Nothing is worse than getting WG as offense

Play the game for 1976 years like I have, then I might consider your request.

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i am an elf i have existed long before u were even a thought in the vast cosmos or something

It feels like 95% of the time the reason WG Offense teams don’t win is because they refuse to get on the SR flag. That said, it is MUCH easier for Defense to get on that flag first and be ready for the inc.

its mostly cause people dont know how to bounce back from losing SR, also 90% of the team leaves the moment a single person dies during the SR fight

In WG losing that initial SR fight can be almost impossible to recover from. If your team didn’t get enough kills to unlock vehicles at SR, you probably won’t until 10-15 minutes later.
I know you can kill NPCs but that’s not only slow, but doesn’t actually give credit half the time. By the time you unlock even catapults the defenders have taken out all 3 towers and can spend the rest of the game farming you with demos.

the correct recovery is to backcap the bases opposite from SR u just need like 3-4 people who can play their characters, force their initial offense to work off 4-8 vehicles and just stall until you can shift momentum back

again people give up too easily

If you’re on offense you already own those other workshops. The problem is that you can’t build vehicles if you lost the fight at SR too badly. The defending team will just go from workshop to workshop taking out towers along the way. Sure you can back cap workshops, but since you can’t build vehicles you can’t do anything to stop them taking out the towers or make any progress attacking the keep. It’s a losing battle.

Once you’ve killed enough lone defenders or NPCs to build demos you’re probably down to 10-15 minutes left in the game and the defenders have destroyed the southern towers.

It can still be won, but like you said people give up and leave. Of course if the fight at SR was close and you lost but still unlocked vehicles, it’s possible to make a comeback.

oh i forgot the topic ya my bad

ultimately it comes down to trying to win the 2nd teamfight (their team is in 12 vehicles sieging towers) and trying to just carry that win to the castle gates

but yea its rough for O

Did a WG yesterday and we lost the fight at SR, I open the map and see 15-20 of our team that went BT first.

Sometimes I just laugh like the joker in that bus scene.

I believe offense is auto-boosted to rank 1 after a few minutes.

I wish this was the case. There may be an automatic boost but if it does happen it’s too little too late and you can’t really do much to the keep using just catapults.
Been quite a few games on offense where I couldn’t build a catapult until the game had 10 or 15 minutes left, and not for a lack of trying. Taking out NPCs seems to be bugged and you only get credit some of the time, and finding lone people to take out just takes too much time.

Yeah I get it. If offense is going to win, it has to be done quickly.

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So true, WG defense get’s easier the longer the game last. The turtle is too effective.

Just had a game of WG tonight as defense (thankfully so it was quick).
Alliance had 3 healers, so we lost the SR fight.
We didn’t have a single vehicle until the last couple minutes of the match.
I needed 1 more kill so I killed 2 NPCs and that still didn’t rank me up.
I unlocked catapults literally 1 second before we lost the match.

Epic battlegrounds need some fixes. There was nothing we could do because we lost the first SR fight due to having half the healers. I don’t know if it was a Horde premade or not, but that probably wouldn’t have mattered much.

On the flip side I won all the random battlegrounds I did today so that made up for it I guess. Still though I would love to actually have fun in epic battlegrounds.

You will get catapults at around the 40 minute mark of the game. However, what Offense really needs for a chance is 8 or more DEMOS, in which case you’re correct most teams simply won’t have enough kills early enough in the game. The key is to have people with enough kills get in demos and head to the same wall as quickly as possible before the southern Defense train gets rolling.

The biggest problem with WG design is that Defense certainly has the advantage from the start, and that advantage compounds if/when they win the SR fight. Defense also has a good chance if they lose the SR fight; whereas Offense only has it harder if they lose the SR fight.

tbf, a lot of healers actually just exist and i have bulldozed massive healer differences because of me (and the 4 boomkins doing unhealable damage but mostly me)

i strongly advise we shouldnt take measures to make queue times worse

Making it cross faction and then making it so both teams have an equal number of healers wouldn’t make the average queue time any longer. But it would balance the queue time between alliance and horde and balance the number of healers.