I have 10k of this stuff already on my retail character - yet to myunderstanding you only need 2k of this to upgrade your leggo which is gated by other things anyways, its handed out very generously (first arena 2s win giving like 350, for example). So what is the point of having this entirely separate currency with essentially NOTHING to spend it on?
You will unlock like a forge later to make tier pieces and also used for the new legendary pieces. Just that its timegated.
It’s so timegated that why should there even be a currency at this point is my question.
To start farming it ahead of time so you’ll have it built up for release.
The cost of the upgrades is so low and the amount awarded from activities is so high that there’s no point in having this currency, or rather, the time gating being this long.
I’d rather have it sooner rather then later, make it easier once raid opens up.
Blizz: This currency is going to be hard to get!
Player: BOO!!!
Blizz: Fine, currency for everyone easily!
Player: BOO!!!
its essentially a useless currency. im not complaining about how ez it is to get, just how there’s literally nothing to spend it on.
I guess you have multiple options to upgrade your legendary. Its better to have more then less. And your gonna wanna use it as bad rng protection for tier pieces and xmog. Just wait until crafters unlock the next legendary crafting.
Some people are just never happy and they’re outraged by everything.
With the dozens of other useless currencies inhabiting my currencies pane, throwing one more on the pile temporarily isn’t really a problem.
Blizz really should consolidate a bunch of the old xpac currencies though. No reason to still have stuff from literally a decade ago still sitting in there, just convert all the old currency stuff to plain gold.
Why people complain about having to much of a currency is beyond me
Just ignore it if you have more than you need. Not like it takes up bag space. I s literally just a number on your currency tab.
I’m sorry… are we actually outraged that something isn’t a grind, we earn it passively to use later, and it doesn’t take up bag space?
Blizz: Makes horrible expansion.
You: This is fine.
“That Goldilocks was just a big whiner. She should have settled for a hard bed”.
There’s a middle-ground where the currency feels rewarding to obtainable without being a mind-numbing grind.
The problem is that it is handed out to us as a reward, like we kill a boss and our reward for killing the boss and not getting loot is… dust from under the couch. That doesn’t feel good.
Flux should at the very least have some sort of sink. I expect 9.2.5 will add a sink of some sort, not sure exactly what that might be right now though. We already see Blizzard heading in that direction by letting you buy Nathria memories from the raid. Maybe we’ll buy 278 conduits as well as sockets with Flux later, I dunno.
They should let us buy one or both of these with Flux:
Progenitor Essentia
Genesis Motes
And 262 leggos.
I think Genesis Motes make the most sense long-term.
Man those things are a grind. You get the patterns and lattices and other rare stuff, but then Genesis Motes are a massive block that leaves all the rest of it just clogging up our bags.
Is that the thing you need 300 of to craft a battle pet or mount?
I guess that’s fine if you care about that. Personally I’d prefer something a bit more tangible, but meh. I guess we’ll see what they do. I expect this to be a long patch and I’m hoping that build in more alt-catch-up mechanics - removing the grinds has been a step in the right direction at least though.
You need 500 per