Not thrilled with the so called dungeon finder

I do.

Jokes are supposed to be funny.

Like your raid performance.



And the joke wasnt specifically about rdf. It was about all of you pro rdf peoples messed up definition of gatekeeping.

You clowns think that not being invited to a group for any reason is gatekeeping you.

Jokes are meant to be fun.

While it is, obvious paraphrasing, since that term has been thrown around a fair bit (the RDF killed WoW bit), you did say this:

RDF simply doesn’t have the power to REMOVE communication, cooperation, travel through a “vast” world or any such things. It’s simply beyond the scope of RDF to accomplish this.

What is there to remove? Listing your gearscore? LOL.

I think they should replace retail dungeon/raid/group finder with this one. Also get rid of cross realm grouping. Cross faction grouping on same server would be fine though. Cross realm has killed accountability

I’m starting to think it may be impossible to convince these folks that there’s more to the game than pugging 5 mans.

What is this accountability? Especially on classic mega servers with faction transfer and name changes being sold forever?

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I’m not sure what their argument is. They can pug 5mans with RDF in the game. They can premake 5 mans with RDF in the game. It doesn’t impact the group forming process.

It’s gatekeeping. That’s…all there is to it. They want to eliminate player options for how they join a group.


According to Urban Dictionary, gatekeeping is defined as, “when someone takes it upon themselves to decide who does or does not have access or rights to a community or identity”.

Ask the other hunter in you raid to explain it to you.


I guess I wasn’t being specific enough, but this whole time I’ve been talking about the necessity of those things. My point isn’t that dungeon finder makes these things impossible, but rather that it removes the necessity for them, which means they will tend to become rarer.

The game was intended to be played with communication, cooperation and travel as necessary aspects of doing group content with others, and dungeon finder removes the necessity of them.

If you understand this then why are you so deadset on “needing” rdf to play this game?


According to Urban Dictionary, gatekeeping is defined as, "when someone takes it upon themselves to decide who does or does not have access or rights to a community or identity ".

Making sure you read it.

Tell us you buy gold without telling us you buy gold.

Your solution to ruining your reputation on a server is throwing real money at it… :roll_eyes:

But it doesn’t.

It solely does this for 5 man instanced content.

For everything else it changes nothing.

If RDF had the power to remove communication and cooperation the game would literally be dead.

Communication of listing your gearscore? Accomplishes nothing. There is no cooperation in forming a group. No more than queueing with RDF. Travel? You just get summoned to instances, so that’s moot.

WRATH was designed for RDF. If you don’t like a Wrath feature, why are you playing Wrath? Classic Era is right over there —> And I can tell you as a statement of fact there is no community building in the group forming process there either.

Because you have to get to the point of getting to the other stuff, from levelling to gearing.

I have never bought gold in my life.

No, I’m saying it’s one reason why a reputation on a server doesn’t mean diddly squat.

  1. Nowhere does it mention content.
  2. Nothing stops you from making your own group
  3. If content was to be considered part of this gatekeeping definition then the game itself garekeeps because it has limited group sizes so i cant have all 10k people on my server in my one ulduar group, nor can i have the lvl 1-79 players enter my ulduar raud, nor can i have people saved to another group enter my raid, exc, exc, exc.

You not getting an invite to someone elses group for content is not gatekeeping. The only one able to garekeep you in this game is yourself by refusing to make your own group, by refusing to lvl to the needed level for the content, exc.

I cannot stop you from doing content. Only you can do that.

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