Now Available on the Shop: The Trader’s Gilded Brutosaur Mount

I can do better, valid only April 1st.

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If you had put the option to buy it again with 5 million also you would have given us all something to farm while the people that didn’t want to farm that could just spend the money. Instead you offered but one total option, your credit card, or you feel inferior in the game you’re already paying a monthly subscription for. And had their at least been some form of an attempt to not cater specifically to the top 1% in Mythic+ I may have considered this purchase. But combine that with the thousands of crests we have to farm per character making this the least alt friendly expansion in WoW history, I will walk over the extra 15 feet to the auction house and the mailbox and I will laugh at how many people will end up quitting this game in the next 3-4 months after wasting $90 on the re-release of a mount.

Dornogal is like Jurassic Park atm. lol


And maybe they can use some of this money to figure out how to recompense all the people who lost so much stuff with the guild bank fiasco.

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LOL I was just thinking that myself. It’ll end up being 10000 tenders or something.

$90 is a good amount of cash but it’s still not as expensive as the original and this one has a mailbox so I can’t really cuss and toss a fit about it personally

Just so you’re aware of “the other issue” …

It’s a unique model.

So it’s +1.

There are people that would buy it, even if didn’t have a mailbox OR an AH.

They’d buy it, because it’s +1.

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Forgot that extra 0.

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For $90, you’re doing yourselves and everyone a disservice.

Do you want 20,000 players who are willing to spend $90 each? Or, 200,000 players who are willing to spend $20 each?

20,000 x $90 = 1.8m

200,000 x $20 = 4m

It’s easier to let go of $20 than it is to let go of $90. Undervaluing + brains > greed


There’s also the fact that it’s either this brutosaur, or no brutosaur at all at this point. Most people aren’t in a position to camp the BMAH. Blizzard knows exactly what they are doing here.



Who cares it’s not a big deal. Also you aren’t blizzards accountant why do you care about crunching the numbers?

its not pay to win, so who cares

The problem with it being 100,000 is that no one would ever have that many under any circumstances. At least 10,000 is something we could conceivably achieve by January maybe hopefully possibly LOL

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Everyone’s mad, I’m just glad to have a QoL auction Dino since I didn’t want to spend 5.5 mil gold in BFA or buy china gold or 600$ worth of tokens for it either


Yeah the one thing that blizzard doesn’t seem to do well is understanding player psychology very well. They’re more about quick Cash grabs than looking at the mentality of the average shopper.

Sticker shock will drive a huge number of people away regardless of whether they even want or need the item in question and I know because that’s me. I will go years sometimes before buying something so long that by the time I get it I’ll get it for a third of the price on a sale because I’m just not an impulse buyer.

The way to get me and most of the rest of humanity is to sell it for a good price that makes us say that we absolutely cannot walk away from it and you’re right math says that they would have made a lot more money had they sold it for say even $30 as opposed to $90 because at $30 everybody in the game would probably be buying it

Imagine being this tone deaf… Could have least put it as a special Trading Post Reward or something but nah. Got to milk our wallets and also put a time limit on how long it will be on the store… Good job I guess.

Keep eating up the early access expansion price, the free mount that became almost 30 dollars now because people wanted it to return. this is what happens :slight_smile: maybe 200 dollar mount next please <3

I’ll wait until the holiday sale in a couple of months and buy it for $45.

Or sometime in the next year or two when it shows up on the trading post

Having read most of this thread now, it’s pretty ugly.

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Ah, so this is where all the dev time has been lately… Probably should have fixed all the class bugs and stuff first, so you had a happier player base before dropping this on the community …