Now Available: Character Transfer Bundles

can we get this for classic and tbc where realms actually matter


Just find a new game. Done feeding this pig.

How long can we hold onto these after purchasing? As I noticed they disabled the Guild Services.

I can’t transfer one of my characters who is a leader of a guild for bank toon reasons and my alts are associated to my bank toon guild. And I don’t want to pass on leadership or disband.


Until you’re ready to use them. They don’t expire.

The person doesn’t understand how scammy and scummy Blizzard is doing. No matter how people are trying to convince me that this is a deal, it’s not. I’ve done the math and full function of transferring characters, changing factions/race, etc etc - the price difference at the end is not enough for anyone to save $20+.

idk what Blizzard is thinking, but the way they are doing this clearly proves that they are looking down at us thinking we will still buy their services whether it’s full price or not, because it is World of Warcraft and it is a Blizzard game.

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Note: As of February 22, 2022, Guild Services have been temporarily disabled.

Can’t you say anything nice, you are such a negative person with your comments!

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Robbery, nah, but t his post is a bit funny lol. While I’m not one of the many FF14 fanbois on the forums, and I have never heard of Square Enix, whatever they charge is irrelevant to the price presented by Blizzard. I’m pretty sure they are all different games? Right? If only needing to pay $18 is such a sweetheart deal, go and get a subscription, roll up the characters and start your server transfers. If you already play, looks like you are already on your way!

I am already subbed in there, and this type of post is proving that all Blizzard and WoW players are as dense, uneducated, and egotistic like yourself. Keep breathing under that copium. Make sure bleach isn’t included.

I’d like an update past “investigating” the issue with transfers. Like what’s the point of putting this sale on, or not extending it if you can’t figure it out? I’ve been sitting on the transfer since Tuesday night, and it’s just the same constant “There was a problem with your order. Please try again.” Fix your god damn stuff Blizz, ya know, instead of letting your greedy prick bosses run off with our money.

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You forgot my next sentence:

First sign somebody is loosing a discussion: start the personal attacks lol.

Just the info I was looking for! Thanks!

Bugged for me :frowning:


It’s a valid point of comparison. $18 in FF14 gets you as much from their transfer service as $80 does in Warcraft during this limited-time sale. And that’s before considering that WoW’s game design incentivizes making more characters than FF14’s does, so you’re more likely to need those additional character transfers if you want to move servers.

I played FF14 briefly over the summer, and while ultimately it was not the game for me, there were elements of it that Blizzard could stand to learn from. If nothing else, it certainly shined a light on just how predatory Blizzard’s relationship to its playerbase is.

These bundle prices are better than before, but they’re still exorbitant for a service handled entirely through an automated script. There is no reason for them to be this high but sheer greed. Start at $10 for one character, plus $5 per additional, and maybe we’d be talking.


Yup, the price is still high. Kinda price gougey lol.

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Agree with you

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4 days and my account is done. Want to give me my first account from like 18 yrs ago. lol i think not. You have backed people into a corner with the F transfers. So now i should sit on a server with 10 times the horde and i cant sell anything on a AH because u gave free transfer for horde here. You ran off the allies and now want me to PAY to move. KISS my hole. Tell those higher up punks that never get off those holes start looking for a job.

If they do faction change sale its a trick, they are working on cross faction grouping. save your money!

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He can’t, he sadly suffers from hyperfanboyism and refuses to see the issues present with most things.

IN other news, today we take you to the giant sword that is still sticking out of the butt crack of Azeroth. Over to you Tom.

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For a service that is only paid cuz money… doesn’t cost any resources, and could as well be free…

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