Not thrilled with the so called dungeon finder

I’m going to need you to explain that differently – I’m not sure what you mean.

lmao my 5-man group is a “community”? Nice job conveniently twisting your own given definition to suit your situation.

Are the locks on peoples’ front doors gatekeeping? Is it gatekeeping when strangers at a restaurant would want you NOT to just randomly sit down at their table without being invited to?

Choosing who you play with is not gatekeeping.

You’re valuing forming 5 man groups more than anything else in the game, up to and including the bonds you build in guilds through raiding.


a feeling of fellowship with others, as a result of sharing common attitudes, interests, and goals.

How many people make up a community?

A group is more than two people. No man is an island, and two people can be a partnership, but you need at least three people to have community.

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And people have a different sence of humor. Not every joke is meant to be funny for everyone. Just because you didnt like the joke doesnt mean it wasnt a joke.

Noone in this game is capable of gatekeeping you other than yourself.

Get that victim mentality out of your head and you will be mich better off in life.


Okay, I’ll sit back and wait for anyone to exclaim “lol” at that “joke”.

Until someone does I’ll just assume you just went “it was just a joke brah” right now. Particularly since you’re still on that arch 40 posts later.

Im not the only one that poked fun at the 4800 mage comment.

For quick reference since i know you wont bother looking.

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I’m not advocating for me.

I’m advocating for the lower skilled players like yourself.

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But that one doesn’t imply a raid group.

It also highlights precisely the kind of socialization y’all like, but I digress.

That’s the point. Making the process a tedious, frustrating experience just means players don’t partake. How is players not doing (or doing very few) dungeons an improvement? Of course it’s not. And the ones players do do aren’t forming social bonds because they checked your gearscore. It’s all nonsense.

Yeah I’ll never say the current situation is an improvement over RDF. Tedium in games tends to be, yanno, frowned upon cause it’s a game.

Those guys are talking like it’s 2019 and we haven’t seen the impact of the lack of RDF in Classic.

Go back in time and maybe I’d agree with some of their statements. But for ffs you can’t just ignore reality. What they’re saying is factually nonsense.


You’re so close to getting it but you just can’t quite get there.

Yeah different people have different senses of humor, different people also have different motivations and things they get out of the game. Which is why your reasons for RDF being bad are purely subjective vs the actual objective reasons people want it.

And just like your joke wasn’t very funny to most people your idea that whispering “I’ll go” is super meaningful social interaction isn’t for a lot of people.

That dude got a 4TB M.2 drive full of all the people who have ever whispered him with what they said and a description of the context behind it.

He hella lonely

He talks about people liking different things, and that being good. But then wants RDF removed because he doesn’t like it.



Cant remove what isnt there. And nothing but yourself is stopping you from doing things in wow. You have the full ability to make your own group and do the content.


You sure do, even with RDF in the game. So clearly it’s not about forming your own groups. It’s about gatekeeping how others play.

And continuing to point out Wrath Classic’s lack of authenticity still isn’t the flex you think it is. :rofl:


Full disclosure - My main is on Pagle (Alliance)

Back when I played original Wrath, I had a main that I raided with along with several alts that were geared through RDF after it was implemented.

Now, I have a main that I raid with. 3 alts that literally run dailies but otherwise sit. Why, you might ask. It’s this whole H+ thing. None of them have the gear score (most H+ groups require 4500 now) and honestly, trying to sift through LFG as to weather a group who is listed as “Heroic” vs “Heroic +” is ridiculous. I sit and watch the LFG channel constantly and here’s what I’m seeing -
“LFM Ulduar 10 - Must show logs and gear score”
“LFM Ulduar 25 - Must show logs and gear score”
“LFM Naxx 25 - MS>OS Must have 4000+ gear score”
“LFM Naxx 10 - MS>OS Must show logs and 4000+ gear score”
“LFM H+ Daily 4500 GS required”

Before you all start with the “start your own group”, I’ll retort with “Are you seriously kidding me?” No one wants to do regular heroics now. My alts don’t have the 4500 GS required to do H+.

“Get a guild” - Yup in a guild. People are mostly raid logging now. I don’t expect anyone who is online to run my alt through heroics. I ask but if there’s no takers, it’s ok. I understand, their time is just as valuable as mine.

Without RFD, I’ll be forced to quit the game once my guild (quite possibly) withers down to not being able to run 25’s. There’s clearly no hope of RFD being implemented nor the current LFG system fixed. I’m not saying that’s everyone’s experience but that’s my experience so far.


The only one capable of gatekeeping you right now is yourself.

Your victim mentality is what is stopping you.

And i just tested doing your “normal heroics are impossible to do”. 930pm server time i used lfg and was in a normal H VH. Within 10 minutes. Sure 930pm isnt as slow as 2am, but its also not “prime time”

a 10 minute time period to make a normal heroic group with full pugs.

Oh the horror! Clearly rdf is needed! /s

You clowns are a JOKE

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You’re still to dumb to even understand what people are arguing about.

No one said people need rdf to do dungeons, they are arguing that rdf is a better system and the social impacts of rdf are minor because saying “4900 mage” isn’t some impactful social interaction.

You been fighting for 88 weeks and are still to dumb to get the argument lmfao.

Maybe have Ikeashark explain it to you, the hunter that’s been carrying you for 2 xpacs.

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