Not thrilled with the so called dungeon finder

Again, only looking at the statistics you want to meet your agenda.

Tell me, did all of wotlk content come out in 3.3 or just a small part of it in comparison to all the wotlk content?

Major content patches matter as well.

Rdf was part of the game for 25% of the major content patches.

Thats a statistic you are ignoring because it doesnt meet your agenda. You ignore the content drought that occurred and heavily inflated the time factor because it doesnt meet your agenda.

Dude, you’re literally trying to say “time doesn’t mean anything” while accusing me of trying to form a narrative.

This is the dumbest argument you’ve ever presented and that’s saying something.


You should be having flashbacks to over 100 years of corporate history. But you can’t have a flashback to something you’re completely ignorant of. Not only are you completely ignorant of history before you were born but you don’t even read enough news to know what’s happening in court right now. I suppose qanon told you that the Dominion lawsuit was a democrat conspiracy and all a lie.

No rational counter argument. At least you’re smart enough to know how brain dead stupid it is to claim that corporations don’t lie to the public. That doesn’t say much about your intellectual achievements but it’s something

You can’t really be this clueless. When there’s a lawsuit lawyers don’t search every document for any evidence of any lie. They only look for evidence that supports the lawsuit. In the activision case sexual harassment. Just as the fact that Fox is admitting in court that they lied to support trump’s stolen election lies isn’t proof that that’s the only lie they ever told. It’s just the only lie that is relevant in the Dominion court case

No, time is a factor, but it isnt the ONLY factor. Im saying you have to consider time and the major content patches rdf was a part of, because then you are taking into account the fact there was a noticeable content droubt in 3.3 which heavily inflates the raw time factor.

See the TURTLE of enormous girth! On his shell he holds the earth. His thought is slow but always kind; he holds us all within his mind. On his back all vows are made; he sees the truth but mayn’t aid. He loves the land and loves the sea, And even loves a child like me.

When we’re talking about the duration of an expansion, time is indeed the only factor.

That’s what duration means after all.

The bulk of socializing occurs in Discord. Forming groups and using the dungeon finder to a lot of people is not meaningful socialization. Most players you group with you have forgotten within minutes of completing the dungeon.

I rarely even see players that I have ran previous dungeons with via dungeon finder.

Only way Blizzard could add socialization via dungeons would be to add a voip system into the game. Oh wait, they tried that and failed.

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Not talking about raw duration. The discussion is about how much rdf was a part of the wotlk expansion. That includes raw time and what percentage of the major content patches it was part of.

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And also irrelevant as RDF wasn’t available for just the ICC patch’s content and was in fact available for all dungeons.

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In terms of how much RDF was part of WotLK, it was part of it for 48% of the expansion.

Full stop. Stop being this dense.


Never moved the goal posts on the discussion of how much rdf was a part of wotlk i have always taken into account raw time AND major content patches.

Pro rdf people keep wanting to ignore every factor that doesnt meet their agenda.

You’re literally arguing that time doesn’t work the way we perceive time.

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If you only look at raw time. If we look at major content patches it was part of m, it was only part of wotlk for 25%.

Both of those factors give a good idea of how much rdf was a part of wotlk TOGETHER. Only looking at one or the other is intentionally leaving out relevant information.

You are the one leaving out important information to meet your agenda.

You’re literally the only person thinking anything but raw time matters for this 48% number.


Thats not what i am arguing at all.

The discussion is not how long rdf was in wotlk. Its how much rdf was a part of wotlk. Raw time is not the only factor. But you want to use raw time only because it fits your agenda. You are trying to nitpick statistics to only use the information you want instead of using all relevant information.

Rdf was part of 1 out of 4 major content patches of wotlk. It was also part of the game for about 48% of its total duration. Both of these factors are important when discussing how much rdf was a part of wotlk. But you want to outright ignore the content patch part because it doesnt fit your agenda.

Can you explain what raw time is?


BTW the argument that RDF should only available once the content it was added for is available is yet another argument for why it should be available now since it applies to all dungeons in game.

But I’m sure that confuses you.