Not thrilled with the so called dungeon finder

You could technically run the instance without RDF as well, altho if they implemented it like the olden days you would indeed miss out on the extra 2 old tier badges.

I still don’t give a flying toss about the extra rewards from RDF, most people don’t.

You’re just doing the 26g whine again now btw.

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No you aren’t because you aren’t discussing in good faith.

Plenty of people have said they don’t care about the extras beyond forming a group and you just find some new issue to complain about.

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So my example covers these areas often brought up by the side against RDF:

  1. still prioritizes being formed via “social interactions”
  2. gives you control over the group comp you would like
  3. same server

So your argument breaks down to “I don’t like the tool”. which without the caveats above being brought up is just feels and has no weight as an argument.

Add RDF, remove the rewards from it and remove the daily heroic quest as it stands now, as that being the same would reverse your statement and make manual group forming the preferred way, which then as you say makes it “forced” and splits the player base in the same way you claim RDF will.

You just don’t want the tool and have nothing but feelings to support it, which is fine. Don’t keep using them as facts though because they aren’t.

But does not make it MANDATORY as you can still make a normal group via whispers and put a group together. Don’t want the teleport? based on your postings in the past you should have no issue, personally, finding people who do not want the teleport or the bonus and can all walk/fly to the dungeon together. All while avoiding each piece of RDF you dislike. Sure, it’s a bit more work, but if social connections are important to you and this is how you build them, you should have no issue putting in that small amount of work.

The crux of what people want from RDF isn’t 26 gold and 2 badges, most people pushing for it are wanting an easier time forming leveling dungeons and to have a way to differentiate Heroic from Heroic+ since the current tool doesn’t without setting up an authenticator. Currently low-level dungeons are pretty dead at all times on both realms I play on. In fact, the side pushing for RDF has broken down to just wanting ONLY the matchmaking and teleport for 1-70 content, the concession of removing rewards is pretty accepted as is the general consensus that forming groups for leveling dungeons does become slightly easier from 70-80.


Yet many of the people claiming they are irrelevant also turn around and say that because they are irrelevant they shouldnt be removed, and this isnt just for the emblems, but also the teleport, ability to bypass lockouts, exc.


Right like I said you just find some new thing to complain about which makes it pointless to agree to any compromises.


Teleport is still there which even further reduces the world aspect of the game.
The ability to bypass lockouts is still there which changes the rate people consume the content.
And again, damages the ability to manually form your own group through pugs by vastly reducing the player pool looking for groups that are not using rdf.

No, its the fact pro rdfs keep circling back with “well its irrelevant so add it to rdf anyway”.

Ive given my compromise. But the conversation keeps being curcled back to “just add those anyway they dont matter”

Okay where have people told you this? Cause every time you’ve brought it up people have overwhelmingly told you they don’t give a toss about the RDF rewards.

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Nope because when people said they were fine with your compromise you turned around and started making up new things you were upset with, some completely fictionally like bypassing lockouts.

That’s why noone cares to try to find a middle ground with you.

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Conjecture with nothing to quantify other than anecdotes and unverified lived experiences during the original wrath run. I can use my own live experience to “disprove this” but I’m sure you would bring up the opposite as yours. This cannot be argued to a definitive answer. If you want to use retail as an example of your point, try again. go look where most content is formed at end game.

There you go, teleport has been and always will be optional.

this is a big nothing statement. People will consume content as they consume it at their own pace. We have no RDF currently and people still blasted heroics for pre-raid BiS items. It does make me want to ask why people consuming past 5-man content at their own pace is a bad thing that you feel should be policed? but sure, lets not allow it to bypass lock outs, doesn’t really bother me. ( I still won’t do occulus). If you’re worried players will “do everything and raid log” then sadly you haven’t been paying attention to what a lot of players do already.

Once again, quantify ANTYHING you have claimed with data please or just say you just don’t like it and stop making things and situations up to perpetuate an argument neither side can really affect.

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What’s particularly funny about this complaint is that removing the teleport actually reduces the people in the world.


Y’all still arguing over rdf??

Y’all realize 80% of this player base is raid logging right??

Dungeons are dead.

Leveling dungeons are even worse.

Now I need an RPG to play on steam while I wait for Tuesday to log back into wow.

Any suggestions?


I’ve made my piece and am fine with or without it. I just dislike bad faith arguments and people giving out bad information.

true facts sadly.

I strongly believe they just don’t exist anymore on most realms. Big sad that this content just sits and dies with no influx of new players.

What’s your preferred genre and or setting?

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I prefer turn-based combat like old school Final Fantasy.


Have you tried Battletech?

No I haven’t.

Currently I’m playing the trails of series but I might need a break soon I’m on game number three

This is a good suggestion!

Drakengaurd is pretty good but weird.

the “Tales of…” series is fun if a bit more on the anime side.

I like the hyperdimension neptunia series as a guilty pleasure but it is hella anime and hell meme’y.

There is also the Xcom series stuff too.

Got my Classic NES. Think it’s time to play original FF again.


Tales of is solid just a lot of games.

Trails in the Sky 1,2 and 3.

Trails of Cold Steel 1,2,3 and 4.

Trails from zero.

Trails from Azure.

They are translating the other games too I think it’s over 12 games in total that are all together in the same world and come together at the end.

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Suikoden 1 and 2 are getting Remasters released this year. Can’t wait for that.

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