Not thrilled with the so called dungeon finder

Do any of you go a day without talking to one another on here? Now that’s what i call social interactions! Still going at it lol

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Exactly, and we didn’t even have to form a group or fly over dragonblight to do it!

What else am I supposed to do while on a flight path and interacting with my server community in game?

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The rewards are important overall.

Still no goalposts being moved.

Havent recinded anything. The rewards are important in the sence of how it effects human nature.

You took a hard “No-changes” stance and haven’t deviated from it in any way, shape or form. Over 5 years of preaching the same tried and failed philosophy.

The only reason you’ve “changed” your mind about RDF is because the only thing you’ve ever cared about is your exact 1 to 1 replica game. You were shocked when they announced the removal of RDF and are now pretending to have changed your mind about it. It’s not that you see the virtues of the system, it’s because the removal destroyed your illogical desire for a perfect replica of WoTLK.

So you lie, and pretend to have changed your mind. If you actually changed your mind about RDF and believed the things you’re saying now, you wouldn’t contradict yourself like this:

You don’t even like WoTLK:

Admitted to disliking it in the past, probably had zero intention of ever playing it. He saw Blizzard remove RDF and now decides “Oh actually, I always loved Wrath!” Nah, he just has this crazy egotistical view that the game should be a flawless 1 to 1 recreation and he’s going to pay to campaign for that even though he doesn’t play the game.


Wow, you guys wrecked his entire argument to the point he completely contradicted himself…yet again.

It’s funny watching this hypocrisy play out.

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Why do you make such a big deal about someone changing their mind? Do you claim you’ve never changed your mind? It would be a lie if you said it but if it was true it would make you the stupidest person posting here. I’ve changed my mind many times over the years as I learned and grew as a person.

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Except there is no contradiction. I dont need the things from doing dungeons, doesnt mean i wont find a use for them. Doesnt mean they are not incentives to do dungeons.

Just as rdf and all its bonus rewards or incentives to use it make it essentially mandatory to use if you are going to do a dungeon anyway. Remove all the bonus rewards to where it gives no incentives that doing a dungeon the normal way is equal in effort and reward after the group is formed (which includes going to the dungeon for effort) and thr teo systems are even and you can actually chose which to use based on personal preference instead of the extra rewards one system gives and in turn uses human nature to make it essentially mandatory to use because it gives better rewards for even less effort.

The only way you see a contradiction in what i have been saying is you putting words in my mouth i never said.

I dont “need” anything from dungeons. Doesnt mean i dont enjoy getting something from them.

Because they changed their mind just to argue more and troll. At least thats my guess as to why he changed his mind.

RDF does not prevent you from getting things from dungeons, in fact as you have very astutely pointed out you can get more from them.


Effing no one does dungeons for ores or herbs.

But others can as well, and apparently that bothers him.


Consequences for your actions got thrown out the window long before RDF was even implemented bud, that was when paid services like Realm transfer and name changes became a thing.

Also, I have said a couple of times in these forums, toxicity is still going to happen regardless if RDF is in the game or not, only way for toxicity to be lowered is simply having better moderation from blizzard but we all know this wont happen.

How would RDF make classic and retail being too similar? Because even if RDF is added to wrath classic right now, Wrath is a still a completely different game to what retail is now. Playing Dragonflight and Wrath classic is a completely night and day difference.

The only way Classic will become similar to retail is if its caught up to retail if Blizzard is still re-releasing expansions beyond Wrath.

I would be better mining and herbing out in the open world than going inside Halls of Stone to mine Saronite nodes.

Same with icy prism’s I already have enough on blue quality gems.

Except the tank/healer bags gives you consumes that are inferior and or situational (except healing and mana pots), the bag gives you cheap materials that you would otherwise buy for a cheap price, it does have a chance to give you rare materials however, you would be better off gathering them yourself than running a dungeon.

Why are you still barking up a tree TO THIS DAY about this bonus rewards?

26 gold from a random dungeon completion means nothing in today’s wrath classic’s economy, you can also get literally double or sometimes triple the amount by doing a heroic daily + H+ like literally right now if you haven’t already

I stopped caring about conquest emblems about a month into phase 2 because I got what I need.

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Its not just the gold.

Rdf gives multiple bonus rewards. But if you actually understood the most basic things about rdf you would understand that.

That 24-26g includes the value of the badge.

But you didn’t seem to understand that.

What I find funny is that he always refers to them as “social connections” as if it’s like a business transaction.

Instead of friends or acquaintances, they are “social connections”.

Kind of odd.

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And its not just the emblems.

The teleport is a bonus.
The ability to bypass lockouts is a bonus.
The list goes on.

26g and 2 emblems of heroism.


Which by the way is a lot less than the 35-50g and 3 badges of conquest we’re getting from H+ but yanno.

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As usual you are wrong, none of those are benefits. You can get a little extra gold running more than 2 heroics a day. That is it.

You refuse to explain why 24-26g when keep in mind that means the person running it is helping others run the dungeon is a problem.