Not thrilled with the so called dungeon finder

Because it does. In a discussion of how much rdf was a part of wotlk, raw time is not the only factor. It also matters how much it was in major content patches.

But feel free to keep pushing your agenda with statistics that only show the part of the picture you want it to show.

Well it’s time before you have cooked it, personally I prefer my time medium rare with a nice char on the outside.


Wasnt aware i could go into toc or icc dungeons yet. Oh wait.

You are grasping at straws.

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Whoa… so you know so little about RDF you don’t even realize it worked for all dungeons? Not just ICC dungeons, not just wrath dungeons, all dungeons.


But it is, you just refuse to accept that it was in the expansion for just about half of it.

Cause it doesn’t suit your narrative while you’re accusing others of trying to run with a narrative.

Move on, there’s no winning this one for you.

Whoa another false argument? What a suprise.

How much was rdf a part of wotlk, Is the discussion, if you want to talk agenda based propaganda, go for it. Ill use facts though.

It’s a common theme that anti-rdf posters either didn’t play back then, or have forgotten how the tool worked. I’ve had to educate many of them.

You have never presented a single fact that didn’t support the opposite of what you thought it did. The day you present an actual fact in this debate is the day I unsub forever.


Facts that include “I feel like it wasn’t present for much of the content” an entirely unquantifiable measurement.

Saying it went in with a raid is meaningless. What does that mean to someone who doesn’t raid? Absolutely nothing. Which is why time is the only metric to use. It encompasses all play styles and has no bias. And RDF was in half of Wrath. And even that doesn’t matter, as Red pointed out comparing it to guild banks, which went in like 10 months early in Classic.

Now ask him how long cross-realm bgs were in Vanilla. Like 10-15%. Compared to RDF half of Wrath. Yet not only did Blizz not remove cross-realm bgs. They put them in FAR earlier than original.

He has no argument. Everything he says has been proven wrong. Facts are facts. At this point he’s just trolling.


Some people level so fast they’re literally going close to the speed of light. Time runs differently when you approach the speed of light.


Or the black hole of logic that is the anti-rdf argument.

Red thinks time runs differently when there’s a content drought and Aurumai thinks corporations never lie to the public. I think they win the award for the dumbest people on the forum

There is no feel about it.

Was rdf in at 3.0? Yes or no
And finally 3.3, the only major content patch of wotlk that rdf was a part of.

Thats 1/4 or 25%.

So its a fact to say rdf was part of wotlk for 25% of the major content patches.

Go read the patch notes. They prove me right because its based on historical facts.

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You would already be unsubbed if you actually meant this.

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Again, utterly irrelevant when discussing how long RDF was in Wrath.

It went in with the same major content patch as a raid. The very 1st day of being able to use rdf, i was able to enter icc raid and dungeons. Thats a fact.

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Yet entirely relevent when talking about how much rdf was actually a part of wotlk.

Your obsession of only looking at the factors that support your agenda isnt really surprising though.

I do and I’m still waiting for one single fact to be posted by you in regards to this discussion.

Between you goal post moving, denial of gatekeeping at any level, and general lack of knowledge about how to read graphs and parse data it sounds like I will be here a while longer.

Or do you want to repost the subscription graph that shows nothing but a growth increase during wrath including the time period where RDF was introduced and only dipped once Cataclysm was released and then only really dipped in Q2 of Cata release?

Or maybe you want to incorrectly attribute quotes to blue posts again?

Take the easy way you should have long ago:
“I dislike it, I don’t want to have it around” instead of making up stories and using your feelings as facts.