Not thrilled with the so called dungeon finder

Do you know what ilvl does for parses? Have you looked at the fact the other hunter has had an average ilvl lead of 5+ for basically all of ulduar? Do you look at ilvl adjusted parses or just the overall? Because ilvl adjusted parses actually has me with a better median parse, but that takes looking at things past face value.

Theres a reason they are gearing him first tho.

I wonder why?

Heres your naxx ILVL parse.

Here is his.

Also im comparing you both cuz its the same raid, truth be told youre both bad.

I get it tho you only had what 10 years of hunter experience is what i think you told me?

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Aw naxx the content that was so easy i intentionally wasnt using speed pots most of the time because it was a waste of gold.

And no, the other hunter got gear first because of rng. I missed a few lockouts because of RL and thats when most of the loot for hunters dropped.

But hey, you can feel free to have you opinion parse lord.

Actually my real implication was that features are not tied to the content patch they originally released with. Which has proven to be the case multiple times and usually takes the form of just being available at launch of patch. Guild banks prove this point by releasing far earlier than they did originally. As does dual spec.

But hey I’m sure that point goes over your head. As does that if we knew RDF was coming with ToC or ICC the subject would be dropped.


I’m just trying to keep the topic on the front page in hopes they’ll add in cata, if there is a cata. I’ve given up on getting it in wrath.

In early BC classic he was bragging that he was such a great hunter that tanks were constantly begging him to help them run dungeons.

I know, thats why i keep picking on him.

Dude was like “i got groups begging me to dps cuz my dps so good…”

Where it at tho?

I was a hunter in TBCC

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Thanks for proving my point your raid carries you.

Srart to finish my guy.

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That’s not consistent with you saying that the “proper” time for dungeon finder to be implemented is specifically at Wrath Classic’s launch.

This is better though. With this new logic, I suppose it’s fine that we don’t have dungeon finder even though it was in OG Wrath. :stuck_out_tongue:

It’s possible that’s true, but I don’t see how that has anything to do with the topic at hand.

That’s a pretty dubious hope – If they took a stance against the principles of dungeon finder as a concept, I wouldn’t bet on them suddenly deciding to add it to later content unless there’s some massive shift in the WoW team’s reasoning.

They might be convinced to implement it if there was some data that showed the game was suffering because of dungeon finder’s removal, but Classic has literally never had better numbers than we’ve seen in Wrath Classic, which is really saying something considering Vanilla and TBC Classic’s popularity.

It never gets old, Drink. And it’s always funny. :smirk:


Speed pots were not required in naxx by my raid, but feel free to still be a delusional parse lord.

Because you needed cc then and having a hunter that could effectively CC 2-3 mobs at a time was considerably useful before content was heavily out geared.

Because unlike wotlk heroics, CC had value in tbc heroics, especially before you outgeafed it.

Activision/blizzard doesn’t have any principles. All they have is corporate propaganda. With all the times blizzard has said one thing and changed their mind one would have to be a fool to think they can predict what blizzard would do next. But then that’s already been established in your case.

If your raid is using them you should be using them.

It isnt a matter of required or not required, if people are putting in that effort than all raiders should be.

Youre getting carried.


No you said groups were calling you because of your damage.

Well we now see how cap that was.


Considering how poorly you play in raids it’s doubtful you could even CC one mob, pushing frost trap seems like it would just be too much effort for someone who can’t even bother to use consumes in a raid.

The problem is the lack of the correct tool for the expansion… this tool in there now, never existed and wouldn’t have been “fine” in TBC or Vanilla, not WOTLK as the only tool.

He’s saying the problem is the people, and he’s not wrong. Luckily RDF directly addresses that, allowing players an option to bypass the toxic gatekeeping just to join a dungeon group.

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In retail I have had some wth is this pulls of the 5 people.

THere was nothing meta about the matchup. 3 dps, all rogues.

and we made it work. even as one of the rogues…I’d have liked 1 ranged rdps really. but we got the job done. 4 bosses dead, calling done, pay me.

classic isn’t seeing this happening really.

You don’t need speed pots to parse.

I still have 2 of the 5 I got from dinging 80 on my paladin and have decent parses. Speed pots are a crutch, nothing more.