Something I found last night with this new Character Transfer.
TLDR: buy one of the new character transfers and it will be available across all of your accounts on your
I purchased 1 transfer on the sale last night
You NOW have to pay for the transfer before choosing the server to transfer to
“I am sure this will weird many of us out, but it makes sense with the way things have changed”
You pay in advance, but you can use the transfer on ANY of the games on the 1 account
I will explain what I found.
I purchased 1 of the new Character Transfers on my wow1 account
I logged into my wow2 account, ya I know wrong account
the Character Transfer symbol was there
when I logged into my wow3 account
it was there too
Now don’t get this wrong, it’s NOT that I got 3 transfers for the price of 1
but that the Transfer is now ON YOUR BATTLE.NET ACCOUNT not a specific character or wow1 etc account.
so, if you like me, want to get in on the SALE buy the account transfers you want
and use them on any account on your account or save them for whatever.
I play on multiple accounts and want to consolidate all of my toons onto one High Pop server
so BAM I’m all set.
just though I would share ![:slight_smile: :slight_smile:](
No it’s not.
Square Enix and FF14 does 8 characters for $18.
This is a robbery.
People who think $80 for 8 character is perfectly okay are out of their minds. But Blizzard fans be Blizzard fans.
This is SO toxic. You’re offering us a “better deal” on a solution to a problem of YOUR OWN MAKING? Are you THAT DESPERATE? Why not just shoot the struggling servers directly in the head and be done with it? You refuse to merge my server, but yet will gladly sell us a deal on -KILLING- it? Oh, right. THAT makes you money. I do not say this lightly and any individual person at Blizz reading this, I am not mad at you. But if I may address Blizzard the company for a moment… you deserve to fail. I’m glad you are. I hope your employees move on to better jobs, and I hope the management that’s so intent on exploiting problems rather than fixing them gets demoted back down to grunts so they can actually see the real ramifications of their choices rather than just dollar signs.
It should be free with a time limit/restriction, like item restores. If you’re transferring, it’s because there’s a Blizzard problem, not a you problem. At this day and age, that process is so easy to do. What if you took a break and your friends are all on some other server for whatever reason? Or what if you find some guild that you really liked the people of and wanted to join but they’re on a different server? This should be encouraged, not monetized. Those are the social interactions that make an MMO, and the more friction you put there, the more you damage and restrict those great interactions. The thing to remember is that we’re paying 15/mo for a game that hasn’t been worth that since Legion, and even that was debatable. Why are these extra things costing more? We MORE than pay for this already. WoW does not NEARLY spend the amount of money it makes… or at least, made. If it DOES, WOW, does that team know how to make a million feel like a thousand. It is, admittedly, a steaming pile of poop right now. Maybe the sub numbers are that low.
those prices tho… why off base…
They don’t have the same class design where in WoW you might find yourself with 30 alts across many realm.
Its a huge difference paying 500$ vs 1500$ for picking up all your alts together.
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Not only is this overpriced, you don’t even include classic servers in this.
Blizzard isn’t a video game company.
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Is this available for Classic servers?
Don’t forget cross-faction PvE being on the horizon. Prior to Legion removing the character-per-server cap, for those of us who played both factions it made little sense to play both on the same server. With cross-faction coming, my guild has started an Alliance counterpart guild on my Horde server, and I would love to move my Alliance roster to that server to be part of it.
But there’s no way in hell that I’m shelling out over $130 for an automated process to cut/paste my character data. It doesn’t matter that it’s half of what I would have paid moving them individually, it’s still highway robbery. Especially when you want me to move these characters as much as I do, because moving them to a server I’m actually active on instead of the one I’ve been increasingly ignoring for years now would keep me more invested in your game.
Get real, Blizzard. It’s already scummy that you’re still charging for this service at all.
Is that supposed to be a point in Blizzard’s favor? That their game design incentivizes making more characters than FF14’s, and they also charge more per character transferred?
The transfer is not working on my end. Is it just me? Under transfer destination I add the new server I want my char to be transferred to, I don’t add a diff wow account since I want my char to stay on my main account and I get a ‘there was a pb with your order. Please try again later’ error.
Neato, now my server will be even more empty than before!
If only there was a similar deal for faction changes.
Same reason they removed mounts and pets ages ago but before they did, they had a “limited time bundle” with said mounts and pets for $50. To get a lot of money in 1 fell sweep to push up quarterly earnings.
No one NEEDS a server transfer.
People have been asking for a bulk discount since the game started.
The Premium “unnecessary” services, no one really needs, like faction/race/server changes are why the rest of us still have the same subscription price as we did 18 years ago; so thank you players who pay for those things!
Of course, I bought all the store mounts; so I’m helping too! ![:wink: :wink:](
no full $25 PER transder plz ~ blizzard
If I might suggest:
While this sale is going on, remove the cooldown on restore deleted character or make it so the bulk transfer can restore deleted characters as well. I deleted 8 or 9 characters when I rerolled onto Proudmoore, because I couldn’t afford to transfer them.
I have no doubts there are others who did, who would gladly buy and use a transfer to bring their old toons to their new realm. But with the current restrictions, to restore 8 toons, it’d take 4 months.
I wouldn’t use it, but I’m sure there are those who would. I saved the one toon I cared about from my old realm in Legion thanks to wow tokens, even though she now sits unused on Proudmoore because she’s a hunter and I already have Mai lol.
Thank god. It’s finally here. bye bye RP realm nightmare!!!
I’m assuming none of the other restrictions were changed? So if I need to transfer millions of gold I would need to spread it over several characters to not exceed the 1m per character limit?
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By Grabthar’s hammer, what a savings…
No bundle for classic servers?
The only reason for the “discount” is because continuing to gouge people for something that should be free would cost them more money in the long run when everyone quits. In the boardroom there is a graph of (gouge+subscription loss) vs (discount+subscriptions kept) and the discount graph makes them more money.
This should be free.
we know blizzard hates classic, just look at SoM, but man this is really sad they still gouging em for the full $25
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