Not thrilled with the so called dungeon finder

So you want to control how people play the game. And you lie about it. And you have trouble reading. I’ve never claimed anyone was stopping me from playing the game. It’s difficult to have a conversation when morons pull bs out of their az.


Yeah cause noone might want to use the tool to form a group or join a group that’s already mostly formed.


No one is stopping you from manually forming your own groups even if Blizz includes RDF…a system that was incredibly well received and Wrath Classic desperately needs.


Why wasn’t it added? I’m starting to think more and more that it’s because wow classic is run by idiots who always think they know more about fun then their own players.

“You think you do but you don’t.” No we really do, and you’d think the blizzard dumbasses would’ve learned this already.


It was okay before the H+ addition.
Since then it’s been absolute crap for finding a PT for regular Heroics.
I thought they would patch it to be able to seek for one or the other, but … nope.

At this point I think they just lack the technical ability to make RDF work, look at how buggy the far simpler LFG Tool is. Blizzard is just gas lighting us about “muh socialization”.


I just don’t understand the people against rdf, I really don’t at this point. What benefit does not having it serve? Do you really get joy now in manually forming a group to run a dungeon for the 10th or 15th time? It just boggles the mind…


Gatekeeking. WoW is all a lot of players have, so the power and control they get in a game means everything to them.

As far as Blizz…we now know for a fact Activision pressured them to release Wrath before it was ready. That’s why RDF isn’t in, and they’ve lied so much about it they’re in too deep at this point.


Feels a tad exaggerated no?



Nope cause the lead dev said you aren’t getting it in an interview and he is an OG WOTLK dev.

It wasn’t Brian.


Try again Brian was the lead dev, he’s gone, and he acknowledged that RDF was a pretty debated issue that the dev team was split on.

So yeah it very much depends on who replaces him.


Maybe, maybe not. I’ve grown convinced they just can’t get it to work with the modern client they’re using. Same reason we don’t have the quest helper.


“Maybe, maybe not. I’ve grown convinced they just can’t get it to work with the modern client they’re using. Same reason we don’t have the quest helper.”

Remember when Blizz said they could not make Classic servers…?


Make it 5, as it is what we have now.

weekly raid quest is coming in ICC patch.

But the client they are using had a better group finding tool and RDF… that makes no sense lol.


the problem is the people who are all tools


I’m assuming you mean, how does dungeon finder (the tool with automated group building and instance teleporting) affect those of us who don’t like it?

  • First and foremost, you kind of have to use it whether you like it or not because it’s the path of least resistance, which means:
    • It will instantly become the preferred way to play by most.
    • It will be relatively harder to find people if you want to build your own groups.
  • It removes the necessity for player interactions. You can downplay or dismiss interactions in the game now all you want, but with the old way of playing, there must be some kind of interaction between players, which is a good thing when you want group content.
  • It encourages more people to sit AFK in cities rather than actually being present in the game, which means potentially fewer people to do other stuff with, like questing/PvP.
  • It removes your choice of who you can play with. Whether you use that choice to help others or for your own selfish gains, the default way of playing should not remove your ability to choose who you get to play with.
  • It trivializes the benefits of servers and networking. This point is an entire long-winded discussion unto it self, but at the end of the day, why do we have servers at all if we’re going to ignore the lines they draw? If dungeon finder puts me in a group with someone from another realm who I enjoyed playing with, I can’t add them to my friends list and continue playing with them. If it does the opposite and places me in a group with someone I can’t stand, then too bad, it draws from all the realms so there’s a relatively infinite number of horrible people for it to group you with.
  • It trivializes the sense of world scale with instance teleports. WoW was always meant to be a huge world. The only thing that can make a virtual world feel vast is by requiring real-world time to traverse it. Literally no other distance-closing mechanic in the entire game (except for Wrath PvP teleports) is perfectly free and/or infinitely usable like the dungeon finder teleport. Every one of the original “fast travel” options required gold to use or unlock, a specific class to be played, a location requirement (travel time), reagents, and/or travel wasn’t instant. All but one of the fast travel methods had at least 2 of these costs.

These are the main reasons, off the top of my head. I may be forgetting some, and I’m also intentionally not including some of the smaller gripes because I already type way too much with a small list like this.

Well that’s great for you! But that’s not at all what we’re talking about. There’s a stark difference between choosing not to use something because of your own preferences, and someone compelling you to leave rather than actually addressing your criticism.

Traitorous Critic Fallacy. :yawning_face:

What problem does the LFG tool introduce into the game?

So it’s the LFG interface’s fault that people aren’t using it properly? :man_facepalming:

The amount of recreational victimhood I’ve witnessed on these forums over the last couple years never ceases to amaze me. :stuck_out_tongue:

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Do you not know how to read? Thats not what I said what so ever and quite frankly im tired of people like you trying to twist things around to crazy proportions.

And no, people arent using it improperly, its been known since its inception that it changes peoples roles all the time. Ive seen people linked as healer and dps and then the system changed them to tank when added to the group and then they say “why am I listed as a tank, I didnt click on it”.

The system is flawed, but because you dont like the other system that was in place and allowed more people to play and enjoy the game, you dont want to admit that there are some serious issues with the current system.


I seem to remember you saying:

Being that the party leader can change other people’s roles, and an individual can change their own role – after people have been invited to the group – asking if you think it’s the interface’s fault that people aren’t using these features seems perfectly reasonable to me.

I may have misunderstood your point. Are we talking about it changing someone’s role when they join, or are we talking about a bug that shows different roles to different people? If the latter, then I misunderstood you. If the former, then yes, it’s kind of up to the players to pay attention and fix their own problems… I’m not going to disagree with anyone for a single moment that there are bugs, but the actual functionality of the tool is fine and nothing actually prevents you from using it to build groups properly.