Now is the time - Bring NB/VE Demon Hunters to 9.1.5

Orc DH or nothing

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Worgen and Goblin DKs in Cataclysm. The scenario/lore used for Shadowlands DKs is an example of what could be done to justify the additional options for DHs.

I’m waiting for any logic from the pro-void elf demon hunter crowd that isn’t “cuz their elfs”

Void and Fel are very volatile energies.

See this raid boss for example.

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There’s a difference between using something and being infused with or consumed by it. Void Elves are already infused with the Void.

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Orc and human demon hunters.

Why tf would a nightbourne be a demon hunter?

At the time when they could’ve joined illidan, they sat underneath an arcane shield. Void elves would explode. Of all the races to suggest should be made available for demon hunters, you’re either trolling or blatantly unaware of the lore to suggest VE/NB

It’s such a tired suggestion.


I thought Worgen DK’s were just said to be sons of Arugal, and goblin DK’s weren’t Bilgewater. I don’t think that’s a retcon. We know Sons of Arugal died in Silverpine and we know goblins were all over the place.

There says the boss absorbed both energies and didn’t die. Just says “he must be defeated quickly.”

I didn’t raid in WOD so I don’t know. He explodes or something?

Google void and fel wod boss

Scroll down. Read dialogue

Void and Fel can mix just fine, as shown with two bosses in HFC (Shadow-Lord Iskar & Xhul’horac) during WoD and even with one boss in Antorus (Felhounds of Sargeras) during Legion. And Xhul isn’t a good example when the other 2 don’t have the same volatility.

So I’d say yes to VE DH.


Gotta be the least subtle trolling I’ve seen in a while


Phase 3

I cannot remain… I am becoming… EVERYTHING! NOTHING!

Phase 4



I’m personally not tired of ANY discussion of giving our class the option to pick a race.

NB/VE are low hanging fruit. They’re races introduced in legion that already have the unique DH animations rigged. I’m all for races that could be more lore friendly, but elves seem to be the most realistic option from an implementation stand point.

Please explain to me why

Void elf dhs are my dream :heart_eyes:

I just did. Animation rigging. Our animations do not work on non-elf skeletons.


Honestly there’s a bit of irony in asking for void elf / belf dh’s.


There are other races with far better racials for pvp / pve for this class.

For those players who don’t care about racials and simply want to rp… there are better races in terms of lore.

So, it’s an absurd ask from either take.

But I guess there’s no arguing with the heart eyes emoji “I want it cause I want it” crowd.

This thing about not being able to mix energies is totally fake News. Imbued, infused, channeled or whatever word is used to explain the exception of when seemingly opposing energies meet is very relative and deep down there are not so many foundations. I think there are examples of almost all energies interacting with each other. Arcane and Fel, Light and Void, Life and Death.


Lmfao I’m sorry it’s hard to take this seriously.

Yep, here’s your one example of void and fel mixing.

It’s not fake news. It’s literally the only example we have.

Do whatever head canon and mental gymnastics you want. People with actual knowledge of the lore understand that fel and void infusion does not work.

Read the illidan novel? I can assure you, a demon hunter does not need to have his/her issues compounded with the void whispering in the ear.

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