Nothing pisses me off more than blizzard acting like everything is fine

it would be nice if everything was ok but its not

Well, OP, I agree there are issues, but I might point out that a lot of companies have had stock drops over the last year. If you check out the Nasdaq for Apple (which I think we can agree is a fairly major corporation) in October they were trading for US$232, they are currently at US$179. The market, including the 100 Index, has a lot of red on it.

You cannot always judge a company’s performance by its stock price, which is, by its nature, variable.


The saturation of details in the world is prolly why many things are off/bugged/not feeling smooth.
Have you notice how detailed the world is now. Huge platoons of forsaken gathered around the war table, Horde soilders flowing out Orgrimmars front gate and they run to boot camp and do a whole routine.
Kul Tiras buildings with multi floors and lush furnishings and Ships with full crews sailing around doing work.
The price of all this detail was the game play.

I could quote the thousands upon thousands of really great suggestions that have been made from WoD until the forums were moved to this platform, but you could just go back and look for yourself if they’re not deleted yet.

It’s ridiculous that people keep saying that there aren’t good suggestions. Open your eyes and read because there have been plenty which have been ignored, from years ago until just recently.

One example: 8 months of hunter forum being ignored in Legion beta, anyone? Which resulted in hunters not being the #1 most played class for the first time ever in WoW when Legion launched.


ahhh nice… was about to post this but good thing i checked if someone already did beforehand :slight_smile:

Expansion sales were stellar. Everything IS fine. There’s a good chance the next expansion will also do well based on hype and nostalgia. What happens in between isn’t as relevant as it used to be.

Much like someone else stated earlier in this thread, they do listen to suggestions we do, but they can’t listen to everyone’s suggestion as everyone doesn’t have the same opinion, and they can’t cater to what everyone wants. Especially since they themselves also need to take into account of what that said change might actually do to the game long term or short term. Sure they’d probably love to buff certain classes that way people aren’t absolutely raging over it, but what would that buff do to the PvE and PvP community? It could drastically shift things because if that buff is so good and stomps everyone else out of the ball park in some form or another, instantly people prefer that class more than any of the other ones.

While I don’t think classes should just sit there without being changed for months and months, I don’t think that their idea of balance and our idea of balance is the worlds easiest when they have to look at EVERY number as a whole, and the game as a whole, and the community as a whole. The reality is that no matter what, someone still probably wont be happy with whatever change they make.

But, suggestions still help even if people feel that it isn’t being heard or viewed. Just because people feel that there’s so much suggestions they don’t need to make suggestions isn’t the case. Anyone’s feedback is still always good feedback, and simply complaining to complain is a bit ridiculous.

Why won’t you share legion numbers ? Yeah right ! Because that won’t serve your agenda .games have ups and down and with wow that is only common .the game is living since 2004 .
You can always come back when you think you can enjoy the game .by the time being you can play any other moo that you enjoy or do you spend your whole day ranting about how life has been unfair to you ?

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I think players are catching on and this trick won’t work for too much longer. People are already feeling very ripped off.

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The “reason” for the 30% drop is because of overall market instability, and a lot of that is because we have a degenerate in charge.

P.S. I’m sorry you’re unhappy with the game. It used to be way more fun.

We have. For months.


Yep. All summarily ignored or paid lip service.


I was talking to a specific person, not you.

I know that. But the response you gave is one that can be traced everywhere towards someone complains about the game in any fashion, and it’s annoying. It does nothing to better the conversation, but instead just complicates things for no reason but to try and redirect the entirety of the person’s argument.

For months we as a COMMUNITY have given our feedback over and over. Not every thread that is highlighting valid issues on the game needs to give out solutions when plenty have already been provided.

As HeelVsBabyface said: “Just play your game.”

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If he makes a thread about not liking the game he should 100% suggest things. He should not expect someone reading to have read other threads.

The feedback isn’t directed at you so it is irrelevant whether you have or haven’t read it.

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Actually he should. It’s kind of Blizzard’s job as a developer to listen to their player’s feedback. Hell, (if I remember correctly) “Players first” is one of their core values.


Duracell batteries, there’s going to be a huge surge in sales over the next month :stuck_out_tongue: