Now Available on the Shop: The Trader’s Gilded Brutosaur Mount

Clearly as evidenced by your witless response.

As the “cool kiddies” like to say these days…



Log in to the forums. People complaining about new Bronto mount.

Me… Kudos Blizzard. Perfect time to release it.

Logs into game… Brontosaurus mounts everywhere.

@Blizzard Can you do the Rooster mount now? People will pay for that one, too.

#GetYoMoney #GiveUsTheRooster


imagine releasing this and making it more than an entire expansion


Its no different than them giving away tcg items for free lol.

And the bruto is still exclusive. The other one is still not obtainable.

Ill never understand the gatekeeping. I have unobtainables, and I could care less if they brought back recolors.

And the fact it is a store mount… sounds like instead of saying things like “What dont you people understand about this”, learn self control and let people spend their money if they want to lol.


Its more disgusting you think you have a right to tell me or anyone else how to spend their hard earned $$.

if you dont want it fine!? dont buy it. No one says you have to. You doint have to buy it to play the game. Its not a requirement its just an option for those that want it

Some of us are glad its here and have been camping the BMAH for years. Thats finally over now


ok so everyone look up non blizzard websites guaranteeing this mount within 48h off the bmah… 2500 us dollars is what they have been making on those sites to take the chance of you ever seeing long boi on the bmah anyway… they literally say on the websites that they have an army of people sitting at bmah to get you your mount within 48 hours of purchase. i imagine if they have a ton of people on all realms fishing, and they made a website that is the first post on google when you look up ways to aquire long boi. they are selling them.

Omg the poors are so obnoxious.

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You want them poor players to cry again on forum?

But I will buy roster mount at $150 just to trigger them :joy:

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Putting the “dispose” into “disposable income”.

I would of done $50, 90 is highway robbery and a spat in dedicated players faces.

Rooster mount needs to be next!



Haha look at his previous comments, guy is legit poor and cant afford one and have been insulting anyone who can afford a $90 mount on a video game :rofl:


Blizzard could have chosen to release a new gold mount version to help drive token prices down.

Instead they’ve chosen to drive them back up with a $ mount.

Interesting priorities Blizzard.

I dont get the comment me made?

Im sure some people would find things he spends his money on disgusting too? So what. What has no value and is trash to you has value to others.

He acts like Blizzard is saying YOU MUST buy this or you lose access to the game

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Just don’t look at my ow skins… :sweat_smile:

If I use the thing for a few hours, imo it paid for itself.
Now… an ah mount with a mailbox? Definitely getting its worth pretty quick.


Missed a HUGE win in the player department after the absolute disaster the xpac has been so far by not adding this is a completion mount. Oh well grats to everyone buying it. I’ll personally be ignoring it as I don’t want to influence them to be even more greedy than they currently are.

Oh, you mean “make money”? I’m pretty sure that’s the primary goal of a business.

Kids these days and their lack of understanding of fundamental economics. It’s sad really.


I imagine the people who paid 5 million gold for the original bronto mount probably would be rather annoyed if this mount showed up being $25 or even $40.

I personally will never buy this. That’s more than a 6 month sub to the game. But some people will likely buy it.

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i dont like any of these mounts. they do ruin the game in a sense of people who literally learned how to cut prices and be a pain in the butt on ah constantly cutting are the ones who made 5m in the first place. now they sit in IF cutting prices on ah all day long so other players auto post an then they buy them all at half price and post them for double. This mount is a direct reason the auction house is terrible design and rigged for players with it only.

You guys must be desperate and it shows LOL

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