Not thrilled with the so called dungeon finder

You may want to also look at thr fact thry mentioned 5 mans and rsids, which shows it wasnt JUST because of rdf that they added this system. It complements the rdf system well but it wasnt made just for it. As the disenchanting system also effected raids need before greed loot system. It was more so a change to the loot system overall for all insranced content.

The evidence of this is in your own posts. Or do you plan on denying these facts as well?

Putting words in other peoples mouth avain i see.

Right it complements RDF because it was made for RDF. They pretty clearly explained that without it DEing couldn’t work in RDf groups, that it works every where is incidental.

And WTF does need/greed in raids anyways?


Honestly, until you admit to not at all in anyway quoting the Blue post YOU cited as proof, we cannot continue this conversation. You are blatantly using wrong information and attributing it to blizzard. Your quoted “supporting” information isn’t even from the blue post, but a header to a WoWhead article written by someone outside of blizzard.

The disenchant feature is 100% baked into, intended for, and was provided as part of RDF. You currently cannot refute this. The blue post supports it as a feature included and released in conjunction with RDF. If it was used outside RDF it was due to the change in the loot system that had it baked in, but the system itself was released as part of RDF and saying its “missing” from wrath when it was an integral part of the RDF system is fallacious.

“This makes it so items like enchanting materials will not be able to be traded in the dungeon and using the new user interface option will be the only way to distribute disenchants.”

sounds like it HAD to be the same since they completely did away with the old system that did not include the disenchant. Since loot options and rules are the same in raids as they are in dungeons(from the game options, not player ones like gdkp/sr/etc) this makes sense to do. However you have yet to refute it being released for RDF as intended, we can assume the lack of it in classic wrath is entirely due to RDF being excluded.

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Traitorous critic fallacy. Still old.

Incorrect. Most dungeons are run with dungeon finder, if dungeon finder exists. And it doesn’t assume people are “lazy”, it just assumes they take the path of least resistance, which is an undeniable, universal truth.

Incorrect. Dungeon finder would become the most common way to run dungeons because of the added convenience, which means:

  • I would have to choose between my preferred method (consciously gimping myself), or the method I dislike
  • If the former, I would have a reduced pool of players to pull from
  • If the latter, I would have no control over who I play with

The average experience of that game was one that didn’t include dungeon finder. It was more a game that didn’t have it, than it was a game that did. :slight_smile:

Discord didn’t exist during Wrath, if that’s what you’re talking about. :open_mouth:

It is absolutely the path of least resistance, which is why it became the method most used for running dungeons.

There are other solutions for this problem than dungeon finder. I don’t want to see a massive change implemented into the game as a solution to problems that don’t exist in all cases.

As I mentioned here..

I’m not going to argue semantics.

For what most people are doing in dungeons RDF is simply the better choice, if you want to call that path of least resistance that’s fine. It doesn’t change that it’s simply the better option because at the end of the day my actual experience in the dungeon is the same but RDF is simply a better experience getting there…


What is this nonsense that the path of least resistance is necessarily a bad thing?

What does RDF do? It gives players the option to form their groups with an automated tool. If you enjoy making your parties, you still can. So the group forming process stays the same, if that’s what you want. But players who don’t want to deal with toxic gatekeeping don’t have to. That convenience also means they can run a lot more dungeons and meet a lot more people.

It allows players to queue for random dungeons and get teleported. Which means eliminates pointless wastes of time like flying afk then riding semi-afk to get to a portal. Nothing is gained by this. Especially in Wrath. Instead players are able to quest wherever target want, be anywhere in the world, doing whatever… be it questing, exploring, working on professions, achievements, etc…all while being queued.

That level of freedom is fantastic for the game. Now players can focus on playing how they want, doing what they want, doing what they enjoy. Not wasting time due to tedious, pointless barriers in place just to get to the dungeon content.

That is the definition of a good convenience. These mythical negatives they list due to RDF don’t actually exist, as Classic has proven. There is no community being formed by making groups. It’s a business transaction. There is nothing gained by getting summoned to an instance rather than teleport. It’s just two people drawing the short stick having to go there and summon the rest.

With all that said, if they truly can’t stand RDF, and hate everything it represents…then go play Classic Era. It’s very nice over there. But RDF is a Wrath feature and people expected an authentic Wrath experience.


the one thing I don’t like about it is someone can hold you hostage from signing up to other groups till decline or times out…

Why? why is that a thing and why can’t I just sign up to multiple like retail lol

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My fellow players are acquaintances, we share a love of the game. That’s it. I’m not here to get all, personal, with people. I’m here to play content. I’ll play to the best of my ability, treat the group with respect, avoid negativity. I mean, what more do you need. My personal life exists outside of this game.
The method of getting into group content has no bearing on this.
Get over yourself man.


Red is hella lonely.


Experiment would be my guess.

Df was a good tool imo. Was great being able to queue up, and run some dungeons, if folks that you would normally group up with were not online. It beat spamming looking for group, or looking for more in gen, and trade chat for what sometimes might be an hour, or even longer just to pug a 5-person dungeon lol. I get some people might have enjoyed waiting forever to put a group together, but ya plenty of others found it annoying. The group finder thing in classic is not much better, than spamming chat lol.


Ventrillo did my fault I am used to discord.

Yeah it’s weird to me that people have an issue with DF. It’s not like guild runs aren’t more fun. If people are online, I’d always run with friends. If they’re not, what’s the difference between me queueing up or grouping with some randos in chat?


There is no difference. In fact, you’ll run a lot more dungeons with friends and guildies due to the convenience and accessibility of RDF. The amount of premade 2-4 groups using RDF to simply fill out the remainder will skyrocket.


It’s not semantics, it’s a fact.

Literally no one said that. And that’s been clarified several times already. Nice try though, Zaalg the Liar.

You can say this till the cows go home, but this is what we did back in the original game.

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Okay so there we go the path of least resistance in this case when it has the same end result is the same is simply the better option.

Not sure what the confusion here is, when there’s literally no downside for the path of least resistance it is obviously the better option.

So yes you are just arguing semantics in this case.


Fix some of these bugs, give the tool the option of searching cross server, and let people use it to teleport to the dungeon once selected, and I think it’ll be fine.

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Just fyi, anytime someone brings up a lesser known “fallacy” that’s all they’re going to do.

It’s a pathetic attempt to try to justify blatant inconsistencies and hypocrisy.