Now Available: Character Transfer Bundles

For the person that said it was our fault for creating characters on a dead server, silly comment. My server was huge in Legion and then steadily went down hill from there. Now I am stuck on a server where the average legendary is very pricey. I thought about transferring to another server, but this is kinda steep for a problem that Blizz could fix by merging the dead servers with better ones as they have done in the past. Either way, they win, people get desperate and buy tokens, or they pay to transfer, it is a win win for Blizz.

Not working for me. Bought the 8 character transfer bundle with balance but no server transfer icon is visible on the character screen.

Edit: GM said it could take up to 24 hour for the Icon to appear.

Im not sure why Im bothering but I figure I need to try. I have played WOW since it first came out and for the most part been happy till now. I find myself trapped on a dying realm and no one at WOW seems to care. I managed to get attuned to all raids only because you dropped the heroics requirement. I am ready for Hyjal/ BT and have NEVER NEVER gotten to run a single heroic!!! I just cannot find a group, Ive tried for months!!! All the while I continue to see more and more people and guilds leave on their own dime. I have paid you enough over the years, you owe players like me. Open up free transfers off OLD Blanchy before all the bastard stepchildren quit your game!!! SAVE US FROM DROWNING!!!

Can someone help me out here? I can’t for the life of me see what difference a server makes. My server (Hakkar) says it is for New Players. However, I see people from all kinds of different servers (at least that is my guess based on looking at their name). What is the benefit of going to a different server? My server never seems dead. This is the case for lvl 60 and lower. How could someone justify paying for this? If the people you see are just local to your sever, why am I seeing name tags that say someone is from Tichonrius or Lightbringer? I don’t get it.

Most who don’t want to transfer immediately should still grab this deal while they can if they can afford and get the 8 character transfer as it states the unused transfers will remain on the account till used. So getting the 8 before sale ends still gives you the 8 after the sale ends still attached to the account.

When will there be another sale such as a 8 for $80? Thanks!

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Transfers are bad for the game. They rip apart social ties/realm communities and should only ever be employed for characters on realms that are being permanently closed.

amazing. we have to pay to leave a server that’s dead and should be merged anyway… wtg blizzard and you wonder why people call you price gaugers

Hello I just bought three character transfers and it took me 5 seconds to do this. Which was very nice. I have now spent over an hour trying to find a spot where I actually do the transfer. I have been in and out of every single menu on my account I have done Google searches I’ve went back to the page that I bought it from there is no link anywhere.

It should be congratulations on purchasing your three paid character transfers … “Would you like to do one right now???”

Could someone please help and put a link on how to get to the character transfer page.

Thank You in Advance!!

You can get 3 for price of one? Need to all be on one account?

You do the actual transfer in game I believe, on the character screen. Memory is a little foggy as I did it months ago but look there and see what you find.

Need this available for TBC Classic

So i bought a three pack and a single xfer… could only use one the. Yhe other 3 disappeared. Do i have to wait the 72 hours to use my second one?

I am in need of multiple character transfers for multiple different accounts. If I were to purchase the 3 character transfer bundle would I be able to use them on my account and one for each of my 2 brothers accounts? Or can I buy the 3 bundle and gift 2 of them to other people?

Here what I’m not sure it works or not. But sense I started a new wow account like a mouth ago I wanted to transfer some characters from my bro account to mine so after I followed everything it said and did the transfer that character on his account was not there so I assumed it worked. When I log on to my account it was not there. So what I wanted to know is. Did go to classic wow or dose it take time?