Nothing pisses me off more than blizzard acting like everything is fine

  1. That’s not op’s job
  2. Blizzard would just ignore the feedback like they’ve been doing.

lol, what? They were at a 56B market cap October 11th and as of Dec 21 they are at 34B. In November it was at 52B, that’s still a massive drop from November to the end of december.

The Feds increases interest rates is the biggest reason for the markets dropping. That said, EA and Activision dropped off much steeper then the others. Over valued as hell.

As if posting constructive feedback does any good. The devs have been AFK for three expansions now. Most probably don’t know they have community forums. :stuck_out_tongue:

But it is fine, blizzard could survive probably another 20 years without any issues. EA can stop publishing games and survive just fine off Madden

Its not that they are not making money they are jsut nothing making enough money to satisfy their investors :rofl::rofl:

BFA is perfectly fine. You’re the problem if you hate it. I can understand if you’re bored of playing the same game after how many years but your sense of entitlement isn’t something Blizzard can fix.

Mouthful said. And true.


The stock market has been going up and down a lot this year. Christmas was the lowest since the great depression. Tech and Game companies seem to be the ones hardest hit. So i’m not sharing your viewpoint there. There has been players asking for PVP expac for years. I am a PvE player. I’m not a fan of War Mode. However Whatever Blizzard does or doesn’t do, there are going to be people rage dumping about something.

Noticed how the blues stopped addressing or responding to things like this? They know its true but are under NDA to not admit to it. That’s why the slient treatment. Guessing alot of cms are no longer around only seen a couple posting. Hours might have gotten cut .
As for the survery its no different then ignored feedback from beta. It’s just a way to trick the customer into believing that there being listened to. As a way to blow off steam.

I don’t think one snapshot of a stock means much…just like the morons that panic when the market drops 700 points 9ne day. Yes that’s alot…but study any investment class or speak to any wall street type…investing is a long term game. If you have nausea every day the market drops…you’re not a good investor thats just cold hard truth.

But the point still holds…blizzard does feel lacking lately. I had spark for bfa for the first 2 months…then its flat. I get more fun leveling alts in old content.

They keep focusing on keeping players playing longer rather than the QUALITY of that time spent in their game.

New races (well skins) but locked to rep. The ongoing pathfinder thing…obviously methods to keep you playing longer.

Thats all they seemingly care about.

There’s more points but i got distracted by someone so ill end here. Lol…


Considering that WOW is propping up the entire company, they better hope BfA is fine.

Yup i just cancelled my account because I just got removed off a raid(willingly) team due to the fact they screwed ele shamans with the 8.1 rework and i find every other class in game boring, nor do i want to waste the g/time regearing yet ANOTHER disappointment… at least in 8.0 i was doing 12-14k (bottom tier), but now i’m barely hitting for 8-10k same gear. Despite the last 12hrs beating on target dummies/respeccing etc…

(Those of you who are saying ele is fine, /inspect your target next time, and you will see they are ENH as they get electric skills too…)

Best part is it took the 150% damage increase buff in a warfront to compete with other classes less geared then me… XD 1600hrs + gone by blizzard crapping on classes and not actually thinking things through…

Acting like things are amiss causes stock prices to fall even further.

It is not like u have bought some shares in blizzard .if so there is no need to panic on it .it is shareholder and blizzard problem not urs.

Everything is fine right now honestly.

Blizzard is preparing for a lean 2019. That’s really all there is to it.

PvE-wise I couldn’t care less about anything for at least a year. Once 8.2 comes, I might get back into raiding. But right now, I don’t care. Uldir is a horde raid, and well… the next one is just dumb it should have been a war front or something. As for PvP. Hah.

I don’t think things are “fine”, but there’s also a lot of hyperbole that gets thrown around. There are times where we’re our own worst enemy as fans churning drama.

Heroes of the Storm was handled badly, and frankly, exceptionally stupidly right before the holiday. One thing to decide to close their eSports, but sending it as a FREAKING blog that let everyone, including the actual competitiors, only know was seriously poor business and PR. There were far better ways to handle this, and not leave people scrambling for their very livelihoods.

Diablo: Immortal. Oy, the reveal at Blizzcon and the reaction by the crowd was to be expected. They pitched it at a group that paid a lot of money to attend a hype convention, and got a lame mobile rip-off from NetEase instead. That said, I’m not at all surprised to see Activision wanting to snag the mobile money, as it’s been the trend of companies like EA recently. I’m annoyed to see Diablo’s name on it, but that just means I won’t buy or play the damn thing.

I’ll give them some credit with BFA lately. The game was fairly horrendous at the launch of the expansion, with a lot of badly broken systems and gameplay. They have done some towards fixing that with 8.1, but there is also clearly a LOT of work still to do (notably, professions need some serious love). The fact that the new raid was locked until 01/22 pretty much convinces that they were forced to rush 8.1 out the door for the QOL changes.

Hate to say, but we already know the core teams that created and maintained these games for so long have been shunted over to mobile or have otherwise gone. Blizzard’s passion has been slowly eroded by the corporate market, and it all comes down to the money. If Activision doesn’t make profit, they will close them down.

That should tell you that the stock market is different and separate from the real economy. It rises and falls on rumors without actually affecting the value of real goods and services.

The GD happened not because of the 1929 crash but because the fed contracted the money supply in order to create an artificial nexus between the two.

This… Anyone remember the time that a news station accidentally had Steve Jobs dying on their breaking new scroll about two years before he died? It caused Apple stock to tank for a couple days. Or the time that Kendal Jenner caused Snapchat stock to crumble because she said she stopped using it?

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Well if I was in Blizzard’s position…

Personally I would ignore the forums and look at the in-game numbers, like if lots of people are doing Warfronts and Island Expeditions and so on, then that’s all that I would notice.