Not thrilled with the so called dungeon finder

You’ve said multiple times you will be unable to pre form a group if RDF is in the game.


For 5 mans.

As if pug raids aren’t a huge majority of the spam in the LFG channel already.

See above.

Want me to copy/paste the past 2 mins of LFG on Earthshaker-EU at my current time of 20.22?

Oh wow another one of these threads. Fresh

Makes it noticeable harder is not the same as can no longer be done. And it was about pugging groups, not inviting friends for a dungeon. But keep pushing your false narrative, its clearly working with the fact rdf is in the game now. Oh wait.


With the way these folks are acting you’d bloody think so. As for me? I play a different game rather than level alts. No skin off my nose, I play games for fun not as a job.

LOL ok buddy.

These are the WoW classic forums, not GW2 forums.

You constabtly misrepresenting what i say isnt me moving goal posts. But keep pushing that narrative!

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What narrative you’ve freely admitted that people would stop grouping with you by choice given the option of RDF.


Wait wait wait wait, isn’t this your EXACT ARGUMENT for why we don’t need RDF cause “it’s good for you to do something a little harder”?

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Because the pool of people pugging for same realm groups would go down percentage wise making it harder to pug. That doesnt mean noone would use lfg any more but the available player pool using it would drop considerably. That doesnt mean i wouldnt be able to group. It means it would be harder. Some people does not mean all people, it would however be a noticeable change. But you keep pushing your narrative. The lack of rdf in the game means it is worling right?

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But then the quality of people using LFG Tool or Chat would go up right? Since those would be people who genuinely want that fake socialization just like you right?

So that should be a win for you.


Do me a solid and actually pay for your sub and log into one of the bigger realms and have a look at the LFG channel.

There was plenty if activity on it last night when i used it before raiding. But you just want to dismiss me as not playing the game to fit your narrative.

And for pre 51?

Do you really need to find chicken feed to know how to play your character in a group setting at max level?

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Activity sure.

What kind of activity?

Cause I’d bet the vast, VAST majority of it is for raids.

Which wouldn’t change even a tiny fraction of a tiny bit if RDF was added.


I dont have high standards to do dungeons to begin with. So no, its not really a win for me if the number of people using lfg drops significantly. Maybe to the “gatekeepers” that would be a gain, but thats not really a good thing as it would likely increase the toxicity of those using the tool.

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For dungeons and raids.

And the lfg for dungeons will always seem smaller than it actually is because once a group forms it isnt in the tool anymore. So wheb you join lfg and see a few partially filled groups, that doesnt show you the 5, 10, exc groups that could have finished forming in the last 5 minutes right before you joined the lfg tool.

As for how many i saw forming for H/H+ groups there was about 20 people on it at the time i used it. There was at least 3 groups of 4 at the time though waiting on a healer or tank. The sad part is there was multiple classes in the queue that could tank or heal, but where there as dps. But i was pugging for a dps at the time so didnt take me long to get going.

Now you’re conflating the tool and the chat, please stay on topic.

Do you actually use the LFG chat for 5 man groups and do you actually find groups for 5 mans in the LFG chat? Cause that was your argument here.

This is why people accuse you of moving goal posts btw.

It’s cause you move goal posts.


They make money selling you the 70 boost? It’s a company after all? Bobby don’t get yachts by giving y’all RDF… :rofl::rofl::rofl: