Your post is about you trying to tell me how the things I like are wrong. You’re welcome to do that, but I have no interest in defending my preferences to you because you simply do not share my point of view, nor are you open to it.
This is something I do want to comment on though. You see this as very negative, but I actually loved this about Classic 2019. Again, to be clear, from 2009 to 2018 I thought this sucked and I just wanted to get to the dungeon and be done with it. Heck, at one point I even was of the mind set that trash in dungeons was stupid and I just wanted a dungeon with nothing but bosses so I could collect phat lewtz and move on.
This made sense to me because I was thinking of the game as a treadmill for progression, and I wanted to advance on that treadmill. I suspect this is how you and many others view the game too. This isn’t a bad outlook, how you see the game is how you see the game.
Classic 2019 changed my viewpoint. For whatever reason (honestly, I can’t say), I just became more open to the game as an adventure. The progression treadmill was still there, but I began to value my time spent in the world with other players. Building a group and running to the dungeon together, chatting as we did so, began to have value. What you obviously consider an undesirable chore, I actually think is awesome.
While that sense of journey in Wrath is downplayed as Wrath is another tick on the line from Vanilla to Retail, it is absolutely still there. It’s not a long flight from Dalaran to Utgarde Pinnacle, but it’s still a journey through an awesome looking world, and an opportunity for me to engage with my group, say hey, check in on their experience level or ask any questions I have before we start the dungeon.
Some don’t value this, or even want to engage in that… and that’s completely fine. I don’t mind people who don’t want to talk, though I’ve found it doesn’t come up very often. If you actually engage with people, they tend to reciprocate. I also don’t mind if people don’t want to make the journey. Summoning stones exist in the game, and I’m happy to try to be the first one there.
The option to value that exists in the game right now and is relevant. I can find enjoyment in those aspects of the game and participate in them, and I have the fact that RDF is not in the game to thank for it.
You don’t have to value this like I do, this is just my own personal preference and something that I enjoy. That’s what this is about here. You’re pretty caught up in trying to tell me that the things I like are wrong because you don’t value them, but I’m sitting here like, “Man, things are pretty great!”