Not thrilled with the so called dungeon finder

And there are a half dozen other options than just dungeon spamming.

You refusing to do any of those options is what is truely gatekeeping you.

Such as what?

No, players gatekeep because they are setting the rules of entry into content.

Your stance is basically gravity is gatekeeping me from flying lmfao.

Blizzard sets the rules of the game, the players dictate who goes and who doesn’t.


May be hard to believe, but a lot of players dont want to spend more money on this game and will do what they can to avoid having to do so. But hey, you feel free to keep spending real money on the game if you want to. Heaven knows what you have done to ruin your reputation that you are changing your name though.

Well he already gave one, you should use CRBG’s to afk in BG’s to pad your gear score so you can get into H+ and raids.

Because that’s apparently totally great for socialization.


Are they making you unable to make your own group? Yes or no?

These players likely don’t build up a reputation for being scumbags then.

How was this a hard conclusion to get to?

Like, what the effing hell was your point here?

Aw, don’t ruin it, I wanted him to dig dig dig ;(

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If you need any definitive proof that everything he says is arguing just to argue…there’s that.

He’s literally promoting the exact same thing he’s criticizing about RDF. In fact, it’s worse. Telling people to go sit afk in a bg along with dozens of bots is somehow better than running dungeons with actual players?


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That’s the dumbest thing I have heard.

So you get gatekept and your solution is it’s ok cuz you can make your own group lmfao.

Can we not shift the goal post??

Fact is you can be and you should know all about it, it’s typically the trash players in this position .

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I’m relatively certain it’s his actual real life job to move goal posts around at this point.

…Which is the scope of dungeon finder. Which is what we’re talking about, no?

Are we talking about everything else? No. We’re talking about the game within the confines of 5-man content.

I didn’t say that, no.

Incorrect. There are plenty of situations where people will have to cooperate with one another, such as negotiating terms of inviting/being invited to a group.

A summoning stone teleport isn’t free. It requires both travel and cooperation. A dungeon finder teleport requires absolutely nothing, and so removes the necessity of those dimensions from getting a group into an instance together.

How so?

I liked early Wrath more than late Wrath. And it wasn’t until late Wrath that dungeon finder existed.

Also, I’m playing Wrath Classic because I like it.

Thanks for the completely random suggestion, but I don’t really want to play Classic Era at the moment.

I’d love for you to back these “facts” up with proof. But I know your alt facts are all yanked right out of your dooker. :rofl:

Blizzard sets those rules, not players. I literally cannot keep anyone in the game from doing any kind of content. If I park my character in front of an instance portal, people can still walk through me.


group of people with a common characteristic or interest living together within a larger society.

Larger society meaning your server.

You really should have the other hunter explain this all to you.

But you CAN keep them out of your community…

Bruh are y’all brain dead?


What “community” are you suggesting people are a part of, that they’re not letting others be a part of?

Okay, but then your plan is to cut off everything 5 mans lead to cause you value the stepping stone “communication” more than anything else.

I still talk with people who I was guilded with in vanilla.

I can’t remember who I did todays daily HC+ with.

Your dungeon group…

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It’s hilarious how they can’t accept they can continue to manually form their groups with RDF in the game. They can literally completely ignore it for the group forming process and it would have zero effect on them.


I mean, they do actually have a point with this cause people won’t be wanting to spend time sitting around forming groups.

Which is rather the whole crux of the issue. People don’t want to sit around forming groups.

So they raid log and don’t actually play the game much.

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I mean who wants to level more alts thru these quests lol.