Not thrilled with the so called dungeon finder

Having an announced release phase says hello.

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Nice red herring.

But to bring us back on topic: No, systems don’t necessarily need to be implemented at Classic launch just because they belonged to the respective expansion at some point. Guild banks are proof that systems and features can and will be phase-gated just like content is.

I think I come up with some original and unique ad hominems. But I don’t expect you to appreciate them. My trolling gets much deeper under your skin than your trolling does mine. Come on, you can do better.

Which brings us back to the point you didn’t understand.

If RDF had an announced release date whether it was with ToC or ICC at this point there wouldn’t be any discussion on the topic. Just like there wasn’t with guild banks.


“You’re too stupid to comprehend” is more or less the exact same ad hominem that has been used thousands of times in all these dungeon finder threads, maybe just worded very slightly differently.

And trust me, your trolling doesn’t get under my skin. As I pointed out, outlining the blunders of people who pretend to debate is incredibly entertaining to me, and it comes with the added satisfaction that it helps anyone who joins in the discussion see you and your arguments for what you are.

“It ain’t much, but it’s honest work.”

Oh, I understood just fine.

"I mean the proper time based on how classic has been handled would have been at wrath launch as RDF is not content."


"Dungeon finder should have been implemented at launch because it's a system/feature, not content"

But that’s an incorrect conclusion that has been unequivocally disproven by “how classic has been handled”, as you put it. Nice additional red herring, by the way.

Yeah, that’s plausible.

Though I think people still would’ve whined incessantly until the date it was implemented.

Insulting worthless nobodies is incredibly entertaining to me. We all have our guilty pleasures.

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I can tell! I guess that’s why you said

in reference to your own words. :rofl:

No, that’s why I said

Already here man! Level 15 and having a blast :wink:

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There’s nothing to debate. The game is being tailored around a specific demographic, namely yours, that is great for those that lie within it but not so much for others such as wrath babies like me (I’m not a wrath baby really but I throw myself under that demo anyways).

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That is literally the most debatable concept in this discussion… :stuck_out_tongue:

gestures broadly at thousands of dungeon finder threads across the forums

Especially as it relates to Classic, I don’t think it matters which era you were a baby in. I was a Wrath baby myself!

I don’t believe you, but taking you to face value, you’re a traitor to us wrath babies all.

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What? xD

No wrath baby would be against RDF. You calling yourself one doesn’t follow logic.

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Incorrect. When you started playing a game doesn’t determine which style of that game you enjoy the most. That’s like saying it’s impossible for someone born in the 90s to prefer watching old black and white movies.


Me calling myself one is just a fact.

Did he really try to use guild banks as a comparison? A system that came in originally in 2.3, but with launch raid content on TBCC in the first update. And only that late because Activision pressured the team to release TBCC before it was ready (confirmed by Brian Birmingham).

Ok, that’s a lovely comparison. Going by that, then RDF should have been included with Naxx back in November.

So now the two remaining anti-rdf posters both agree RDF should have been included three months ago. :+1:

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I see you are still just putting words in other people’s mouth and ignoring what they actually said. Then again i don’t expect anything more from the person that changes stances on a topic like rdf just because you like sturring the pot.

Im sure your guild will be looking forward to carrying you the rest of the way, from start to finish.


Ziryus’ implication was that systems/features are included at the launch of the Classic era, if those systems/features existed at any point in the respective original content.

And I pointed out that this is incorrect, showing that guild banks weren’t implemented at TBC Classic’s launch, and there were no plans to do so.


Haha, just kidding, I know you’re allergic to citing sources. :rofl: Meanwhile, Kaivax said that they had no plans of implementing guild banks at launch.

Poor Zaalg can’t read. :pensive: :pray: How can we ever redeem him?

Finished all the raids this week and got 0 light yogg today.

Yall still arguing about RDF?

Cant wait to log on again next tues to raid.

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