Not thrilled with the so called dungeon finder

Those who dont want RDF are the old players who dont want change and wish to relive their youth. You will never convince them that societies needs have changed since 2004. They are stuck in the past and wish to play games that remind them of that past.


Okay, but RDF doesn’t do this either, so I don’t get what you’re getting at here.

Cause when you’re in Desolace doing the prequest for SM travelling there is gonna take you a while.

Which is fine when it’s current content, but it’s not and hasn’t been for 2 expansions at this point.

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To be fair, I’m that. But I understand that the internet has changed from when I first logged into Ultima Online on my 14.4k baud modem that I graciously got for christmas as a young lad.

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Its more the pace of life has changed. Play time for a lot has shortened due to real life commitments. RDF was incorporated so a player could log in and at least do a quick dungeon with in their limited time. Not sit around babysitting a chat window for 10 or more minutes.


That too, I have certainly changed from back in the day of just sitting in Durotar talking trash with a bunch of randoms too.

Which you can still do with RDF.
or even
“LFM dungeon name no RDF”

Both are valid and both were used in conjunction in OG wrath. You can still choose if you want to curate your group, no issue. Those who just want a one and done can choose to use RDF solo.

There’s no fallacy here because that’s how it worked in the past the first time around and it generally worked fine otherwise too. It gave options to those who wanted it in regards to 5man content.


False, there are other features not in wotlkc that were in origional as well.

As an eeasy example, the need greed disenchant changes to need greed loot rules.

Learn to read… i said it was ONE of the reasons, and that we dient see the decline until cata from rdf because of the honeymoon period. I have never claimed rdf caused ALL of the sub losses.

Never said cata itself didn’t cause a decline as well. Why do all of you pro rdf clowns read half of what i say and invent the other half of it with things i never said.

Rdf caused a decline in subs that we disnt see until cata because of the honeymoon period of the change.
This in no way means rdf was the only reason for sub losses…

You are a clown.

You legit just used a change that would not exist without RDF as that is why it was put into the game. Bad example.

That’s not how the data works or what it shows, and you cannot prove this statement is true.

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Part of RDF.

You’re just saying the same thing again.

It was considered a mini game by the devs.

Yes some players considered it the main focus of their play.

Just as in retail some players consider wows version of pokemon the main version of how they play. Doeent mean its not a mini game to the devs.

I explained to you how it was not a mini side game and you only got " incorrect " from that explanation


Nah, he’s just going to ignore that wrath was the beginning and prime of blizzard dipping into esports.

The very announcement of the disenchant feature announces 2 reasons for it being added. Rdf was the second reason listed, but not the only reason. And again, the second reason. The order of reasons given show which reason was more important at the time.

You explained how you were part of a playerbase community that focused on pvp. That doesnt mean the game devs were not treating it as a mini game.

Screw society’s “needs”, it’s a video game. And video games should be designed to be as entertaining as possible, based on the developers’ game design philosophy.

I’m not playing a game that “reminds me of the past”, I’m playing a game from the past. That’s the whole point.

I can’t choose who I play with in a dungeon finder group. I have absolutely no agency over what type of group it is, or what the group’s goals are, other than killing the last boss of the dungeon.

In a dungeon finder group, that baseline dimension of the game is entirely removed except for the rare instances where people both 1. communicate and 2. are willing to adjust their goals to align with your own.

Yeah, and I don’t see what the problem with that is. The size of the world was meant to be an important aspect of the experience. I’m well aware of (and at peace with) the fact that people don’t want to spend a lot of time even though they’re playing a game where spending a lot of time is a feature, not a bug, but it still surprises me how few people are interested in anything but rushing, as if they’re at work and waiting to clock out.

Really, I think the problem is that Blizzard eventually gave people too much convenience, and that’s something you can’t take back. There’s no doubt in my mind that people wouldn’t be complaining so much about dungeon finder and all the other conveniences they want if Retail didn’t exist.

Super disagree. You’ll probably scoff at this, but I don’t think it’s changed. Low-level content (with some exceptions) was never end-game content, which means that it served the same purpose then as it does now, which is to simply be the game’s main experience before end-game.

The only difference is the length of time from [insert low-level content] to

Some people can’t play the same games they used to play. It sucks when that happens, but the fun old experience shouldn’t be retrofitted, diminished or removed, because some dad gamer wants to have his cake and eat it too.

If dungeon finder wasn’t the path of least resistance, you’d be correct in saying that I can have the same experience I want even with dungeon finder in the game. But that’s not the case.

Then go do dungeons with your guild instead.

You know, where actual meaningful socialization happens anyway.

And that leaves us at the current situation of low level content simply not being used for anything.

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I am correct in saying this because these things
did happened all the time. Tanks pugging entire groups, people wanting to take guild groups, etc. your path of least resistance is a very bad dismissive argument because it is not entirely accurate at all. It assumes everyone playing is lazy.

you can have the entirely same experience with dungeon finder in the game as you do now. You have created a very dismissive argument around the RDF tool and need to look beyond you own narrow scope and relying on “everyone will do the lazy option”. It’s overly simplistic and generally history proves this wrong. YMMV

And RDF was part of that game :slight_smile:

That’s the whole point, and junk like H+ and the LFG Tool were not.


Not just me multiple discord servers were doing the same Horde and Alliance. Dalaran sewers was full of players duelling, queuing for and advertising for arena groups.

I am pretty sure Blizzard can see numbers and know they are not mini game levels.

Pvp was mini gane in TBC maybe but not Wrath.

This says nothing. There is no information in this statement.


Yet as a mini game is how blizzard was treating it at the time. Doesnt matter how players treated it. It matters how blizzard treated it.