was never able to be reborn.

Then he does get reborn finally, and an expansion later it is revealed that he had now taken roost in Ironforge and is teaching Dwarves Druidism.

Simple. But you can’t just shove it in out of nowhere. Get people used to the idea first. Like what was done with Kul Tirans.

Goldrinn. The giant wolf. He was in Legion too.

Yeah but iirc his is the forbidden form that almost drove the worgen to mindless beasts. I don’t know if that qualifies, as such.