Not thrilled with the so called dungeon finder

Yes i use the chat at times. At other times i will whisper someone who is in the queue and ask them.

It depends on a few factors. If i am doing a H+ to help gear a friends alt or off spec i will whisper specific classes to minimize loot competition with what is already in the group. If we are just running the daily with mains i will use the general chat usually.

Once per account though for those willing to shell out additional cash to a company that’s already taking your cash for server access.

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Okay, so your tangent about how the LFG chat would be completely ruined by RDF was utterly pointless. Go figure.

So we’re back to using the current LFG tool as a terrible version of RDF anyway. Which is legit what’s happening in the game right now.

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Yup… that’s because the first play through you need to do all the quests? Everyone then is entitled to an alt… should you want additional alts or faster pace? Well retail is for sale now!! Remember the rule of good marketing? Never let a good sale go to waste!

But you’re free to boost your very first character?

What is the point you’re trying to make?

No point really… just talking in circles because no one at Blizzard had the time to talk to any of you about these things in great detail…. I’m trolling more or less… But, I am also trying to make the point that Blizzard understands your concerns and doesn’t care about any of them? :frowning:

It would notably reduce the number of people using it, so no its not utterly pointless. It would have a noticeable negative impact in the use of lfg participation.

No, thats you intentionally ignoring the intentional differences in the tools.

Lfg could definitely use some improvements (separatedh and h+ as an example), but trying to compare it to an automated grouping system like rdf when lfg is intentionally made to not be automated (and complaining about the lack of automation in that comparison) is just being intellectually dishonest about the tool.

Im not saying lfg is perfect, but it does fulfill its role reasonably well.

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Oh we all know this even if there was an inkling of hope when they got rid of the cretin who took credit for RDFs removal in the first place.


For the record… I’m all for RDF. I just hate to see people get so upset about not getting it?

Pretty sure you’re talking about the tool again here cause people simply don’t majorly use the chat for 5 mans.

You talking about people being “intellectually dishonest” when the vast majority of LFG groups are created by right clicking and pressing invite or right clicking and requesting an invite is chefs kiss

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I’m not upset, but I’d like to play the game I’m paying for an have some fun.

Instead I log off and play games that’re simply better single player experiences cause WoWs single player experience is too trash for the trash bin.

Your post is about you trying to tell me how the things I like are wrong. You’re welcome to do that, but I have no interest in defending my preferences to you because you simply do not share my point of view, nor are you open to it.

This is something I do want to comment on though. You see this as very negative, but I actually loved this about Classic 2019. Again, to be clear, from 2009 to 2018 I thought this sucked and I just wanted to get to the dungeon and be done with it. Heck, at one point I even was of the mind set that trash in dungeons was stupid and I just wanted a dungeon with nothing but bosses so I could collect phat lewtz and move on.

This made sense to me because I was thinking of the game as a treadmill for progression, and I wanted to advance on that treadmill. I suspect this is how you and many others view the game too. This isn’t a bad outlook, how you see the game is how you see the game.

Classic 2019 changed my viewpoint. For whatever reason (honestly, I can’t say), I just became more open to the game as an adventure. The progression treadmill was still there, but I began to value my time spent in the world with other players. Building a group and running to the dungeon together, chatting as we did so, began to have value. What you obviously consider an undesirable chore, I actually think is awesome.

While that sense of journey in Wrath is downplayed as Wrath is another tick on the line from Vanilla to Retail, it is absolutely still there. It’s not a long flight from Dalaran to Utgarde Pinnacle, but it’s still a journey through an awesome looking world, and an opportunity for me to engage with my group, say hey, check in on their experience level or ask any questions I have before we start the dungeon.

Some don’t value this, or even want to engage in that… and that’s completely fine. I don’t mind people who don’t want to talk, though I’ve found it doesn’t come up very often. If you actually engage with people, they tend to reciprocate. I also don’t mind if people don’t want to make the journey. Summoning stones exist in the game, and I’m happy to try to be the first one there.

The option to value that exists in the game right now and is relevant. I can find enjoyment in those aspects of the game and participate in them, and I have the fact that RDF is not in the game to thank for it.

You don’t have to value this like I do, this is just my own personal preference and something that I enjoy. That’s what this is about here. You’re pretty caught up in trying to tell me that the things I like are wrong because you don’t value them, but I’m sitting here like, “Man, things are pretty great!”


Vast majority isnt all though. So there is still some social interaction happening with lfg. And vast majority just using the invite function is speculation at best as you dont have any data to back that claim up.

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It sounds like you’re saying social interactions can only happen in 5 mans.

The LFG chat isn’t going anywhere with RDF. Why can you not just distinguish between the 2 here?

Meanwhile, here’s something I saw in the chat you’re praising right now.

20:27:45 [4. LookingForGroup] []: a question; as a tank who just hit level 80. Should I just quit the game? because everyone wants to do HC+ what’s my next step now? I can’t do HC+ and no one wants to do HC.

He obviously got no replies cause yanno, the LFG chat is an effing mess cause of course it is. It’s why we got the bulletin board addon in TBC.


Im saying i find value in all social interactions, including those that i have in lfg.

It just gets reduced by a very noticeable degree. Im not claiming it will 100% vanish, but it would definitely take a noticeable decline in participation.

You could have replied to him. You could have helped make a group with him and done a normal heroic with him. Be the change you want to see. I do plenty of dungeons i dont need. Heck last week i did 3 normal HoL to help some people leveling. I needed absolutely nothing from them. And it costs me to dps for them (ammo on a hunter). And if you chose to help that fresh 80 tank gear up, you could have had a tank friend for later. You focus so much on what you want that you wont even try to help a new player it seems, then you blame everyone else for noone helping him. This is the mindset of people who can only complain though, and thats what you are doing about no rdf.

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Okay, conflating LFG terms again.

Since you can’t seem to distinguish the two, I’ll just, once again, tell you that the meaningful social interactions happen while you’re running the dungeon not leading up to it.

And that’s how it’s always been.

No, it’ll still be there pretty much intact.

Cause it’s used for raids. Not 5 mans.

I can turn into RDF?

Sorry no, I’m not out here to carry people I’ve never met through content that has no benefits for me whatsoever.

I didn’t blame anyone but Blizzard.


Maybe he blacks out when he posts.

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Oh I think it’s far beyond just when he posts.


I wanted to play Wrath, and this isn’t Wrath. Blizz has effectively removed my playstyle from the game, which was about running Heroic after Heroic. That’s what I found fun.

Look, in the past I would have said some of the things the anti-rdf troll is spouting. But at a certain point I had to open my eyes and accept reality. This isn’t 2004 anymore. Or even 2008. The playerbase isn’t what it was, and never will be. You cannot force players to be social. And removing accessibility and convenience for dungeons certainly doesn’t make them so.

Instead, look at the result. The leveling dungeon experience is dead. At max level it’s a toxic, gatekeeping mess. And these Mythic dungeons exacerbate the problem. That doesn’t promote social interactions. It promotes min/maxing, and elitism, and the horrible e-sport mentality that I detest in Retail. And now that’s been shoved into the Wrath dungeon experience. Whereas the actual Wrath dungeon experience was the polar opposite. It was about accessibility and bringing players together. So what if the content ended up being trivial? That’s WRATH. There’s other versions of the game designed specifically for what these Mythic dungeons purport to be about.

So yes, I’m upset about RDF. I’m upset that they’ve abandoned the original philosophy of authenticity for this Classic project. I’m annoyed they have no concept of human nature and the toxic culture they’ve created with these changes. I’m not happy the leveling experience is garbage thanks to their indifference. It’s all wrapped up together, because they’ve abandoned the reasons for which Classic servers were created in the first place.

It’s the damn ego and arrogance of the ‘devs’ that sunk WoW the first time around, and now it’s happening again.


It can be as you are making a group as well.

So ignore how it would remove 5 mans from being used nearly as much but it doesnt have an effect on lfg useage, … do you even read what you write?

You can help people trying to do normal heroics.

Blaming someone else wheb you could be the change you want to see…