Now is the time - Bring NB/VE Demon Hunters to 9.1.5

No one is saying Undead Paladins don’t exist. They do.

The argument is there aren’t enough of them to justify the class being available and that the vast majority of Forsaken wouldn’t touch it with a 10ft pole.

Technically there are Draenei (as a species) warlocks in the game, but you’ll never see them as a playable class/race combo.

I’d honestly be perfectly willing for Undead Paladins to exist as a playable race/class combo, but only if Blizzard made unholy versions of every paladin spell. Same effects, just with a different name and graphic. So ‘Holy Light’ becomes ‘Unholy Light’ etc.

Then Void Elves could also become Paladins.

Careful. That’s where head canon comes in. “I’m the rare exception. I’m special”.

Referring to Eredar or are there actual draenei warlocks as NPC’s that belong to the alliance?

I’ve come to realize that it’s much more difficult to argue why a race / class combo shouldn’t exist than to ask why it makes more sense for this race / class combo to exist than another.

When people advocate for nightbourne warlocks, i ask why not orcs. When people advocate for Void Elves I ask why not humans.

most people say “cause elf”, and in that moment I realize they simply have zero concept of the lore.

I’m pretty confident in saying that’s not going to happen. they did that to a small degree with blood elf paladins in TBC. I don’t see that making a return.

There are no Draenei Warlocks that serve the Alliance. They’re all enemies. Quite a few of them are Eredar, full members of the Burning Legion, but there are also the Sargerai in Warlords of Draenor who were Draenei but turned cultist and many of them are warlocks.

Well, that was because the ability itself was crap. Not because the idea of making abilities that perform the same but have different names/graphics wasn’t a good idea.

I mean, when you think about it, they already do this with Druid Forms for various races. The forms are the same. Cat form is the same for all races, but the actual model that they can turn into is different instead of it all being the same model. They can easily do the same for other classes, which would allow more race/class combos that are consistent with the lore for the game as well.

They also do the same thing with Shamans, with Bloodlust being the Horde version and Heroism being the Alliance version. Same ability, same affects, different graphics/name.

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The NB were in a bubble when the demon hunters were created.

And the void elves didnt exist.

IMO, I think the only two other races that make sense as demon hunters are Broken and orcs. Both have worked for the Illidari, and have reason to hate the Legion enough to undergo the Demon Hunter transformation.

That’s not really a good reason to restrict the race/class combo.

Technically Allied Races and Pandaren weren’t around when the Death Knights were created, but you can still create Allied Race/Pandaren DKs because Blizzard gave us a different intro for them. Blizzard could easily do the same thing with other races and Demon Hunters. Doesn’t have to be a long intro, could just be a cinematic and talking to an NPC like how Allied Races get started.

it being impossible is a bad reason?

theyre probably the two most impossible races.

Could you at least try to read the whole post before you reply? Thanks.

Haha, sorry, got a work call and hit submited by mistake.

It also made a lot of sense to create new DKs because Bolvar was raising them and it fit the story. There is no reason to create new DHs. No demon threat. No prominent lore character who would be involved with it. Nothing.

And even if the brought illidan back he’d probably hate both the NB and the VE.

No. for reasons mentioned.
Void Elves can’t even wield the light. they burn… feel bad for Turalyon, no more contact with his wifey/love.
He is Lightforged human, and she is void infused.

So give a reason;

But Demon Hunter just wait and do nothing till Legion show up again?

The ones who command the Demon Hunter these days?

The Burning Legion didn’t stop because Sargeras got yeeted into a chair. There are plenty of Demons still out there, including many of the Burning Legion’s leaders that are still alive, either reborn or waiting to be reborn in the Twisting Nether.

Archimonde*, Kil’jaeden*, Mannaroth, Azgalor, Kaz’rogal, Kazzak, Jarraxus, Zakuuun, Magtheridon, Kruul and Brutallus are all good examples. Not to mention the literal legions of other Demons that are still out there. Argus for example, was not fully cleansed of the Burning Legion’s forces. We took out their respawn macguffin (which is why I’ve marked two of those names with *) and killed quite a few Demons in three small areas, but there was a whole planet there full of demons that we didn’t touch, which says nothing for all the other demon controlled planets/strongholds like Niskara, Kerxan, Rancora, Xoroth and Tarratus.

Now what about that * that I put up there on Archimonde and Kil’jaeden.

Well quite simply, I’d argue that neither of them are actually dead and that both are waiting to be reborn in the Twisting Nether. Here’s why:

For Archmonde, while we fight him in the Twisting Nether in the mythic phase of his fight during Warlords of Draenor, he clearly doesn’t die until after he returns to Draenor. He is still very much alive and has enough power to zap Gul’dan, sending him to our universe (and thus creating the setup for Legion) after his defeat, and his eyes dim after he fully collapses onto the ground. An Eredar (regardless of them being Draenei or Man’ari) dies when their eyes dim, which we also saw with Vindicator Maraad when he died at Shattrath. Given that he did not die in the Twisting Nether, his soul would have been snatched up by Antorus and he would either be reborn, or be in the process of being reborn, when Antorus was disabled. So he’s still alive.

For Kil’jaeden is a bit more complicated. Prior to 7.3 and the reveal of Antorus and its powers, it was safe to assume that Kil’jaeden was 100% dead. After all, the demon lore we had at the time told us that when a demon dies in the Twisting Nether, or a place saturated with energies of the Twisting Nether (such as a demon world like Argus) then they’re gone for good. But, the reveal of Antorus changed all that, as Turalyon confirms for us that even demons that die on Argus will be reborn in Antorus as long as the facility is operational. Given that Antorus can snatch demon souls away when they would otherwise be obliterated, it’s a very safe bet that Antorus could do the same thing to demon souls that die within the Twisting Nether, and as Kil’jaeden died right above Argus, within close proximity of Antorus itself, it’s a safe bet that his soul was snatched as well.

Although that being said, if Kil’jaeden is still alive, he may not be the same demon we’ve fought before. He seemed to change after his defeat above Argus, so who knows.

Clear cut case of…

I want there for I should get.


None of that is a threat in the way that Sargeras and the Legion were. They’re just demons out there in space somewhere. Sure, someday they could resurface, but Legion was pretty much a bow on the whole demon thing as a major story thread. And it was a bow that was a long time coming.

I’d imagine they’d be vigilant, yes. But making new DHs when the Legion has been defeated and Sargeras imprisoned? Its a brutal process that you’re unlikely to survive. That just does not make any sense.

But that doesn’t mean the Demon Hunters are going to stop hunting demons. Keep in mind that lore wise, Demon Hunters need to consume demonic flesh and blood in order to maintain their power and stay sane. If Demons aren’t on Azeroth because the Legion has been defeated, they’re going to use whatever means they have at their disposal (like say, an interdimensional Legion ship that they may have procured for… some reason) to go to where the demons are and hunt them there.

And in order to keep hunting those demons, they’re going to need more demon hunters, because it’s a dangerous profession, with many demon hunters dying or going rogue all the time, something even the elite among the Illidari are not immune to, as we saw with Cyana Nightglaive in Legion.


The Burning Crusade is ended. There is no longer a need to fight fire with fire. There is nothing inherently elven about demon hunters, save for their cultural appropriation of Kaldorei glaives. Just like everything else that has been culturally appropriated from Kaldorei in this game.

Pandaren is clearly the best choice for new Demon hunters.

Lore-wise, just say a few were captured and experimented on when the Legion attacked the Monk HQ in Pandaria in the beginning of Legion. We saw Medivh heading off into the ether after Legion ships at the end of the new Karazhan, maybe on some Legion outworld he found the Panda DH’s and helped them get home. Maybe out there he found other race variants of DH’s as well, like Orcs and Draenei.

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Except it hasn’t ended. The Legion doesn’t stop being a threat just because Sargeras got yeeted back into a chair. There are many leaders of the Burning Legion that are still alive and thousands of demons still out there. What? Did you think they were just like: “Oh, snap, Sargeras got yeeted… oh well, time to go home.” ??

That’s not how it works.

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Let’s also add in the fact that only Illidan knew the full process and spells needed to make a Demon Hunter, was so paranoid (justifiably in this case) that he never taught anyone else how to for fear it would leak to the Legion, and is currently serving as Sargeras’ jailer a billion light years from Azeroth.

We need Gnome demon hunters. Only with the intellect and engineering skills of Gnomes and Goblins can the remaining pockets of masterless demons in the universe be eradicated.