Not thrilled with the so called dungeon finder

Communicating about what? Your job, dinner, new hair style, car issues, the soccer game?
When I want to run a dungeon you can expect me to be polite, and do the best I can to make the run a success. I’m not running a dungeon to chit chat, I’m not looking for my new BFF, I’m there to kill bad guys. I really don’t get why you folks think it must be social hour, it isn’t. What I expect from you is what I stated you can expect from me. That’s it.
The method of getting the dungeon going will not change that.


I ignore your response and the other 3 groups I sent a 4800 mage message to wanted me.

You also can’t rdf a 10 man…



Anti rdf people gotta be the loneliest bunch of players looking for any form of social interaction to fulfill the void in their real life.



Deserves to be ignored. Well, the hypocrisy is good for a laugh.

That’s the same guy who rails against RDF, then tells people to go grind battlegrounds to gear up. Apparently using an auto-mated tool to group you with strangers is perfectly fine. :+1:


And you wonder why no one believes you play the game or have played it before if you think RDF is for 10 mans?


And do so with the sole intention that be able to deceive others about your gear. That’s the socialization he cares about, lying to others.

5200 Mage, 1100 Res fire mage with 18% crit LF Algalon kill!!!

Dudes a clown he’s literally one of the worst players in his raid, infact the other hunter gapes him in performance, his raid would actually be decent of they kicked the 4-6 bad players they have, which he is part of.

Dude is literally holding his whole raid team back.

And before he gets all mad he’s huge on social interaction and this is clearly a social interaction.

So what can he even say??

Here other hunter in his raid.

Here is him.

Imagine making your name a spin off of Alpha Hunter and you perform like that lmfao.

Sorry guys we are just having some social interaction on the forums.

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Of course you aren’t, because you’re (perhaps knowingly now) using it incorrectly to dismiss arguments rather than actually disagreeing with them.

This is why I asked you to look up what a slippery slope fallacy is before you responded to me again.

A slippery slope argument is when someone posits that if situation/action A happens, it will lead to situation/action B. And it can be a sequence of situations, such as If A, then B. If B, then C. If C, then D and so on. It draws a line from one thing to a predicted conclusion.

A slippery slope fallacy is when someone posits that one situation will lead to another, without any evidence or logical reasoning to prove its likelihood.

So how is anything I said a slippery slope fallacy?

Yeah, because people often whisper “4800 mage” to try and join RDF groups… :man_facepalming:

No one is saying they do??

We are saying what we currently do in LFG…

Please do try and keep up.


Exactly. The idea that RDF leads to whatever else it might be is false. Up to and including the death of WoW.

There’s simply not a soul asking for LFR or whatever the hell it is you think implementing RDF will lead to. It stops at A.

They currently do for 5 mans…

Right which is what the anti RDF crowd is doing. Classic has given us clear proof that RDF was not the cause of the change in social dynamic between OG WoW and now.

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Oof it’s even worse for Red in Naxx.

Here’s other hunter is his raid.

Here is him.


Dead weight.

And at what point did I say that dungeon finder would lead to the death of WoW? Once again, you’re arguing against something I never said.

And once again, you’re evading the question rather than simply answering me

I really should just expect it from you at this point though, to be fair. I guess I give up on ever getting a straight answer from you.

He didnt specifi what content. So i chose to throw in a joke about how not being invited for any reason to something is gatekeeping to you clowns.

Are you so anti social you cant understand a joke?

It’s literally in the title of the thread.

Title of the thread?

I’m sure you get kept out of groups a ton.

Once they look you up.

Title of thread “not thrilled with state of so called dungeon finder”

So called dungeon finder is refering to lfg tool.

Lfg tool can be used for far more than just dungeons.

Did you not know lfg can be used for more than just dungeons then? I mean i know you dont actually play the game outside of raid logging but i thought you had a basic understanding of lfg. :roll_eyes:

The lengths he goes to try to justify his being wrong…


And you can clearly see the op is comparing this tool to RDf…

Maybe you can ask the other hunter in your raid group to try explaining it to you he carries you everywhere else anyway.


And you clearly dont understand the basics of jokes.