Now I see why people got suspended from keys

why not. maybe their only option is starlink in some remote location where the satellites dont cover very well. never know :wink:

“It’s not my fault Starlink hates it when we get one wipe, and drops my connection… 1599 keys worth.”


you even quoted the word “occasionally”

so clearly you understand that they can and will differentiate between somebody who does that once a month or less and somebody who does it ten times a day. right?

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That’s also fair lol.

Idk why mythic raiders grind key to the point of burn out then complain.

I mean doesnt the raid drop the gear you need? Sure not as fast but if the raiders hate keys who tf cares

Yes your will prog slower but with so long between seasons does it really matter?

Or do yall just want the raid done as fast as possible cause its as bad as keys lol

It’s a requirement for some CE guilds that you at least fill the vault, and sometimes have an alt geared/ready to go. It’s a personal thing too I imagine for many of them. If I’m doing prog with a guild, I’m showing up in the best possible state I can given my available time, and that probably means grinding a good bit of m+. It’s not just showing up enchanted and with all needed consumables on hand.

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It means it’s working.

if raid spots are competitive, you don’t really have the option of just ignoring things other people are doing. i mean, you can, but you won’t be joining for progression bosses.

You wont get banned for leaving if they group is doing awful. It would be insane to force people to be held hostage in a endless wipe.

Because it was a terrible idea.

Spoken like someone that has zero clue what they are talking about and it shows.

This is Blizzard we’re talking about. I wouldn’t put it past them.

You’ll notice that they didn’t carve out that as an exception. They only gave “occasional” real world reasons for leaving early.

Anything that negatively impacts their play experience (breaking their key), done “often enough” is now actionable.

In before the trolls just start showing up in gear with unbreakable tertiaries, and holding people hostage while chain dying as rapidly as possible.

tinfoil hat on

Blizzard is banning people from boosting communities who go into other people’s keys to sabotage them on purpose to push more sales

tinfoil hat still on

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Eh find a less motivated guild is an option.

But if you like the guild or a less motivated guild means no CE and you want that, then youre stuck but its still self imposed pain imo. Course im sure folks would rather its the game design that forces it.

But im not a raider anymore not that i ever even did mythic. Too sweat for me so to each their own.

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Its hard to do… people on the higher end tend to end up here through personal playstyle preference.

I think I would of quit the game if I was stuck in heroic. Its just not difficult enough to be engaging.

That’s hilarious because I have this joke where I go, “let the dog crap on the floor” anytime anyone says anything about going afk.

They did the reverse uno card.

going to hear all the crazy excuses now, people think it will help them.

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Yeah me too.

The tank dying does add a bit more color, in that that event appears to be a catalyst to trigger im the dps’ mind “this may not be a cake walk on easy street.”

I don’t mean to downplay your frustration or be contrarian, but a wipe definitely can cause some “reflection”.

Compelled to provide a disclaimer: I would not leave in that instance.