Not thrilled with the so called dungeon finder

Sorry unfortunately I’m not a developer at blizzard so no I cannot enable RDF and yes as a paying customer I very much can blame blizzard.


Can be possible. But they’re not.

I might as well tell you “I can jump to the moon”. While technically feasible with the right tools at hand, it’s just not happening.

I do, you’re still conflating LFG chat with LFG tool.

The discussion you responded to was the LFG chat so I assumed that’s what you were talking about. It’s really hard to tell though cause you shift the goal post with every post.

Why is this my responsibility?

They could’ve had the option to be in control of their own gearing, not charity from strangers.

But then, I like my multiplayer games healthy with population.


But we’re not in 2019 classic (or even the original) anymore.

It’s outdated content and Blizzard pushing for endgame every expansion while making sure the older expansions are worthless makes this abundantly clear.

If you don’t understand the difference between “I can find good points of travelling to do current content” vs “I can’t find good points of travelling to outdated content” then I just don’t know what I can say.

People, understandably, want to get to current content as fast as possible. You know, the content they bought into.


you must have joined very late as Dungeon finder wasn’t in Wrath till ICC launch.


Neither were 3.3.5 talents. Go figure.


then remove both we can go patch by patch :slight_smile:


Fine by me.


True, but we are in WotLK Classic, which marks an important cross-over period in WoW’s history, which is why this change is so critical. Having lived through it once already, I recognize that RDF is one of the turning points that changed WoW, and it’s a change in a direction that I personally would like to not see repeated.

We aren’t yet at the period of the timeline where RDF was, in fact, in the game. I like what they’re doing and hope it persists, but it does remain to be seen whether or not RDF will be introduced, as it was originally.

This is not universally true. In fact, some might argue that people want to get the most out of the content they paid for, and skipping large portions of it by teleporting to dungeons and having group formation taken entirely out of your hands cheapens the experience.

Some might argue that. Not all.


Lad, we all did and we’re not stupid enough to think that RDF is what changed WoW as much as the time period simply being 2007-2011.

Quite a lot happened on the internet in this era. You might want to look it up.

No it doesn’t, they’ve explicitly stated it’s not coming.

You know you can still fly to the instance even with RDF right?


Having RDF in the game does not prevent you from afking on gryphons if that’s your kink.


I don’t think there’s much left to cover with you here. I give you my experiences as a way of sharing context and helping you to connect with my perspective, with no expectation that you share my values.

As I’ve stated with others already, I have no interest in arguing back and forth with you, trying to convince each other of the validity of our viewpoints. That ship has long since sailed.

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And I’m telling you as someone who went through the same that what you experienced had nothing to do with RDF.

The iPhone came out in 2007. It somewhat changed the internet. You’re merely seeing that.


It isnt about enabling rdf, its about fixing the problems you claim you need rdf to fix.

They are both part of the lfg tool at this point. You cant post in lfg without using the lfg tool so…

Be the change you want to see. All these complaints of “we need rdf because of XYZ” yet you are unwilling to out any of your own effort toward fixing XYZ. If you truely wanted the issue fixed, you would be doing what is in your power to fix it.

Yet you wouodnt even whisoer that fresh tank to tell them of options outside of doing heroics that that player had to get some gear to be H+ ready. So its not really an issue to you, you just want to complain.

They do have that option to a degree.

Do the icc and sp quests and you have enough emblems to get 2-3 peices of gear. You can then buy some boe gear from the AH, gather the materials to craft some gear, pvp gear options, rep gear options, exc. And you will end up geared enough to tank a H+ (may need to gem defenserating, then hit, exc). Then you make your own group for H+ and you are good to go. No you womt be super well geared, but it is enough to do a heroic+.

There are options. But you couodnt be bothered to even suggest any of those options to that new 80 right? Let alone chose to do some normal heroics with him.

There’s that goal post thing again.

So your solution to this random guys problem is that I turn my game into a job of charity is it?

There aren’t any.

The quests that generally require groups that aren’t possible to find groups for unless you spend an entire day searching? OK. I guess that is technically an option.

Why is it another players responsibility to make the game accessible?

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no it doesnt, it encourages people to be out farming and questing because they dont need to babysit a chat window which by its very existence making

only to sweatlord trolls. in true life people are happier and in a much better mood generally when being able to farm, craft, or quest while waiting on a que to pop.

according to you anti rdf’ers, you would still have the player pool you have now, because only the “tourists” and “dirty casuals” would use rdf. what you would lose is the part of the player base you get to say “no, you dont get to run with me” and the whole feeling of power is what youre afraid of losing.

handicapping yourself how? in your competition with the other sweatlords? thats a you problem not a community problem. maybe you should learn not to take a game that seriously and find things in real life to validate your existence rather than trumping a 13 year old with your new bis gear being the reason for your validation.

yes but what you fail to realize is that on most servers… LFG and the current form of manually group forming is a losing system. less and less people using the lfg tool in game on most servers, shrinking the player pool to the point its pretty much impossible to get a run below 80 and now, you cant get a run to heroics anymore either.

unless of course you choose to play a way you dont want to and settle on a mega server where there is zero community, a bunch of toxic streamers, and ruled over by sweatlords. but hey, its okay to deny thousands of people their choice to play because you get to play your way, even though your way would still exist if these others were allowed to play their way as well.

no youre not, your giddy that you get to play your way and you dont give one seconds thought to anyone else. youve proved it through your statements here.

then get rid of random battle ground cross realm queing, get rid of instanced wintergrasp.

how about you research your numbers before you say something absolutely ridiculous like that, theres close to 10k JUST on westfall and they WANT rdf according to trade chat.

its lost almost a 100k players PER MONTH since launch, but thats acceptable to you because people are continually forced in the mega server direction, and that makes you excited there will be more people you get to gatekeep.

its needed MORE than it ever has been, but im sure you wont acknowledge the loss of players because it doesnt suit your narrative of the mega server being the key. but hey, as long as 3 servers are left up and running and all the others die, what do you care?

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no one said to remove lfg, feel free to keep it, and it has incentives as well, so not sure where you get that rdf would get some sort of bonus unavailable anywhere else. and i went months without using rdf in original wrath with no issues. only the sweatlords who see the game as some sort of life validation competition have an issue with any of this.


Right RDF fixes the problems, there is currently no in game solution that I can do that fixes them.


In responding to that comment, you may have missed the context of the full post where I elaborated on why RDF will always eventually suppress any potential use of LFG, regardless of preference.

Or maybe just folks who wanna chill out and play a fantasy video game in their spare time, and are unconcerned with making my dungeon group formation as efficient as possible?

I mean, you like the game how you like it, but careful with how you generalize people.

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Right because for what most people are using it for, smashing dungeons with single serving friends, RDF is simply the better tool.

LFG Tool has it’s uses they just aren’t as common for dungeons.

Or maybe that’s precisely why people want RDF, so they can just chill out and play a fantasy video game not deal with the BS of forming a group.