Now Available on the Shop: The Trader’s Gilded Brutosaur Mount

LOL, whatever helps you justify your meager existence in your head kiddo. Go flip a few more burgers so you can afford to buy things. It’s how the world works.


I’m not proud of having led this, but we were there.

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Something wrong with flipping burgers? You have a problem?


It’s been a rough day at work, thank you Blizzard, the forum drama has been an excellent distraction!



I have never had a problem with any of the other mounts they have added in game. They are just cosmetic and who cares if someone else wants to spend 15-20 dollars to look cool.

This mount is the first one that has a “pay to win” aspect to it, and IT’S 90 DOLLARS.


Tbh anyone who throws around the word “shill” because they disagree immediately discredits themselves.

I have no idea what y’all are arguing about mind you. But I just see that and roll my eyes lol.
Shill is so over used and used incorrectly as well.

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I notice that reddit and the forums often lose their minds over this stuff but I think a lot of people forget you can theoretically buy literally everything in the in-game Shop via in-game currencies

WoW gold > Token > store credit

I understood the outrage about shop items when the average WoW player age was like, 17, but 20 years have passed. Guys most of us either have the jobs to fund items like these, or have the time to just pay for it in-game without actually spending a dime. Nobody needs to lose their minds here lol

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Right?!?! I bought 2 of them and that was still less than a dinner at a nice restaurant these days.


What do you win? Not having to walk to the AH? OP

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Saving 45 seconds by not needing to use your HS is hardly “pay to win”…

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Normally I wouldn’t buy one. But the outrage makes me want to buy it and just sit on it in town. Only way it could be better is if it played carnival music.


Not at all. My first job was shoveling horse manure at 13 for $1.75/hr so I could buy my first guitar. I upgraded to flipping burgers later.

There’s NOTHING wrong with working for a living.


Tbh same.
I was on the fence, but watching the rage just makes me want to do the same.

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Woo got myself a Dino


To clarify - one cannot use WoW Tokens to buy this.

Why - there are no WoW tokens on the AH.

I see a lot of complaints about the mount. The great thing about playing games with additional items to purchase is having the option to purchase them or not.

I am a returning player, so I missed out on saving up to buy the green one. The price tag is a lot. It only includes mail and AH. For the price, it should also include vendors for repair and transmog.

Man so much popcorn here. :popcorn: :popcorn: :popcorn: :popcorn:

  1. People who like to earn instead of buy items.
  2. Those who spent 500$ or more in gold to purchase a now inferior mount.
  3. Those who ground in game to get an inferior mount that was never going to be replaced.
  4. The kid that has to go ask mom for another 90$.
  5. The guy who is going to spend his water bill to buy the mount. His wife is going to divorce him.
  6. The sweat shop boss that has been sitting on his wow tokens waiting for this day. Those kids in the sweat shop may actually get a free meal.

All the stories of fun. It’s a celebration… :fireworks: :sparkler: :firecracker: :sparkler: :fireworks:


All joking aside and speaking purely logical here the reason for all the hate for this mount? When you ask yourself why is everyone so mad?

People are angry for 3 reasons.

  1. they want it and can’t afford it and that is the real reason they’re upset and they can’t even admit that to themselves.
  2. they spent over $300 on enough tokens to equal 5 million gold to buy the last one
  3. they recently spent close to Gold cap buying one off the black market auction house.

I go out to dinner almost all the time and my neighbor can’t afford to. He constantly tells me how much money I could save by cooking at home. He constantly tells me how much I’m wasting money and how disgusting that is.

Does he really find it disgusting? No he’s disgusted with himself that he can’t afford to live the way I do and he’s unable to psychologically realize that


I literally threw money at the screen. Thanks Blizz,now make one with a banker and barber!


Please explain how this mount has anywhere near a P2W value? I seriously doubt whipping out your AH mount in a bg/arena/raid/etc is going to make you more OP than the next guy.

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