Now Available on the Shop: The Trader’s Gilded Brutosaur Mount

I guess they figure the game eventually will be on life support so just milk it as much as possible at this point.

Incoming all past AoTC, mythic dungeons,and PVP rewards in the item shop.


None of them because I actually look into games before I buy them and have a good sense of what I’m going to enjoy.

The games I buy and don’t play consist almost exclusively of games I got in a bundle because I was really only after 1 game in it but the whole bundle was cheaper than buying that 1 game individually.

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Then quit nobody is stopping you

And this is why you will remain poor

this is what credit cards are for btw

impulse purchases you dont have to regret

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I’ve got IAEE coming and POE 2 EA packs. Luckily I’ll have enough to cover…I hope.

i mean at the rate 90$ worth of groceries is now…he has a point.

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Toxic reply. You as a paying subscriber SHOULD WANT the game to have integrity. Noone is stopping me from quitting, but if the game continues to hemorrhage from decisions like this, everyone loses.


-money pls


this mount will get more money than the entirety of war within


He probably also complains about the economy and cost of living

yeah cause its a real problem.

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To be fair being alive is expensive and a lot of us aren’t even having fun.


On one hand, making an Auction mount more accessible to everyone is not a bad idea. Though I debate on the notion that $90 mount, no matter how well designed (it does look fantastic, kudos to the art departments!), is simply another dig for more money. Then there’s the other side of it all: At the time that the original Brutosaur came out, the token rate put the value of the mount in the $500-700 range. Even after they pulled the mount off the vendor list & put it on the BMAH, when it shows up, it going to be capped to max value by all the bidding. Which means, even though the token value is higher, the conversion rate still means that it’s around $650-$700 in US dollars. For anyone that is willing to spend that amount of real money for the sake of a mount, I salute your efforts! For everyone that is flipping gold in game to come up with the equivalent amount, I salute your efforts! And that’s where this turns into a HUGE slap in the face to everyone that has put in the effort for the original. Dropping the value of the original would have met with the same reaction, so there’s your coin flip. Could also be that this one is specifically coded behind the scenes so there can better track the ins/outs of various transactions. Either way, there may be a day when I retire my old bruto for this one, since frankly, there is much to appreciate with the newer design/mailbox. :slight_smile:

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Evidently not

Honestly if they spend the proceeds on player housing, I’d buy it twice. Just saying.


Oh someone in sales needs to be fired here for that price.


The monetization of Blizzard games continues to be disgusting. Just because customers will buy it, doesn’t mean you should take advantage of them.


More likely it’ll sell like hotcakes and they’ll be promoted for it.


Blizzard we now need a lil bruto pet to match the new skin.