Nothing is worse than getting WG as offense

That’s all believable until you got to the Milky Ways part. First, I don’t like Milky Ways. Second, stealing is wrong. :wink:

I believe it. Fifteen bars? Stealing? Sounds exactly what a gang of raggedy pirates would do.

Man wish you said this after the wargame, because you and karie assured us that he is a DJL member, and played regularly with you.

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rarely pambiguous term but atleast u admit doing it

idk i dont think i want u and ur exploit friends to kick me cause u dont like me talking facts

like i said in other forums, its fun watching u exploiters split hairs over who is more toxic

its all of u

I heard Urcringe doesn’t wash their hands after potty. Trust my sources. They’re also the kind of player to use rather colorful language in instance chat.

i wash befor n after ur sources r stawking the wrong Urcringe

He is a DJL mod. Still is. Since the whole Ally communities cannibalizing each other he doesn’t pvp much anymore.

pretty sure he said he quit pvp now after losing in 1v1 to another hunter

Dang, TK, you must be doing something right if you’re getting all the Classic Cowards™ all riled up. :rofl:

how come u stopped posting on UR low level hidden profile alt??? its cause u got caught instantly huh

I stand up against jerks I guess. :smiley:

You look positively disturbing by the way.

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I look forward to Hallow’s End, 'tis my favorite.

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ty for skipping ur last q btw u made us start 40v17 instant loss curtesy of davy jones locker

See what’s that I mean when I say all queue sync premade communities are inherently toxic.
Blizzard just needs to make random and epic battlegrounds cross faction and that would go a long way to fixing this.

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this is the way and i get to play with my friends that exclusively play horde because they are not cool


hi snowcrest how about


I have exclusively played Alliance, fighting Horde, since I started playing this game 37 years ago.

And in the 72 years I’ve been playing, many Horde have died at my feet. I don’t intend for that to end.

Next year will be my 100th anniversary of playing World of Warcraft. Maybe then I will retire and allow Lizzard to implement cross-faction.


i have defeated forces of both factions, all know and kneel before my wrath, i decree cross faction queues SOON