A Vow for Stormpike’s Honor (premade AV)

It has already been stated that I’m a DJL mod for the crossfaction community that they have, DJL3.

I’ve known Torture and a large amount of her community since Legion when Torture and others were a part of the Omni community in Legion Ashran, and then later the Horde WPVP community also called Omni. I ran both of these with people like TK and Senseii as admins.

I don’t think I’ve ever called myself an outsider, where did you get that assumption? I simply said I was sad there wasn’t room for me in the wargame; my reasoning for that was that there wasn’t room for me to fit in as the only crossfaction player in the group and I’d forgotten to sign up to the actual event but still intended to participate if there was room based on that technicality. I also don’t want to take away the enjoyment of the game from others because at the end of the day it’s just a wargame and there’s no rating attached to it. There ended up being room due to certain statements said by someone in the Discord that ended up eliciting their removal from the event.

I’d appreciate if you stopped being disingenuous and making up things I’ve never stated and then trying to pass them off as fact.