Not thrilled with the so called dungeon finder

Plenty of people have claimed its “needed”. Heck, some people have claimed the lack of it will kill classic.
But that doesnt fit your narrative now does it?

The feature is needed for the health of the game.

It’s not needed for the individual who absolutely wants to spend hours and hours trying to get a group going.


Even with rdf this is a raid log game, I said it over and over wotlk is over hyped. This xpac has nothing to do besides raid and or arena.

Issue is rdf would increase dungeon participation, which is healthy for the game.

But that doesn’t fit your narrative now does it?

Right, and the way it’s set up now it’s tedious, boring and distracting. It’s completely unnecessary considering the tool to counter this issue was removed. All to appease a few who want to force some weird type of “socializing”. “Inv pls” sooo social….
You guys ARE gatekeeping. You are insisting people play by your rules rather than playing the way they prefer. This makes the game less fun, leads to people losing interest and eventually quitting.


I’m not. And I don’t know why you’d assume that. This conversation is only about 5-man content, so sure, within the confines of this discussion only, 5-man content is the most important thing… Or really, the ONLY thing, important or not.

What does that have to do with anything, either way?

Sure, but if forcing yourself onto others ruins their sense of community, that’s not you being free of gatekeeping, that’s just you ruining other people’s experiences because you only care about yourself.

With your own given definition, it needs to be mutual. So once again, people choosing who they want to play with is not gatekeeping.

Again, what is difficult about whispering people? :slight_smile:

Classic is doing just about as well now as it’s literally ever done. If it weren’t for the peak numbers we saw in Naxx which were a bit higher, the current numbers would be the very highest we’ve ever seen since it launched.

Barring issues of few people leveling, Classic has only been doing better and better. What’s this “impact” you speak of?

This whole quote here is a great way of illustrating the way you “argue”. No rebuttal in sight. Just ignoring what he’s saying and trying to play the old uno reverse card, as if that makes any sense.

Do you not have the ability to play the game? Is someone stopping you from forming your own groups? I know I’m wasting my time asking, because the only response we ever get is “But is someone stopping YOU?” Not an answer. xD

We are lightyears past “authenticity”, if that means absolutely no changes to you. Your creepy fixation on your specific idea of what authenticity is isn’t the flex you think it is.

Have you not tried starting your own group?

I would love for one of you guys to actually prove it takes hours by recording it. Show the realm time and how it is that you form your groups. I have a suspicion that you’re not actually trying to form/join groups, or that you’re possibly exaggerating how long it takes. :rofl:

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You chosing to raid log doesnt mean its the games fault. You have the same mindset of the retail players who only play for the raids, plenty if things to do, yet you cant be bothered to do any of it so you raid log.

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Everything since locking 5 mans behind some arbitrary system that most people on the internet don’t have the patience for locks them from other content as well.

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If thats how you find interacting with your fellow players, an older mmorpg might not be for you.

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Not automating the game =/= “locking” it behind a system.

Enough with the melodrama. :rofl:

Wait, so who’s fault is that…? If someone doesn’t have the patience to play WoW, why should the game be changed to fit those peoples’ needs? Then it ceases to be the WoW that people were playing in the first place.

Maybe people should just play games they enjoy rather than expecting Blizzard to tilt Azeroth’s axis and retrofit everything to accommodate their impatience/laziness.

Please explain.

iT’s NoT 2o1o aNyMorE! tHe 2o1o ViDeOgAmE mUsT bE uPdAtEd

RDF was in Wrath, chief. No matter how much you wish it wasn’t.

Troll harder.


They 100% exaggerate it. I tested it just the other night for a normal heroic VH. Whitemane at about 930pm. Took just about 10 minutes to make the group with me as a dps, so the hardest role to make a group with. I should have recorded it, but then they would have made some bs claim of “i staged it and used people i knew to have them whisper me” or some other nonsense. They are so deep in loes and victim mentality they cant get past their own delusional bubble.

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This is working under the assumption that 5 man is the end all be all for WoW.

For most people it’s just a stepping stone.

I hate to sound like an anti-RDFer here, but if you’re that into 5 man content have you considered retail?

Or heck, Guildwars 2 fractals has progression ala Mythic+ if you want something completely different.

For classic and prior to mythic+ 5 mans were just an intermediary step, but you’re making it your entire focus.

Well no, because the endgame dungeon experience in Retail is the e-sport Mythic progression treadmill. I just want to run Heroics all day like I did back in Wrath.


This isnt wotlk. This is wotlkc. And even if this was a perfect carbon copy of wotlk, you wouldnt have rdf until icc is out.

Thats all you have been doing this entire time.

You like to stir the pot, thats why you made many posts about “no rdf” and now you are making many posts about “yes rdf”. You are the true troll here and its easy to see by anyone who looks at your post history.

How many times do we have to go through this?

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It also WASN’T in the game for the majority of the expansion, champ, no matter how much you wish it was. :rofl:

Oh, I know. :stuck_out_tongue: I’m just trying my best to be as polite as possible because it would be wrong of me to outright accuse them of lying without any real evidence… Even though I know most of the arguments are just hysterical ramblings.

I don’t get why you keep trying to bring it back to this. What difference does it make? It doesn’t change the fact that I think dungeon finder is terrible for the game, or that you think it’s great for it.

It just feels like you’re trying to draw the conversation to some theoretical place where you might have an easier time defending your position.

No, why? Retail doesn’t appeal to me at all.

Incorrect. That’s just what we’re talking about in this thread. Again, no idea what your point is. Please stop being vague.

To be fair this whole conversation is a stupid, never-ending, time-wasting roundabout. We want opposite things. No amount of discussion will change that.

Until you realize this is 2023 and you arent reliving origional wotlk. Things have changed, some for the better, some for the worse. And the other great thing about 2023 is there are dozens of games with rdf systems in it and you can enjoy those, instead of trying to take away one of the few games that dont use that system.


~48% of the expansion had RDF.

(and this is where you go “nah dude, just cause RDF was in the game for half its lifetime doesn’t mean it was there for half its content” and I roll my eyes outta their sockets.

How am I being vague?

Why are you gatekeeping folks from just getting their heroics done like they did back in the day?

Oh honey, how can you say this with a straight face while clamoring for 2004 WoW.

Bless your heart lad, bless it.

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Only if you look at raw time and outright ignore the fact that 3.3 was a content drought that lasted almost as long as 3.0, 3.1, and 3.2 all put together. And even if we ignore ALL of that, 48% is not 50% or more, so vy the very definition of majority, the majority of wotlk did not have rdf.

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Yes, time.

And during that content draught the game still managed to pick up more players.

During a content draught longer than any other in WoW.

Despite RDF.

You’re practically making the argument for me.

Good thing I didn’t say majority then isn’t it?

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