Now is the time - Bring NB/VE Demon Hunters to 9.1.5

I sorely hope those come with the Highmountain update, with the additional option for “repentant Bloodtotem” Warlocks to give them something kinda unique.

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No. It’s not. See DKs.

I’m fine with Nightborne, but Void Elves? Nah, unless they’re planning to add a Void-based talent for Demon Hunter. I mean, why only Fel to hunt demons?


I didn’t even think about it. And if you have an example, then why not? Players are literally the exception to the exception in the Warcraft universe. If anyone is special, it’s the player.

Hard pass. Xhul’horac literally explodes from instability. Shadow-Lord Iskar does not wield void magic. He wields magic from the Great Raven, and the Fel. Different things.

The Fel Hounds of Sargeras aren’t void related either. Much like we have glyphs for shadow succubus and such things, the shadow a warlock wields is different than the void.

None of these examples mean anything other than Xhul’horac, who as mentioned, exploded. He is the only one explicitly labeled to have been involved with the void. Just because something contains shadow magic, doesn’t mean it’s the void. It’s why the arcane can cure curses, and why death magic is also a form of shadow magic or contains shadow magic.

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Considering nearly every new mob and mount are built on old skeletons I think that’s a salient point. Agree to disagree.

NB/VE aren’t the races I’d choose if I was king for a day, but it seems like the logical choice Blizzard would make from a level of effort perspective. Any player agency in actually choosing a race as Demon Hunter is a win to me.


Yes. Someone posted the dialogue above.

I know.

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HMT and LFD not getting a unique class option was really disappointing.

I don’t think of the Boss he sent me as an example. Which in my view is an example of HOW IT IS POSSIBLE to mix energies. I think of other energies that have mingled throughout the game’s lore.

So you take an example of mixing two energies that inevitably result in explosion as a basis to validate that these two energies can viably come together.


Coke and mentos would like a word.

Edit: I already had a quote bug so these edits are gonna look ridiculous but I had to mention this…

Coke and mentos is a relatively minor example. You get a bit of fizz and some liquid moves upward. This is not remotely to the same degree as fel and void mixing in infusion.

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People like to act as if Blizz didn’t specifically say:

A lot of our boss concepts for Hellfire Citadel began by imagining what would happen if we added fel energy to different parts of the Draenor ecology. What would a fel variant of one of the void revenants we saw a glimpse of in Shadowmoon Burial Grounds look like? Xhul’horac answers that question, and the mechanics of the encounter play off the different polarities of fiery fel energy and the shadowy void, which players must manage as they fight a creature with one foot (or tendril, as the case may be) in each realm.

Overwhelmed by the combined energies of Fel and Shadow, Xhul’horac unleashes a burst of pure energy every 10 sec., increasing his damage dealt by 20% and inflicting 115625 to 134375 Chaos damage to all players. This effect stacks.

And what happens when he absorbs all of that Fel and Void and isn’t killed? He explodes.

Now… kamikaze elves do sound hilarious. But I think we saw enough of that with just DHs trying to deal with the amount of fel they’ve absorbed.


Like I said earlier. What’s hilarious to me is that anyone who cares about powerful racials would not want a VE / NB for demon hunters.

For those who don’t, the least they could do is care about the lore. And the lore / actual in game examples provide more than enough proof that it’s simply a ridiculous idea.

I think people are too busy head canon’ing to think for a moment.

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As usual yes. Or there’s the line of, “LORE SUCKS SO IT DOESN’T MATTER ANYMORE” when they want something, but when we get something they don’t like it’s, “OMG YOU’RE RUINING THE LORE!!!”

Just can’t win.

But I will say this: Blizz will most likely make up some excuse to retcon something or whatever to do what they want in a stupid manner.

But the only way we get more DH races is if they have another demon expansion and make a new generation of them with a new starter scenario like they did for DKs.

I’ll hate it. But I have to accept that reality.

No, I take as an example a creature that manipulates both energies simultaneously. It exploded because in addition to having to control volatility, it was fighting us. Because until we weren’t going to hit the creature, it was controlling both energies pretty well and would open the portal the Gul’dan planned.

Being imbued with Fel magic was also supposed to kill any living creature. How did the Demon Hunters control? Through the Arcane Runes, which Arcane and Fel were also said not to mix.

Alleria already manipulated the Light and the Void simultaneously, The very Duality of the Naarus of being Light and upon dying transforming into a Void suggests this.

You’re right. And if we had void elf demon hunters, they wouldn’t be fighting. They’d be too busy role playing in goldshire inn.

Cause there’s no viable situation in which a void elf demon hunter might enter combat in the world of Warcraft.

So you’re saying VE DHs would be unable to fight anything without exploding.

It’s a fantasy game bro…

Runes are part of it. Not all. Every demon hunter had runes. Not every demon hunter survives.

Entirely irrelevant


Also: you’re incorrect about Xhul’horac. Please see my quotes earlier.

And you do know that only one in three DHs survived becoming a DH, yes? And we literally watch them explode in the starter zone when they can’t contain it?

And we’ve heard all about how difficult it is for some Velfs to control their Void.

But sure. You go ahead with kamikaze elves.

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