Now I see why people got suspended from keys

As somebody who never, ever, pugs keys, and instead just does them with friends, I just have to watch all of this neverending complaining about ‘everyone else is bad, except me’ and shake my head.

Why do you people do this to yourselves? I really don’t get it.

(“Because I have no choice” is wrong. You do have a choice. “Because I want people to be there conveniently for me, but not feel like I have to be there for other people” is the more correct answer, methinks. Well, if all you care about is yourself, that’s exactly what you’ll get, in return.)


This is why keys should not deplete. There are too many factors in pugging, which are out of the player’s control.

I assume if the key didn’t deplete, you might have been upset, but not upset enough to make a post since you can just try again.

By the way, I try not to invite a group into pugs if possible. I feel they are more risky.

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It’s due to people not wanting to do keys after a certain point, in my circle we all pretty much mythic raid. Which means that the bulk burnout from keys quicker than usual due to the demand to rapid fire time them for crests and gear. I try to do as many keys as I can with my guild and friends, but this is an alt I am also working on, using my own key as well. So the keys I’m doing are keys they aren’t interested in doing either, so I have to turn to pugs to get them done.

“People don’t enjoy M+ and don’t want to do it unless they have to.”

That’s certainly true. :joy:

I mean I like it to a certain point, but you have to admit after a while they start to feel tedious and like a chore. Personally I am a very patient person so they don’t bother me as much as they do others, yet I do understand the way.

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Welcome to the door that was opened by Blizzard closing the other one. This is reality.

The more of your own doors (options) that you ask to be closed, the more of them you will find are open to the same abuse, and you will then ask for those to be closed as well.

Ultimately limiting yourself but not limiting the abuse of options.

I have a bunch of old comments confirming people do the same.

They fake d/c themselves and login to a different toon. Theyd rather troll people into waiting 10min for them to reconnect when they were playing on a different toon the entire time.

A fix would be to restrict changing toons until none of your toons are in an active key that has not been depleted yet. This means manually leaving the key rather than doing the offline troll.

That started early for me but I cranked out KSM for the mount and called it good. It’s just not worth it this season to me.

I am hopeful for S2 though.

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The mentality surrounding M+ is quite a mess.


I’m currently dealing with a cat that has decided to defecate and urinate in my upstairs hallway instead of the downstairs litter box. Took her to the vet and she’s physically healthy, even tested urine and stool and fit as a fiddle. She’s just being difficult.

Not all poop stories are false my friend.

Also to be fair I don’t run group content so I’m 100% free to go afk in the middle of a delve.


It really is.

You either need to have a real “let it roll off the shoulders” mentality or you should just not be a part of the pug scene imo. I don’t see why people that don’t have this approach don’t look for other options like a guild or dedicated group.

PuG life takes a certain way about you. I’ve always been the “do my job, be quiet, collect loot, be grateful that people took the time to help me” type though.

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Never said they aren’t, because I’ve had IRL thing happen to me as well mid key, but there was a strong convenience factor to it all that made me question the validity of their claim.

We had this discussion on solutions blizzard could inplement for this exact reason but it was all passed up on and ignored.

It’s too bad their garbage system incentivized this kind of behavior.

I very casually do mythics - only one this season. We get people that are willing to embrace the noobness and it’s almost always fine.

The vast majority of key leavers are probably much more important in their high keys and leet guilds that I wouldn’t notice. But I do think the mythic season nonsense is a toxic-enabling system.

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We are literally wasting away giving feedback that wont be read. We gave better solutions and they were ignored months ago.

“Occasionally” and someone who puts that in chat as an excuse and also is leaving keys with a high rate is not going to be pardoned.

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There is a high level systems design failure that has encouraged people to act this way.

The game is too much about minmaxing playing the timegate and doing your chores. You are going to get toxic behavior when your best move is to leave early when you wanted to 2 chest and get 12 crests instead of 1 chest and 5 crests.

It was discussed months ago blizzard needs to throw in participation currency for a mog or mount grind to incentivize finishing a key.

Hey stuff irl comes up.

Funniest part -

Blizz did the suspensions based on behaviour over a period of time.
Excuses used won’t matter if the number is high and indicates an ongoing grief behaviour.
They even stated such in their post - if you need to leave for real life or harassment not to worry.
if you’re dumping 50 keys a week the behaviour is recorded in program (game) logs and will be acted upon.

Really starting to wonder about IQ levels of hoomans.

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If someone has “internet issues” 70% of the time they join a key but 0% of the time when they aren’t, it becomes a pretty weak defence.