Not thrilled with the so called dungeon finder

It does, because a relatively short time after release, nobody will be looking at it. Which is the sole point here.

We’re going in circles again. You’re trying to tell me that I’m wrong or shouldn’t want what I want, simply because you don’t agree.

Reflect on what I said here, and how I said it. All the best to you!

Right so you are admitting that the vast majority of the player base does not care about being social butterflies while pugging.

Guess what the people who would use RDF instead of the LFG Tool or chat were never going to be your BFF anyways.


I didnt say majority, that is you putting words in my mouth again. It would be enough to effect the use of the lfg tool though.

Oh so if it’s not the majority then there should be no problem right? Plenty of people would still be in the LFG Tool or chat for you to pretend to be friends with, right?


Lets just say 49% stop using lfg for arguments sake as neither of us know the exact amounts. Would a near 50% drop in useage impact a persons ability to form a group with lfg? Yes or no.

The obvious answer is yes. So rdf being in the game does in fact effect peoples ability to use lfg. So the argument of “you can chose not to use it and it wont effect you” is clearly false.

But that doesnt meet your narrative for your agenda now does it?

Sounds like he doesn’t want to put forth the effort to make his own groups if RDF is in the game. The very thing he claims others are lazy about. :rofl: The hypocrisy never ends.


It’s absolutely delicious how he brags about his massive network of social contacts who totally like him for his personality and will drop everything to run a dungeon with him but then admits none of them would give him a second glance if RDF was in the game.


Only*, there is currently only one viable way to level in this MMO and it’s solo questing.

Why anyone thinks that’s healthy in any way shape or form is beyond me. But there it is.


She’s right. She’s using the right fallacy…

Applies to -

[quote=“Crucifixiän-mankrik, post:1, topic:1527132”]
If people don’t like it they don’t have to use it.[/quote]

Everyone here knows that is wonky reasoning, but you’re not acknowledging it.

Why is it wonky? Ex - If you don’t like H+ don’t do it… but Ron everyone just does H+ now…

I’m not fixing that, I’m on my phone.

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The story of the rise of the Lich King and the fall of Northrend is baked into the quests and there are a few stories and quests that take you on a journey towards the end game. You meet Thorim before he is taken, you see some of the Death Knights that have turned on Arthas and you meet beings that have had to endure all of it…

Is that needed to get to end game and learn how to play? No… Is that the path Blizz wants you to take? Yup… Do we still have alternatives? Yup… AV exists.

But isn’t solo leveling the open world more social than running a dungeon with 4 other players?


Ideally they want you to quest with 1-2 other players… Then you find another group of 1-2 players and you kick the gnome and you do the dungeon at the end of a long quest chain… that’s how they want it played?

Wish with one hand, do you know what in the other guess which one fills up first?

But yes I’m well aware the devs are completely out of touch with how their game actually gets played.

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Wrong. The most viable form of leveling is actually being in a group to finish quests faster due to the speed per quest completed being better than the kill experience drop.

You chose to play solo, thatw a you problem.

LoL and you don’t even know how questing works…

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Post after post about his amazing MLG social skills, able to form lifelong friendships in a single LFG spam.

“But if RDF is in the game no one will group with me!!”



Not all quests are collecting 10 bear livers. And even then with 2 people you can kill bears a lot faster than one.

Okay, taking the “anti rdf” points at face value.

In my experience as someone who sets out towards the dungeon run before even signing up for the tool, the VAST majority of folks will happily sit in town or be in a completely different continent and simply just wait for a summon.

In doing the daily twice a day for a while, I’ve never once encountered someone who enjoyed flying to Gundrak or whatever.

Nevermind the travel implications of low level dungeons where people are naturally spread out across continents at their levels.

They’re Wrath dungeons.

What happens post Wrath isn’t on the table for debate cause most of us aren’t interested. Take it up when 5 mans require you to “rise to the challenge” as if the people in the current LFG system would do that.

Utter nonsense and to boot, PEOPLE ARE ALREADY DOING IT.

This one is true.

There’s still plenty of content that isn’t 5 man groups that do need group building though.

And hell, now that they’ve mangled our game by adding heroic+ they could simply leave heroic+ out of RDF to mimic the system they lifted it off in retail anyway.

Opening pandoras box by adding that crap into the game and incentivising you with more badges than you get from a full Ulduar clear in the first place wasn’t really what any of us wanted.

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Again words i never said. But feel free to keep making false claims. Its all you really have because you cant get rdf with facts and you know it. Which iw why you resoirt to “feels” arguments and insults.

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His broader point is that friendships and social environments aren’t built in the current LFG tool.

If they were, you’d see lower level dungeons being run as well rather than people just using it for their HC+ daily for maximum badges.

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