Not thrilled with the so called dungeon finder

Go look at the announcement for it from 3.3

Read for yourself.

Your repeating yourself with no proof it was a mini game. You are getting TBC confused with Wrath.

In TBC pvp was still in its infancy that changed in Wrath.

It’s not that it’s the path of least resistance, it’s just the better option for people who have different values than you do when they run dungeons.

And pro tip, forcing those players to not use RDF doesn’t change why they’re running dungeons. They aren’t becoming your BFF just because they whispered “I’ll go” then dropped group without saying anything else at the end of the run.


Its how they treated pvp that is the proof. They didnt really separate pvp and pve ability balance until i think WoD (dont know exactly when but it wasnt wotlk). The only thing that had separate balancing in wotlk for pvp vs pve was CC.

You mean provide information? I’m pretty sure the responsibility is on you to back your own claims.

I throw you a bone here:
“* Group Disenchanting Option: In addition to rolling Need or Greed on items, players now have the option to elect for an item to be disenchanted if an enchanter of the appropriate skill level is in the group. Disenchant works exactly like Greed except if a player wins the Greed roll, they will receive the disenchanted materials instead. Players who choose Need will always win the item and will always beat those that choose Greed or Disenchant.”

Go ahead, guess what this was released as part of that wasn’t around before 3.3.0?

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Did you PVP at all during Wrath?

Done it countless times and this is a repeated argument. So look it up yourself. I know its there. You can even find it through my post history uf you want. This is a circular argument you clowns keep using.

I did. 95% of ability did not have separate pvp and pve balancing. And basicaly all of that 5% is CC based.

Nice edit. You are missing part of the quote though.

When you have nothing of substance to say you use insults.

I have the release notes, I read them with my own eyes and see nothing about it being released as other than a direct component of RDF or an option in manual group forming.

I did edit but changed nothing, as I know you never support your arguments with anything tangible. This is the direct patch note statement, no clipping, no editing the information, straight from the patch notes.

Im not the one that started the insult war bud.

Also for the disenchanting discussion.

This should alleviate enchanters of having to pick up the items and then later on having everyone roll for them at the end of dungeons . Along with this comes the cross-realm-instance Dungeon System that will have a few restrictions on trading, so the only way to pass out enchanting materials from a Disenchanted item will be through the new roll disenchant system.”

The first reason listed for it being added was not rdf.

There was more than CC changes.

Dispel Changes,
Silences Diminishing Returns (DR) Changes, Spell Pushback
Core Abilites Changes
Resilience Improvements
Mana Regeneration
Arena Map Changes
New Arena Maps Added

All the above changes between TBC and Wrath does not look like Blizzard treated PvP as a mini game.

Just the fact that PvE abilities got changed because of pvp balance is enough to completely turn his own argument on it’s head and dismiss his idiotic argument.

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As far as I know I have said nothing inflammatory until I provided you with your own (incorrect) “proof”. Also in general I provide tangible information which you have a track record of not doing.

“We are very excited about the upcoming improvements in the new Dungeon System”
so where’s the part that says it was in no way released specifically to be used with RDF? seems like both systems were intended to be used hand in hand.

“When the new Dungeon System is launched, the default user interface will give players the option to automatically disenchant items that they obtain in 5 player and raid dungeons”

more support to my statements.

they even bring about how this will streamline the group handling DC’ing items. Also seems like a good way to nip any bad actors who may have tried to abscond with the shards, etc in a cross realm group.

“This option will avoid the hassle of having items picked up by an enchanter first to redistributed later and overall will make the process much smoother.”

Do you want to keep going and split more hairs or are you fine at this point?

You rewrote that entire paragraph my dude:

" This option will avoid the hassle of having items picked up by an enchanter first to redistributed later and overall will make the process much smoother.

Also, with the inclusion of cross-realm-instancing in the dungeon system, there will be restrictions on trading items similar to the restrictions that are currently active in Battlegrounds. If the Dungeon System is used to complete a group for a dungeon then non-temporary items will not be able to be traded in the instance. This makes it so items like enchanting materials will not be able to be traded in the dungeon and using the new user interface option will be the only way to distribute disenchants. There will be some exceptions to this restriction though as Bind-on-Pickup items will continue to be trade-able to those present for the kill for a short duration and completely pre-formed groups that don’t use the Dungeon System to form the group will still allow trades."

but here’s more support for my statements, second paragraph:
When the new Dungeon System is launched, the default user interface will give players the option to automatically disenchant items that they obtain in 5 player and raid dungeons. This option will avoid the hassle of having items picked up by an enchanter first to redistributed later and overall will make the process much smoother.”

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Because it rarely works for pre-wrath dungeons. And when you reply that it works fine for you I’ll just think you’re lying. People lie all the time on the internet and It wouldn’t surprise me at all if you were one of them.

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They are either lying or just remembering their leveling experience when the wrath hype was happening and population was large.

I would say a majority of anti rdf are raid loggers and are not leveling alts at thos current time.


And cross-realm bgs were in like 10% of Vanilla, coming out months after Naxx40. Came with BWL in Classic.

So thanks for agreeing RDF should have been added at the latest with Ulduar in Wrath Classic. Though probably much earlier, as it was in half of Wrath, as compared to say cross-realm bgs, or guild banks, or literally every other system in three years of Classic that came out far earlier than original.

But RDF is the lone exception? Except it’s not, because Blizz says it’s not coming at all.

So your post fails on two levels.


I copied the quote. I didnt rewrite it…

Try following the link.

Oh my sweet summer child, everything I have put forward in quotes is directly from the article you provided. The most I changed was italicizing for emphasis.

I even did a search for what you posted on the page you provided and saw you had changed it. Which is why I reposted, verbatim, from the article. something you failed to do. You can either provide info from the Blue post you gave me or concede to either badly paraphrasing or using text outside the quote (which isn’t from blizzard but from the writer of the article covering the blue post and is not valid info, but the authors opinion).

edit: You didn’t even paraphrase Blizzard or Bornakk you paraphrased an, unaffiliated with blizzard, WoWhead author.

So while yes, the info you posted WAS in the link it was not, as you posted, included in the original blue post and has zero bearing on the blue post itself and is in no way part of a Blizzard blue post or announcement beyond being a header for an article from a third party site. Which means you linking it as proof of your argument is even more hilarious. All you have done is highlight your inability to parse real information from a document.

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