Not thrilled with the so called dungeon finder

That just goes hand in hand with arguing against RDF.


I don’t know how to tell you this but there are tiers of emblems.

The most current one you can only get from your daily. Same as back in the day. Same as with RDF.

Other badges? You can grind those to your hearts content and its part of what actually makes alts viable. Or was.

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He clearly has no clue how it worked.

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Those did work as well, but they didn’t make people do Naxx runs for badges on weeks where ToC was the weekly.

Which is a thing that happened.

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People have made their social connections through guilds since day 1 of vanilla WoW.

5 mans have never really entered into the equation.


It’s a baseless claim until he/she can quantify it. Until then it’s just an opinion with no weight.

Did you just… suggest that dungeons and raids at max level being more accessible is the same as you having more access to dungeons you’ve by far outlevelled?

No kidding?

Saying Emblems were irrelevant is ridiculous. You could grind Triumph to your heart’s content and get full Tier 9 just doing Heroics. It was AMAZING for alts and fresh 80s. And you get your two daily Frost emblems as well.

And even then, I kept doing Heroics. Why? Because they were fun.

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Im well aware of this and when i brought it up as something that should be removed from rdf if rdf is added i was told they were worthless, it didnt matter, so it should be left in.

So which is it? Are emblems worthless or do they have value and adding rdf as it was (which removes the daily heroic quest) would then essentially force people who want to maximize those emblems to use rdf, even if they dont like rdf. You cant have it both ways. Either they have value or they don’t. And if they do have value it should be removed from rdf and the daily quest left in, because otherwise rdf isnt really “optional” as some pro rdf people like to claim.

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And even if you had no intermediate goals at hand you could build offset gear or just get gems.

Because the content was super accessible you just did this if you had half an hour to kill. Which was great.


Yeah, emblems of valors are worthless to mains. This hasn’t changed.

It wasnt a discussion about mains. It was if they had value over all.

“LFM daily dungeon for emblems, filling group then using RDF once full pst”
oh look, a middle ground and an example of curating your own group as well!

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Can’t discuss that in a vacuum like that cause currently you’re not running your alt through a bunch of dungeons cause it’s simply easier to just do Naxx.

They have a monetary value of about 5-6g, so an insignificant amount and noone cares if they get them for running more than 2 dungeons in RDF or not.

Oh no dude, now he’s gonna harp on about the 26g reward again /sigh

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Yup, but Blizz doesn’t want that in Wrath Classic. They want a raid log game, and that’s what they’ve crafted.


I don’t think they care that much, but they’ve certainly got some really stupid people whispering in their ears.

So still forced to use the tool, got it. You are not proving the point you think you are proving. And on top of that with the tool in the game the player pool of people looking for groups outside of the tool goes down drastically, effecting the ability to manually form the group. On top of the fact the teleport, luck of the draw buff, ability to bypass lockouts, exc. Also make rdf feel mandatory to use.

Remove all the bonuses that are not died to actually forming the group and i am willing to compromise and support that version being added. It would still be cross realm (but try to prioritize same realm) for that grouping, but it would do nothing more than make the group and make the players able to work together inside the instance.

May want to loosen that tin foil hat you have on, seems to be cutton off circulation to your brain.